123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302 |
- define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_tmpl", "hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_Notification_table_tmpl", "hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_Topic_Offset_table_tmpl", "hbs!tmpl/site/entity_tmpl", "modules/Modal", "models/VCommon", "utils/UrlLinks", "collection/VTagList", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "utils/Enums", "utils/MigrationEnums", "moment", "utils/Utils", "utils/Globals", "moment-timezone" ], function(require, Backbone, StatTmpl, StatsNotiTable, TopicOffsetTable, EntityTable, Modal, VCommon, UrlLinks, VTagList, CommonViewFunction, Enums, MigrationEnums, moment, Utils, Globals) {
- "use strict";
- var StatisticsView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
- template: StatTmpl,
- regions: {},
- ui: {
- entity: "[data-id='entity']",
- classification: "[data-id='classification']",
- serverCard: "[data-id='server-card']",
- connectionCard: "[data-id='connection-card']",
- notificationCard: "[data-id='notification-card']",
- statsNotificationTable: "[data-id='stats-notification-table']",
- entityCard: "[data-id='entity-card']",
- classificationCard: "[data-id='classification-card']",
- offsetCard: "[data-id='offset-card']",
- osCard: "[data-id='os-card']",
- runtimeCard: "[data-id='runtime-card']",
- memoryCard: "[data-id='memory-card']",
- memoryPoolUsage: "[data-id='memory-pool-usage-card']",
- statisticsRefresh: "[data-id='statisticsRefresh']",
- notificationDetails: "[data-id='notificationDetails']",
- migrationProgressBar: "[data-id='migrationProgressBar']",
- migrationProgressBarValue: "[data-id='migrationProgressBarValue']"
- },
- events: function() {
- var events = {};
- return events["click " + this.ui.statisticsRefresh] = function(e) {
- this.showLoader(), this.fetchMetricData(), this.fetchStatusData();
- }, events;
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- _.extend(this, options);
- var that = this;
- if (this.DATA_MAX_LENGTH = 25, this.loaderCount = 0, this.isMigrationView) this.migrationImportStatus = new VTagList(),
- this.migrationImportStatus.url = UrlLinks.migrationStatusApiUrl(); else {
- var modal = new Modal({
- title: "统计信息",
- content: this,
- okCloses: !0,
- okText: "关闭",
- showFooter: !0,
- allowCancel: !1,
- width: "60%",
- headerButtons: [ {
- title: "刷新数据",
- btnClass: "fa fa-refresh",
- onClick: function() {
- modal.$el.find(".header-button .fa-refresh").tooltip("hide").prop("disabled", !0).addClass("fa-spin"),
- that.fetchMetricData({
- update: !0
- });
- }
- } ]
- });
- modal.on("closeModal", function() {
- modal.trigger("cancel");
- }), this.modal = modal, modal.open();
- }
- },
- bindEvents: function() {
- var that = this;
- this.modal && this.$el.on("click", ".linkClicked", function() {
- that.modal.close();
- });
- },
- fetchStatusData: function() {
- var that = this;
- ++this.loaderCount, that.migrationImportStatus.fetch({
- success: function(data) {
- var data = _.first(data.toJSON()), migrationStatus = data.MigrationStatus || null, operationStatus = migrationStatus.operationStatus, showProgress = !0, totalProgress = 0, progressMessage = "";
- if (migrationStatus) {
- if ("DONE" === MigrationEnums.migrationStatus[operationStatus]) showProgress = !1; else if ("IN_PROGRESS" === MigrationEnums.migrationStatus[operationStatus] || "STARTED" === MigrationEnums.migrationStatus[operationStatus]) {
- migrationStatus.currentIndex || 0, migrationStatus.totalCount || 0;
- totalProgress = Math.ceil(migrationStatus.currentIndex / migrationStatus.totalCount * 100),
- progressMessage = totalProgress + "%", that.ui.migrationProgressBar.removeClass("progress-bar-danger"),
- that.ui.migrationProgressBar.addClass("progress-bar-success");
- } else "FAIL" === MigrationEnums.migrationStatus[operationStatus] && (totalProgress = "100",
- progressMessage = "Failed", that.ui.migrationProgressBar.addClass("progress-bar-danger"),
- that.ui.migrationProgressBar.removeClass("progress-bar-success"));
- showProgress ? (that.$el.find(".statistics-header>.progress").removeClass("hide"),
- that.$el.find(".statistics-header>.successStatus").addClass("hide"), that.ui.migrationProgressBar.css({
- width: totalProgress + "%"
- }), that.ui.migrationProgressBarValue.text(progressMessage)) : (that.$el.find(".statistics-header>.progress").addClass("hide"),
- that.$el.find(".statistics-header>.successStatus").removeClass("hide"));
- }
- },
- complete: function() {
- --that.loaderCount, that.hideLoader();
- }
- });
- },
- fetchMetricData: function(options) {
- var that = this;
- ++this.loaderCount, this.metricCollection.fetch({
- success: function(data) {
- var data = _.first(data.toJSON());
- that.renderStats({
- valueObject: data.general.stats,
- dataObject: data.general
- }), that.renderEntities({
- data: data
- }), that.renderSystemDeatils({
- data: data
- }), that.renderClassifications({
- data: data
- }), options && options.update && (that.modal && that.modal.$el.find(".header-button .fa-refresh").prop("disabled", !1).removeClass("fa-spin"),
- Utils.notifySuccess({
- content: "数据已刷新"
- }));
- },
- complete: function() {
- --that.loaderCount, that.hideLoader();
- }
- });
- },
- hideLoader: function() {
- if (0 === this.loaderCount) {
- var className = ".statsContainer";
- this.isMigrationView && (className += ",.statistics-header"), this.$(className).removeClass("hide"),
- this.$(".statsLoader").removeClass("show");
- }
- },
- showLoader: function() {
- var className = ".statsContainer";
- this.isMigrationView && (className += ",.statistics-header"), this.$(className).addClass("hide"),
- this.$(".statsLoader").addClass("show");
- },
- onRender: function() {
- this.bindEvents(), this.isMigrationView && (this.showLoader(), this.fetchStatusData()),
- this.fetchMetricData();
- },
- closePanel: function(options) {
- var el = options.el;
- el.find(">.panel-heading").attr("aria-expanded", "false"), el.find(">.panel-collapse.collapse").removeClass("in");
- },
- genrateStatusData: function(stateObject) {
- var stats = {};
- return _.each(stateObject, function(val, key) {
- var keys = key.split(":"), key = keys[0], subKey = keys[1];
- stats[key] ? stats[key][subKey] = val : (stats[key] = {}, stats[key][subKey] = val);
- }), stats;
- },
- createTable: function(obj) {
- var that = this, tableBody = "", type = obj.type, data = obj.data;
- return _.each(data, function(value, key, list) {
- var newValue = that.getValue({
- value: value
- });
- "classification" === type && (newValue = "<a title=\"Search for entities associated with '" + key + '\'" class="linkClicked" href="#!/search/searchResult?searchType=basic&tag=' + key + '">' + newValue + "<a>"),
- tableBody += "<tr><td>" + key + '</td><td class="">' + newValue + "</td></tr>";
- }), tableBody;
- },
- renderClassifications: function(options) {
- var that = this, data = options.data, classificationData = data.tag || {}, tagEntitiesData = classificationData ? classificationData.tagEntities || {} : {}, tagsCount = 0, newTagEntitiesData = {}, tagEntitiesKeys = _.keys(tagEntitiesData);
- _.each(_.sortBy(tagEntitiesKeys, function(o) {
- return o.toLocaleLowerCase();
- }), function(key) {
- var val = tagEntitiesData[key];
- newTagEntitiesData[key] = val, tagsCount += val;
- }), tagEntitiesData = newTagEntitiesData, _.isEmpty(tagEntitiesData) || (this.ui.classificationCard.html(that.createTable({
- data: tagEntitiesData,
- type: "classification"
- })), this.ui.classification.find(".count").html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(tagsCount) + ")"),
- tagEntitiesKeys.length > this.DATA_MAX_LENGTH && this.closePanel({
- el: this.ui.classification
- }));
- },
- renderEntities: function(options) {
- var data = options.data, entityData = data.entity, activeEntities = entityData.entityActive || {}, deletedEntities = entityData.entityDeleted || {}, shellEntities = entityData.entityShell || {}, stats = {}, activeEntityCount = 0, deletedEntityCount = 0, shellEntityCount = 0, createEntityData = function(opt) {
- var entityData = opt.entityData, type = opt.type;
- _.each(entityData, function(val, key) {
- var intVal = _.isUndefined(val) ? 0 : val;
- "active" == type && (activeEntityCount += intVal), "deleted" == type && (deletedEntityCount += intVal),
- "shell" == type && (shellEntityCount += intVal), intVal = _.numberFormatWithComma(intVal),
- stats[key] ? stats[key][type] = intVal : (stats[key] = {}, stats[key][type] = intVal);
- });
- };
- if (createEntityData({
- entityData: activeEntities,
- type: "active"
- }), createEntityData({
- entityData: deletedEntities,
- type: "deleted"
- }), createEntityData({
- entityData: shellEntities,
- type: "shell"
- }), !_.isEmpty(stats)) {
- var statsKeys = _.keys(stats);
- this.ui.entityCard.html(EntityTable({
- data: _.pick(stats, _.sortBy(statsKeys, function(o) {
- return o.toLocaleLowerCase();
- }))
- })), this.$('[data-id="activeEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(activeEntityCount) + ")"),
- this.$('[data-id="deletedEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(deletedEntityCount) + ")"),
- this.$('[data-id="shellEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(shellEntityCount) + ")"),
- this.ui.entity.find(".count").html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(data.general.entityCount) + ")"),
- statsKeys.length > this.DATA_MAX_LENGTH && this.closePanel({
- el: this.ui.entity
- });
- }
- },
- renderStats: function(options) {
- var that = this, data = this.genrateStatusData(options.valueObject), generalData = options.dataObject, createTable = function(obj) {
- var tableBody = "", enums = obj.enums, data = obj.data;
- return _.each(data, function(value, key, list) {
- tableBody += "<tr><td>" + key + '</td><td class="">' + that.getValue({
- value: value,
- type: enums[key]
- }) + "</td></tr>";
- }), tableBody;
- };
- if (!that.isMigrationView && data.Notification) {
- var tableCol = [ {
- label: "Total <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Server.startTimeStamp,
- type: Enums.stats.Server.startTimeStamp
- }) + ")",
- key: "total"
- }, {
- label: "Current Hour <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Notification.currentHourStartTime,
- type: Enums.stats.Notification.currentHourStartTime
- }) + ")",
- key: "currentHour"
- }, {
- label: "Previous Hour",
- key: "previousHour"
- }, {
- label: "Current Day <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Notification.currentDayStartTime,
- type: Enums.stats.Notification.currentDayStartTime
- }) + ")",
- key: "currentDay"
- }, {
- label: "Previous Day",
- key: "previousDay"
- } ], tableHeader = [ "count", "AvgTime", "EntityCreates", "EntityUpdates", "EntityDeletes", "Failed" ];
- that.ui.notificationCard.html(StatsNotiTable({
- enums: Enums.stats.Notification,
- data: data.Notification,
- tableHeader: tableHeader,
- tableCol: tableCol,
- getTmplValue: function(argument, args) {
- var pickValueFrom = argument.key.concat(args);
- "total" == argument.key && "EntityCreates" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalCreates" : "total" == argument.key && "EntityUpdates" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalUpdates" : "total" == argument.key && "EntityDeletes" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalDeletes" : "count" == args && (pickValueFrom = argument.key);
- var returnVal = data.Notification[pickValueFrom];
- return returnVal ? _.numberFormatWithComma(returnVal) : 0;
- }
- }));
- var offsetTableColumn = function(obj) {
- var returnObj = [];
- return _.each(obj, function(value, key) {
- returnObj.push({
- label: key,
- dataValue: value
- });
- }), returnObj;
- };
- that.ui.offsetCard.html(TopicOffsetTable({
- data: data.Notification.topicDetails,
- tableHeader: [ "offsetStart", "offsetCurrent", "processedMessageCount", "failedMessageCount", "lastMessageProcessedTime" ],
- tableCol: offsetTableColumn(data.Notification.topicDetails),
- getTmplValue: function(argument, args) {
- var returnVal = data.Notification.topicDetails[argument.label][args];
- return returnVal ? that.getValue({
- value: returnVal,
- type: Enums.stats.Notification[args]
- }) : 0;
- }
- })), that.ui.notificationDetails.removeClass("hide");
- }
- data.Server && that.ui.serverCard.html(createTable({
- enums: _.extend(Enums.stats.Server, Enums.stats.ConnectionStatus, Enums.stats.generalData),
- data: _.extend(_.pick(data.Server, "startTimeStamp", "activeTimeStamp", "upTime", "statusBackendStore", "statusIndexStore"), _.pick(generalData, "collectionTime"))
- }));
- },
- renderSystemDeatils: function(options) {
- var that = this, data = options.data, systemData = data.system, systemOS = systemData.os || {}, systemRuntimeData = systemData.runtime || {}, systemMemoryData = systemData.memory || {};
- if (_.isEmpty(systemOS) || that.ui.osCard.html(that.createTable({
- data: systemOS
- })), _.isEmpty(systemRuntimeData) || (_.each(systemRuntimeData, function(val, key) {
- }), that.ui.runtimeCard.html(that.createTable({
- data: systemRuntimeData
- }))), !_.isEmpty(systemMemoryData)) {
- var memoryTable = CommonViewFunction.propertyTable({
- scope: this,
- formatStringVal: !0,
- valueObject: systemMemoryData,
- numberFormat: _.numberFormatWithBytes
- });
- that.ui.memoryCard.html(memoryTable);
- }
- },
- getValue: function(options) {
- var value = options.value, type = options.type;
- return "time" == type ? Utils.millisecondsToTime(value) : "day" == type ? Utils.formatDate({
- date: value
- }) : "number" == type ? _.numberFormatWithComma(value) : "millisecond" == type ? _.numberFormatWithComma(value) + " millisecond/s" : "status-html" == type ? '<span class="connection-status ' + value + '"></span>' : value;
- }
- });
- return StatisticsView;
- });