123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140 |
- define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_tmpl", "hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_Notification_table_tmpl", "hbs!tmpl/site/entity_tmpl", "modules/Modal", "models/VCommon", "utils/UrlLinks", "collection/VTagList", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "utils/Enums", "moment", "utils/Utils", "moment-timezone" ], function(require, Backbone, StatTmpl, StatsNotiTable, EntityTable, Modal, VCommon, UrlLinks, VTagList, CommonViewFunction, Enums, moment, Utils) {
- "use strict";
- Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
- template: StatTmpl,
- regions: {
- RSaveSearchBasic: "[data-id='r_saveSearchBasic']",
- RSaveSearchAdvance: "[data-id='r_saveSearchAdvance']"
- },
- ui: {},
- events: function() {},
- initialize: function(options) {
- _.extend(this, options);
- var that = this, modal = new Modal({
- title: "统计信息",
- content: this,
- okCloses: !0,
- okText: "Close",
- showFooter: !0,
- allowCancel: !1,
- width: "60%",
- headerButtons: [ {
- title: "Refresh Data",
- btnClass: "fa fa-refresh",
- onClick: function() {
- modal.$el.find(".header-button .fa-refresh").tooltip("hide").prop("disabled", !0).addClass("fa-spin"),
- that.fetchMetricData({
- update: !0
- });
- }
- } ]
- }).open();
- modal.on("closeModal", function() {
- modal.trigger("cancel");
- }), this.modal = modal;
- },
- bindEvents: function() {},
- fetchMetricData: function(options) {
- that.RSaveSearchBasic.show(new SaveSearchView(_.extend(obj, {
- isBasic: !0,
- collection: saveSearchBaiscCollection.fullCollection
- }))), that.RSaveSearchAdvance.show(new SaveSearchView(_.extend(obj, {
- isBasic: !1,
- collection: saveSearchAdvanceCollection.fullCollection
- })));
- },
- onRender: function() {
- this.fetchMetricData();
- },
- genrateStatusData: function(stateObject) {
- var stats = {};
- return _.each(stateObject, function(val, key) {
- var keys = key.split(":"), key = keys[0], subKey = keys[1];
- stats[key] ? stats[key][subKey] = val : (stats[key] = {}, stats[key][subKey] = val);
- }), stats;
- },
- renderEntities: function(options) {
- var that = this, data = options.data, entityData = data.entity, activeEntities = entityData.entityActive || {}, deletedEntities = entityData.entityDeleted || {}, stats = {}, activeEntityCount = 0, deletedEntityCount = 0, createEntityData = function(opt) {
- var entityData = opt.entityData, type = opt.type;
- _.each(entityData, function(val, key) {
- var intVal = _.isUndefined(val) ? 0 : val;
- "active" == type ? activeEntityCount += intVal : deletedEntityCount += intVal, intVal = _.numberFormatWithComma(intVal),
- stats[key] ? stats[key][type] = intVal : (stats[key] = {}, stats[key][type] = intVal);
- });
- };
- createEntityData({
- entityData: activeEntities,
- type: "active"
- }), createEntityData({
- entityData: deletedEntities,
- type: "deleted"
- }), _.isEmpty(stats) || (that.ui.entityCard.html(EntityTable({
- data: _.pick(stats, _.keys(stats).sort())
- })), that.$('[data-id="activeEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(activeEntityCount) + ")"),
- that.$('[data-id="deletedEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(deletedEntityCount) + ")"),
- that.ui.entityHeader.html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(data.general.entityCount) + ")"));
- },
- renderStats: function(options) {
- var that = this, data = this.genrateStatusData(options.valueObject), generalData = options.dataObject, createTable = function(obj) {
- var tableBody = "", enums = obj.enums, data = obj.data;
- return _.each(data, function(value, key, list) {
- tableBody += "<tr><td>" + key + '</td><td class="">' + that.getValue({
- value: value,
- type: enums[key]
- }) + "</td></tr>";
- }), tableBody;
- };
- if (data.Notification) {
- var tableCol = [ {
- label: "Total <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Server.startTimeStamp,
- type: Enums.stats.Server.startTimeStamp
- }) + ")",
- key: "total"
- }, {
- label: "Current Hour <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Notification.currentHourStartTime,
- type: Enums.stats.Notification.currentHourStartTime
- }) + ")",
- key: "currentHour"
- }, {
- label: "Previous Hour",
- key: "previousHour"
- }, {
- label: "Current Day <br> (from " + that.getValue({
- value: data.Notification.currentDayStartTime,
- type: Enums.stats.Notification.currentDayStartTime
- }) + ")",
- key: "currentDay"
- }, {
- label: "Previous Day",
- key: "previousDay"
- } ], tableHeader = [ "count", "AvgTime", "EntityCreates", "EntityUpdates", "EntityDeletes", "Failed" ];
- that.ui.notificationCard.html(StatsNotiTable({
- enums: Enums.stats.Notification,
- data: data.Notification,
- tableHeader: tableHeader,
- tableCol: tableCol,
- getTmplValue: function(argument, args) {
- var pickValueFrom = argument.key.concat(args);
- "total" == argument.key && "EntityCreates" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalCreates" : "total" == argument.key && "EntityUpdates" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalUpdates" : "total" == argument.key && "EntityDeletes" == args ? pickValueFrom = "totalDeletes" : "count" == args && (pickValueFrom = argument.key);
- var returnVal = data.Notification[pickValueFrom];
- return returnVal ? _.numberFormatWithComma(returnVal) : 0;
- }
- })), that.ui.notificationSmallCard.html(createTable({
- enums: Enums.stats.Notification,
- data: _.pick(data.Notification, "lastMessageProcessedTime", "offsetCurrent", "offsetStart")
- }));
- }
- data.Server && that.ui.serverCard.html(createTable({
- enums: _.extend(Enums.stats.Server, Enums.stats.ConnectionStatus, Enums.stats.generalData),
- data: _.extend(_.pick(data.Server, "startTimeStamp", "activeTimeStamp", "upTime", "statusBackendStore", "statusIndexStore"), _.pick(generalData, "collectionTime"))
- }));
- },
- getValue: function(options) {
- var value = options.value, type = options.type;
- return "time" == type ? Utils.millisecondsToTime(value) : "day" == type ? moment.tz(value, moment.tz.guess()).format("MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A z") : "number" == type ? _.numberFormatWithComma(value) : "millisecond" == type ? _.numberFormatWithComma(value) + " millisecond/s" : "status-html" == type ? '<span class="connection-status ' + value + '"></span>' : value;
- }
- });
- return StatisticsView;
- });