123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522 |
- define([ "require", "utils/Globals", "pnotify", "utils/Messages", "utils/Enums", "moment", "moment-timezone", "pnotify.buttons", "pnotify.confirm" ], function(require, Globals, pnotify, Messages, Enums, moment) {
- "use strict";
- var Utils = {}, prevNetworkErrorTime = 0;
- Utils.generatePopover = function(options) {
- if (options.el) {
- var defaultObj = {
- placement: "auto bottom",
- html: !0,
- animation: !1,
- container: "body",
- sanitize: !1
- };
- return (options.viewFixedPopover || options.contentClass) && (defaultObj.template = '<div class="popover ' + (options.viewFixedPopover ? "fixed-popover" : "") + ' fade bottom"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="' + (options.contentClass ? options.contentClass : "") + ' popover-content"></div></div>'),
- options.el.popover(_.extend(defaultObj, options.popoverOptions));
- }
- }, Utils.getNumberSuffix = function(options) {
- if (options && options.number) {
- var n = options.number, s = [ "th", "st", "nd", "rd" ], v = n % 100, suffix = s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0];
- return n + (options.sup ? "<sup>" + suffix + "</sup>" : suffix);
- }
- }, Utils.generateUUID = function() {
- var d = new Date().getTime();
- window.performance && "function" == typeof window.performance.now && (d += performance.now());
- var uuid = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
- var r = (d + 16 * Math.random()) % 16 | 0;
- return d = Math.floor(d / 16), ("x" == c ? r : 3 & r | 8).toString(16);
- });
- return uuid;
- }, Utils.getBaseUrl = function(url, noPop) {
- var path = url.replace(/\/[\w-]+.(jsp|html)|\/+$/gi, ""), splitPath = path.split("/");
- return noPop !== !0 && splitPath && "n" === splitPath[splitPath.length - 1] ? (splitPath.pop(),
- splitPath.join("/")) : path;
- }, Utils.getEntityIconPath = function(options) {
- function getImgPath(imageName) {
- return iconBasePath + (Enums.entityStateReadOnly[status] ? "disabled/" + imageName : imageName);
- }
- function getDefaultImgPath() {
- return entityData.isProcess ? Enums.entityStateReadOnly[status] ? iconBasePath + "disabled/process.png" : iconBasePath + "process.png" : Enums.entityStateReadOnly[status] ? iconBasePath + "disabled/table.png" : iconBasePath + "table.png";
- }
- var serviceType, status, typeName, entityData = options && options.entityData, iconBasePath = Utils.getBaseUrl(window.location.pathname, !0) + Globals.entityImgPath;
- if (entityData && (typeName = entityData.typeName, serviceType = entityData && entityData.serviceType,
- status = entityData && entityData.status), entityData) {
- if (options.errorUrl) {
- var isErrorInTypeName = !(!options.errorUrl || !options.errorUrl.match("entity-icon/" + typeName + ".png|disabled/" + typeName + ".png"));
- if (serviceType && isErrorInTypeName) {
- var imageName = serviceType + ".png";
- return getImgPath(imageName);
- }
- return getDefaultImgPath();
- }
- if (entityData.typeName) {
- var imageName = entityData.typeName + ".png";
- return getImgPath(imageName);
- }
- return getDefaultImgPath();
- }
- }, pnotify.prototype.options.styling = "fontawesome";
- var notify = function(options) {
- return new pnotify(_.extend({
- icon: !0,
- hide: !0,
- delay: 3e3,
- remove: !0,
- buttons: {
- classes: {
- closer: "fa fa-times",
- pin_up: "fa fa-pause",
- pin_down: "fa fa-play"
- }
- }
- }, options));
- };
- return Utils.notifyInfo = function(options) {
- notify({
- type: "info",
- text: (options.html ? options.content : _.escape(options.content)) || "Info message."
- });
- }, Utils.notifyWarn = function(options) {
- notify({
- type: "notice",
- text: (options.html ? options.content : _.escape(options.content)) || "Info message."
- });
- }, Utils.notifyError = function(options) {
- notify({
- type: "error",
- text: (options.html ? options.content : _.escape(options.content)) || "Error occurred."
- });
- }, Utils.notifySuccess = function(options) {
- notify({
- type: "success",
- text: (options.html ? options.content : _.escape(options.content)) || "Error occurred."
- });
- }, Utils.notifyConfirm = function(options) {
- var modal = {};
- if (options && options.modal) {
- var myStack = {
- dir1: "down",
- dir2: "right",
- push: "top",
- modal: !0
- };
- modal.addclass = "stack-modal " + (options.modalClass ? modalClass : "width-500"),
- modal.stack = myStack;
- }
- notify(_.extend({
- title: "Confirmation",
- hide: !1,
- confirm: {
- confirm: !0,
- buttons: [ {
- text: options.cancelText || "Cancel",
- addClass: "btn-action btn-md cancel",
- click: function(notice) {
- options.cancel(notice), notice.remove();
- }
- }, {
- text: options.okText || "Ok",
- addClass: "btn-atlas btn-md ok",
- click: function(notice) {
- options.ok && options.ok($.extend({}, notice, {
- hideButtonLoader: function() {
- notice.container.find("button.ok").hideButtonLoader();
- },
- showButtonLoader: function() {
- notice.container.find("button.ok").showButtonLoader();
- }
- })), options.okShowLoader && notice.container.find("button.ok").showButtonLoader(),
- options.okCloses !== !1 && notice.remove();
- }
- } ]
- },
- buttons: {
- closer: !1,
- sticker: !1
- },
- history: {
- history: !1
- }
- }, modal, options)).get().on("pnotify.confirm", function() {
- options.ok && options.ok();
- }).on("pnotify.cancel", function() {
- options.cancel && options.cancel();
- });
- }, Utils.defaultErrorHandler = function(model, error, options) {
- var skipDefaultError = null, defaultErrorMessage = null, isHtml = null;
- options && (skipDefaultError = options.skipDefaultError, defaultErrorMessage = options.defaultErrorMessage,
- isHtml = options.isHtml);
- var redirectToLoginPage = function() {
- Utils.localStorage.setValue("last_ui_load", "v2"), window.location = "login.jsp";
- };
- if (error && error.status) if (401 == error.status) redirectToLoginPage(); else if (419 == error.status) redirectToLoginPage(); else if (403 == error.status) Utils.serverErrorHandler(error, "You are not authorized"); else if ("0" == error.status && "abort" != error.statusText) {
- var diffTime = new Date().getTime() - prevNetworkErrorTime;
- diffTime > 3e3 && (prevNetworkErrorTime = new Date().getTime(), Utils.notifyError({
- content: "Network Connection Failure : It seems you are not connected to the internet. Please check your internet connection and try again"
- }));
- } else skipDefaultError !== !0 && Utils.serverErrorHandler(error, defaultErrorMessage, isHtml); else skipDefaultError !== !0 && Utils.serverErrorHandler(error, defaultErrorMessage);
- }, Utils.serverErrorHandler = function(response, defaultErrorMessage, isHtml) {
- var responseJSON = response ? response.responseJSON : response, message = defaultErrorMessage ? defaultErrorMessage : Messages.defaultErrorMessage;
- response && responseJSON && (message = responseJSON.errorMessage || responseJSON.message || responseJSON.error || message);
- var existingError = $(".ui-pnotify-container.alert-danger .ui-pnotify-text").text();
- existingError !== message && Utils.notifyError({
- html: isHtml,
- content: message
- });
- }, Utils.cookie = {
- setValue: function(cname, cvalue) {
- document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; ";
- },
- getValue: function(findString) {
- for (var ca = document.cookie.split(";"), i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
- for (var c = ca[i]; " " == c.charAt(0); ) c = c.substring(1);
- if (0 == c.indexOf(name)) return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
- }
- return "";
- }
- }, Utils.localStorage = function() {
- this.setValue = function() {
- localStorage.setItem(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
- }, this.getValue = function(key, value) {
- var keyValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
- return keyValue && "undefined" != keyValue || void 0 == value ? "" === keyValue || "undefined" === keyValue || "null" === keyValue ? null : keyValue : this.setLocalStorage(key, value);
- }, this.removeValue = function() {
- localStorage.removeItem(arguments[0]);
- }, "undefined" == typeof Storage && (_.extend(this, Utils.cookie), console.log("Sorry! No Web Storage support"));
- }, Utils.localStorage = new Utils.localStorage(), Utils.setUrl = function(options) {
- if (options) {
- if (options.mergeBrowserUrl) {
- var param = Utils.getUrlState.getQueryParams();
- param && (options.urlParams = $.extend(param, options.urlParams));
- }
- if (options.urlParams) {
- var urlParams = "?";
- _.each(options.urlParams, function(value, key, obj) {
- value && (value = encodeURIComponent(String(value)), urlParams += key + "=" + value + "&");
- }), urlParams = urlParams.slice(0, -1), options.url += urlParams;
- }
- if (options.updateTabState) {
- var urlUpdate = {
- stateChanged: !0
- };
- Utils.getUrlState.isTagTab(options.url) ? urlUpdate.tagUrl = options.url : Utils.getUrlState.isSearchTab(options.url) ? urlUpdate.searchUrl = options.url : Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab(options.url) ? urlUpdate.glossaryUrl = options.url : Utils.getUrlState.isBMDetailPage(options.url) ? (urlUpdate.bmDetailPageUrl = options.url,
- urlUpdate.administratorUrl = options.url) : Utils.getUrlState.isAdministratorTab(options.url) ? urlUpdate.administratorUrl = options.url : Utils.getUrlState.isDebugMetricsTab(options.url) && (urlUpdate.debugMetricsUrl = options.url),
- $.extend(Globals.saveApplicationState.tabState, urlUpdate);
- }
- Backbone.history.navigate(options.url, {
- trigger: void 0 == options.trigger || options.trigger
- });
- }
- }, Utils.getUrlState = {
- getQueryUrl: function(url) {
- var hashValue = window.location.hash;
- return url && (hashValue = url), {
- firstValue: hashValue.split("/")[1],
- hash: hashValue,
- queyParams: hashValue.split("?"),
- lastValue: hashValue.split("/")[hashValue.split("/").length - 1]
- };
- },
- checkTabUrl: function(options) {
- var url = options && options.url, matchString = options && options.matchString, quey = this.getQueryUrl(url);
- return quey.firstValue == matchString || quey.queyParams[0] == "#!/" + matchString;
- },
- isInitial: function() {
- return void 0 == this.getQueryUrl().firstValue;
- },
- isTagTab: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "tag"
- });
- },
- isSearchTab: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "search"
- });
- },
- isAdministratorTab: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "administrator"
- });
- },
- isBMDetailPage: function(url) {
- var quey = this.getQueryUrl(url);
- return quey.hash.indexOf("businessMetadata") > -1;
- },
- isDebugMetricsTab: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "debugMetrics"
- });
- },
- isGlossaryTab: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "glossary"
- });
- },
- isDetailPage: function(url) {
- return this.checkTabUrl({
- url: url,
- matchString: "detailPage"
- });
- },
- getLastValue: function() {
- return this.getQueryUrl().lastValue;
- },
- getFirstValue: function() {
- return this.getQueryUrl().firstValue;
- },
- getQueryParams: function(url) {
- var qs = this.getQueryUrl(url).queyParams[1];
- if ("string" == typeof qs) {
- qs = qs.split("+").join(" ");
- for (var tokens, params = {}, re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g; tokens = re.exec(qs); ) params[decodeURIComponent(tokens[1])] = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]);
- return params;
- }
- },
- getKeyValue: function(key) {
- var paramsObj = this.getQueryParams();
- if (!key.length) return paramsObj[key];
- var values = [];
- _.each(key, function(objKey) {
- var obj = {};
- return obj[objKey] = paramsObj[objKey], values.push(obj), values;
- });
- }
- }, Utils.getName = function() {
- return Utils.extractKeyValueFromEntity.apply(this, arguments).name;
- }, Utils.getNameWithProperties = function() {
- return Utils.extractKeyValueFromEntity.apply(this, arguments);
- }, Utils.extractKeyValueFromEntity = function() {
- var collectionJSON = arguments[0], priorityAttribute = arguments[1], skipAttribute = arguments[2], returnObj = {
- name: "-",
- found: !0,
- key: null
- };
- if (collectionJSON) {
- if (collectionJSON.attributes && collectionJSON.attributes[priorityAttribute]) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes[priorityAttribute]),
- returnObj.key = priorityAttribute, returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON[priorityAttribute]) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON[priorityAttribute]),
- returnObj.key = priorityAttribute, returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes) {
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.name) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.name),
- returnObj.key = "name", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.displayName) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.displayName),
- returnObj.key = "displayName", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.qualifiedName) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.qualifiedName),
- returnObj.key = "qualifiedName", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.displayText) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.displayText),
- returnObj.key = "displayText", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.guid) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.guid),
- returnObj.key = "guid", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.attributes.id) return _.isObject(collectionJSON.attributes.id) ? collectionJSON.id.id && (returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.id.id)) : returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.attributes.id),
- returnObj.key = "id", returnObj;
- }
- if (collectionJSON.name) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.name),
- returnObj.key = "name", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.displayName) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.displayName),
- returnObj.key = "displayName", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.qualifiedName) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.qualifiedName),
- returnObj.key = "qualifiedName", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.displayText) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.displayText),
- returnObj.key = "displayText", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.guid) return returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.guid),
- returnObj.key = "guid", returnObj;
- if (collectionJSON.id) return _.isObject(collectionJSON.id) ? collectionJSON.id.id && (returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.id.id)) : returnObj.name = _.escape(collectionJSON.id),
- returnObj.key = "id", returnObj;
- }
- return returnObj.found = !1, skipAttribute && returnObj.key == skipAttribute ? {
- name: "-",
- found: !0,
- key: null
- } : returnObj;
- }, Utils.backButtonClick = function() {
- var queryParams = Utils.getUrlState.getQueryParams(), urlPath = "searchUrl";
- queryParams && queryParams.from && ("classification" == queryParams.from ? urlPath = "tagUrl" : "glossary" == queryParams.from ? urlPath = "glossaryUrl" : "bm" == queryParams.from && (urlPath = "administratorUrl")),
- Utils.setUrl({
- url: Globals.saveApplicationState.tabState[urlPath],
- mergeBrowserUrl: !1,
- trigger: !0,
- updateTabState: !0
- });
- }, Utils.showTitleLoader = function(loaderEl, titleBoxEl) {
- loaderEl.css ? loaderEl.css({
- display: "block",
- position: "relative",
- height: "85px",
- marginTop: "85px",
- marginLeft: "50%",
- left: "0%"
- }) : null, titleBoxEl.hide ? titleBoxEl.hide() : null;
- }, Utils.hideTitleLoader = function(loaderEl, titleBoxEl) {
- loaderEl.hide ? loaderEl.hide() : null, titleBoxEl.fadeIn ? titleBoxEl.fadeIn() : null;
- }, Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity = function(options) {
- var attributeObject = options.attributeObject, referredEntities = options.referredEntities, mergeObject = function(obj) {
- obj && (obj.attributes ? Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity({
- attributeObject: obj.attributes,
- referredEntities: referredEntities
- }) : referredEntities[obj.guid] && _.extend(obj, referredEntities[obj.guid]));
- };
- attributeObject && referredEntities && _.each(attributeObject, function(obj, key) {
- _.isObject(obj) && (_.isArray(obj) ? _.each(obj, function(value) {
- mergeObject(value);
- }) : mergeObject(obj));
- });
- }, Utils.findAndMergeRelationShipEntity = function(options) {
- var attributeObject = options.attributeObject, relationshipAttributes = options.relationshipAttributes;
- _.each(attributeObject, function(val, key) {
- if (relationshipAttributes && relationshipAttributes[key]) {
- var relationShipVal = relationshipAttributes[key];
- _.isObject(val) && (_.isArray(val) ? _.each(val, function(attr) {
- if (attr && void 0 === attr.attributes) {
- var entityFound = _.find(relationShipVal, {
- guid: attr.guid
- });
- entityFound && (attr.attributes = _.omit(entityFound, "typeName", "guid", "entityStatus"),
- attr.status = entityFound.entityStatus);
- }
- }) : relationShipVal && void 0 === val.attributes && (val.attributes = _.omit(relationShipVal, "typeName", "guid", "entityStatus"),
- val.status = relationShipVal.entityStatus));
- }
- });
- }, Utils.getNestedSuperTypes = function(options) {
- var data = options.data, collection = options.collection, superTypes = [], getData = function(data, collection) {
- data && (superTypes = superTypes.concat(data.superTypes), data.superTypes && data.superTypes.length && _.each(data.superTypes, function(superTypeName) {
- if (collection.fullCollection) var collectionData = collection.fullCollection.findWhere({
- name: superTypeName
- }).toJSON(); else var collectionData = collection.findWhere({
- name: superTypeName
- }).toJSON();
- getData(collectionData, collection);
- }));
- };
- return getData(data, collection), _.uniq(superTypes);
- }, Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj = function(options) {
- var mainData = options.data, collection = options.collection, attrMerge = options.attrMerge, seperateRelatioshipAttr = options.seperateRelatioshipAttr || !1, mergeRelationAttributes = options.mergeRelationAttributes || !seperateRelatioshipAttr;
- if (mergeRelationAttributes && seperateRelatioshipAttr) throw "Both mergeRelationAttributes & seperateRelatioshipAttr cannot be true!";
- var attributeDefs = {};
- attrMerge && !seperateRelatioshipAttr ? attributeDefs = [] : options.attrMerge && seperateRelatioshipAttr && (attributeDefs = {
- attributeDefs: [],
- relationshipAttributeDefs: []
- });
- var getRelationshipAttributeDef = function(data) {
- return _.filter(data.relationshipAttributeDefs, function(obj, key) {
- return obj;
- });
- }, getData = function(data, collection) {
- options.attrMerge ? seperateRelatioshipAttr ? (attributeDefs.attributeDefs = attributeDefs.attributeDefs.concat(data.attributeDefs),
- attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs = attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs.concat(getRelationshipAttributeDef(data))) : (attributeDefs = attributeDefs.concat(data.attributeDefs),
- mergeRelationAttributes && (attributeDefs = attributeDefs.concat(getRelationshipAttributeDef(data)))) : attributeDefs[data.name] ? attributeDefs[data.name] = _.toArrayifObject(attributeDefs[data.name]).concat(data.attributeDefs) : seperateRelatioshipAttr ? attributeDefs[data.name] = {
- attributeDefs: data.attributeDefs,
- relationshipAttributeDefs: data.relationshipAttributeDefs
- } : (attributeDefs[data.name] = data.attributeDefs, mergeRelationAttributes && (attributeDefs[data.name] = _.toArrayifObject(attributeDefs[data.name]).concat(getRelationshipAttributeDef(data)))),
- data.superTypes && data.superTypes.length && _.each(data.superTypes, function(superTypeName) {
- if (collection.fullCollection) var collectionData = collection.fullCollection.findWhere({
- name: superTypeName
- }); else var collectionData = collection.findWhere({
- name: superTypeName
- });
- return collectionData = collectionData && collectionData.toJSON ? collectionData.toJSON() : collectionData,
- collectionData ? getData(collectionData, collection) : void 0;
- });
- };
- return getData(mainData, collection), attrMerge && (attributeDefs = seperateRelatioshipAttr ? {
- attributeDefs: _.uniq(_.sortBy(attributeDefs.attributeDefs, "name"), !0, function(obj) {
- return obj.name;
- }),
- relationshipAttributeDefs: _.uniq(_.sortBy(attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs, "name"), !0, function(obj) {
- return obj.name + obj.relationshipTypeName;
- })
- } : _.uniq(_.sortBy(attributeDefs, "name"), !0, function(obj) {
- return obj.relationshipTypeName ? obj.name + obj.relationshipTypeName : obj.name;
- })), attributeDefs;
- }, Utils.getProfileTabType = function(profileData, skipData) {
- var parseData = profileData.distributionData;
- _.isString(parseData) && (parseData = JSON.parse(parseData));
- var createData = function(type) {
- var orderValue = [], sort = !1;
- if ("date" === type) {
- var dateObj = {};
- return _.keys(parseData).map(function(key) {
- var splitValue = key.split(":");
- dateObj[splitValue[0]] || (dateObj[splitValue[0]] = {
- value: splitValue[0],
- monthlyCounts: {},
- totalCount: 0
- }), dateObj[splitValue[0]] && "count" == splitValue[1] && (dateObj[splitValue[0]].count = parseData[key]),
- dateObj[splitValue[0]] && "count" !== splitValue[1] && (dateObj[splitValue[0]].monthlyCounts[splitValue[1]] = parseData[key],
- dateObj[splitValue[0]].count || (dateObj[splitValue[0]].totalCount += parseData[key]));
- }), _.toArray(dateObj).map(function(obj) {
- return !obj.count && obj.totalCount && (obj.count = obj.totalCount), obj;
- });
- }
- var data = [];
- return profileData.distributionKeyOrder ? orderValue = profileData.distributionKeyOrder : (sort = !0,
- orderValue = _.keys(parseData)), _.each(orderValue, function(key) {
- parseData[key] && data.push({
- value: key,
- count: parseData[key]
- });
- }), sort && (data = _.sortBy(data, function(o) {
- return o.value.toLowerCase();
- })), data;
- };
- if (profileData && profileData.distributionType) {
- if ("count-frequency" === profileData.distributionType) return {
- type: "string",
- label: Enums.profileTabType[profileData.distributionType],
- actualObj: skipData ? null : createData("string"),
- xAxisLabel: "FREQUENCY",
- yAxisLabel: "COUNT"
- };
- if ("decile-frequency" === profileData.distributionType) return {
- label: Enums.profileTabType[profileData.distributionType],
- type: "numeric",
- xAxisLabel: "DECILE RANGE",
- actualObj: skipData ? null : createData("numeric"),
- yAxisLabel: "FREQUENCY"
- };
- if ("annual" === profileData.distributionType) return {
- label: Enums.profileTabType[profileData.distributionType],
- type: "date",
- xAxisLabel: "",
- actualObj: skipData ? null : createData("date"),
- yAxisLabel: "COUNT"
- };
- }
- }, Utils.isUrl = function(url) {
- var regexp = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;
- return regexp.test(url);
- }, Utils.JSONPrettyPrint = function(obj, getValue) {
- var replacer = function(match, pIndent, pKey, pVal, pEnd) {
- var key = "<span class=json-key>", val = "<span class=json-value>", str = "<span class=json-string>", r = pIndent || "";
- return pKey && (r = r + key + pKey.replace(/[": ]/g, "") + "</span>: "), pVal && (r = r + ('"' == pVal[0] ? str : val) + getValue(pVal) + "</span>"),
- r + (pEnd || "");
- }, jsonLine = /^( *)("[\w]+": )?("[^"]*"|[\w.+-]*)?([,[{])?$/gm;
- return obj && _.isObject(obj) ? JSON.stringify(obj, null, 3).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/\\"/g, """).replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(jsonLine, replacer) : {};
- }, $.fn.toggleAttribute = function(attributeName, firstString, secondString) {
- this.attr(attributeName) == firstString ? this.attr(attributeName, secondString) : this.attr(attributeName, firstString);
- }, Utils.millisecondsToTime = function(duration) {
- var milliseconds = parseInt(duration % 1e3 / 100), seconds = parseInt(duration / 1e3 % 60), minutes = parseInt(duration / 6e4 % 60), hours = parseInt(duration / 36e5 % 24);
- return hours = hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours, minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes,
- seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds, hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "." + milliseconds;
- }, Utils.togglePropertyRelationshipTableEmptyValues = function(object) {
- var inputSelector = object.inputType, tableEl = object.tableEl;
- 1 == inputSelector.prop("checked") ? tableEl.removeClass("hide-empty-value") : tableEl.addClass("hide-empty-value");
- }, $.fn.showButtonLoader = function() {
- $(this).attr("disabled", "true").addClass("button-loader"), $(this).siblings("button.cancel").prop("disabled", !0);
- }, $.fn.hideButtonLoader = function() {
- $(this).removeClass("button-loader").removeAttr("disabled"), $(this).siblings("button.cancel").prop("disabled", !1);
- }, Utils.formatDate = function(options) {
- var dateValue = null, dateFormat = Globals.dateTimeFormat, isValidDate = !1;
- return options && options.date && (dateValue = options.date, "-" !== dateValue && (dateValue = parseInt(dateValue),
- _.isNaN(dateValue) && (dateValue = options.date), dateValue = moment(dateValue),
- dateValue._isValid && (isValidDate = !0, dateValue = dateValue.format(dateFormat)))),
- "-" !== dateValue && (isValidDate === !1 && options && options.defaultDate !== !1 && (dateValue = moment().format(dateFormat)),
- Globals.isTimezoneFormatEnabled && (!options || options && options.zone !== !1) && (dateValue += " (" + moment.tz(moment.tz.guess()).zoneAbbr() + ")")),
- dateValue;
- }, Utils;
- });