123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313 |
- define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/graph/LineageLayoutView_tmpl", "collection/VLineageList", "models/VEntity", "utils/Utils", "LineageHelper", "d3", "dagreD3", "d3-tip", "utils/Enums", "utils/UrlLinks", "utils/Globals", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "platform", "jquery-ui" ], function(require, Backbone, LineageLayoutViewtmpl, VLineageList, VEntity, Utils, LineageHelper, d3, dagreD3, d3Tip, Enums, UrlLinks, Globals, CommonViewFunction, platform) {
- "use strict";
- var LineageLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
- _viewName: "LineageLayoutView",
- template: LineageLayoutViewtmpl,
- className: "resizeGraph",
- regions: {},
- ui: {
- graph: ".graph",
- checkHideProcess: "[data-id='checkHideProcess']",
- checkDeletedEntity: "[data-id='checkDeletedEntity']",
- selectDepth: 'select[data-id="selectDepth"]',
- filterToggler: '[data-id="filter-toggler"]',
- settingToggler: '[data-id="setting-toggler"]',
- searchToggler: '[data-id="search-toggler"]',
- boxClose: '[data-id="box-close"]',
- lineageFullscreenToggler: '[data-id="fullScreen-toggler"]',
- filterBox: ".filter-box",
- searchBox: ".search-box",
- settingBox: ".setting-box",
- lineageTypeSearch: '[data-id="typeSearch"]',
- searchNode: '[data-id="searchNode"]',
- nodeDetailTable: '[data-id="nodeDetailTable"]',
- showOnlyHoverPath: '[data-id="showOnlyHoverPath"]',
- showTooltip: '[data-id="showTooltip"]',
- saveSvg: '[data-id="saveSvg"]',
- resetLineage: '[data-id="resetLineage"]',
- onZoomIn: '[data-id="zoom-in"]',
- labelFullName: '[data-id="labelFullName"]',
- onZoomOut: '[data-id="zoom-out"]'
- },
- templateHelpers: function() {
- return {
- width: "100%",
- height: "100%"
- };
- },
- events: function() {
- var events = {};
- return events["click " + this.ui.checkHideProcess] = "onCheckUnwantedEntity", events["click " + this.ui.checkDeletedEntity] = "onCheckUnwantedEntity",
- events["change " + this.ui.selectDepth] = "onSelectDepthChange", events["click " + this.ui.filterToggler] = "onClickFilterToggler",
- events["click " + this.ui.boxClose] = "toggleBoxPanel", events["click " + this.ui.settingToggler] = "onClickSettingToggler",
- events["click " + this.ui.lineageFullscreenToggler] = "onClickLineageFullscreenToggler",
- events["click " + this.ui.searchToggler] = "onClickSearchToggler", events["click " + this.ui.saveSvg] = "onClickSaveSvg",
- events["click " + this.ui.resetLineage] = "onClickResetLineage", events["click " + this.ui.onZoomIn] = "onClickZoomIn",
- events["click " + this.ui.onZoomOut] = "onClickZoomOut", events["change " + this.ui.labelFullName] = "onClickLabelFullName",
- events;
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "processCheck", "guid", "entity", "entityName", "entityDefCollection", "actionCallBack", "fetchCollection", "attributeDefs")),
- this.collection = new VLineageList(), this.typeMap = {}, this.apiGuid = {}, this.edgeCall,
- this.filterObj = {
- isProcessHideCheck: !1,
- isDeletedEntityHideCheck: !1,
- depthCount: ""
- }, this.searchNodeObj = {
- selectedNode: ""
- }, this.labelFullText = !1;
- },
- onRender: function() {
- this.ui.searchToggler.prop("disabled", !0), this.$graphButtonsEl = this.$(".graph-button-group button, select[data-id='selectDepth']"),
- this.fetchGraphData(), this.layoutRendered && this.layoutRendered(), this.processCheck && this.hideCheckForProcess(),
- this.ui.selectDepth.select2({
- data: _.sortBy([ 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 ]),
- tags: !0,
- dropdownCssClass: "number-input",
- multiple: !1
- });
- },
- onShow: function() {
- this.$(".fontLoader").show();
- },
- onClickLineageFullscreenToggler: function(e) {
- var icon = $(e.currentTarget).find("i"), panel = $(e.target).parents(".tab-pane").first();
- icon.toggleClass("fa-expand fa-compress"), icon.hasClass("fa-expand") ? icon.parent("button").attr("data-original-title", "Full Screen") : icon.parent("button").attr("data-original-title", "Default View"),
- panel.toggleClass("fullscreen-mode");
- var node = this.$("svg").parent()[0].getBoundingClientRect();
- this.LineageHelperRef.updateOptions({
- width: node.width,
- height: node.height
- }), this.calculateLineageDetailPanelHeight();
- },
- onCheckUnwantedEntity: function(e) {
- "checkHideProcess" === $(e.target).data("id") ? this.filterObj.isProcessHideCheck = e.target.checked : this.filterObj.isDeletedEntityHideCheck = e.target.checked,
- this.LineageHelperRef.refresh();
- },
- toggleBoxPanel: function(options) {
- var el = options && options.el;
- options && options.nodeDetailToggler, options.currentTarget;
- this.$el.find(".show-box-panel").removeClass("show-box-panel"), el && el.addClass && el.addClass("show-box-panel"),
- this.$("circle.node-detail-highlight").removeClass("node-detail-highlight");
- },
- toggleLoader: function(element) {
- element.hasClass("fa-camera") ? element.removeClass("fa-camera").addClass("fa-spin-custom fa-refresh") : element.removeClass("fa-spin-custom fa-refresh").addClass("fa-camera");
- },
- toggleDisableState: function(options) {
- var el = options.el, disabled = options.disabled;
- el && el.prop && (disabled ? el.prop("disabled", disabled) : el.prop("disabled", !el.prop("disabled")));
- },
- onClickNodeToggler: function(options) {
- this.toggleBoxPanel({
- el: this.$(".lineage-node-detail"),
- nodeDetailToggler: !0
- });
- },
- onClickFilterToggler: function() {
- this.toggleBoxPanel({
- el: this.ui.filterBox
- });
- },
- onClickSettingToggler: function() {
- this.toggleBoxPanel({
- el: this.ui.settingBox
- });
- },
- onClickSearchToggler: function() {
- this.toggleBoxPanel({
- el: this.ui.searchBox
- });
- },
- onSelectDepthChange: function(e, options) {
- this.filterObj.depthCount = e.currentTarget.value, this.fetchGraphData({
- queryParam: {
- depth: this.filterObj.depthCount
- },
- legends: !1
- });
- },
- onClickResetLineage: function() {
- this.LineageHelperRef.refresh(), this.searchNodeObj.selectedNode = "", this.ui.lineageTypeSearch.data({
- refresh: !0
- }).val("").trigger("change"), this.ui.labelFullName.prop("checked", !1), this.labelFullText = !1;
- },
- onClickSaveSvg: function(e, a) {
- var that = this;
- return that.lineageRelationshipLength >= 1e3 ? void Utils.notifyInfo({
- content: "There was an error in downloading lineage: Lineage exceeds display parameters!"
- }) : void this.LineageHelperRef.exportLineage();
- },
- onClickZoomIn: function() {
- this.LineageHelperRef.zoomIn();
- },
- onClickZoomOut: function() {
- this.LineageHelperRef.zoomOut();
- },
- onClickLabelFullName: function() {
- this.labelFullText = !this.labelFullText, this.LineageHelperRef.displayFullName({
- bLabelFullText: this.labelFullText
- });
- },
- fetchGraphData: function(options) {
- var that = this, queryParam = options && options.queryParam || {};
- this.$(".fontLoader").show(), this.$("svg>g").hide(), this.toggleDisableState({
- el: that.$graphButtonsEl,
- disabled: !0
- }), this.collection.getLineage(this.guid, {
- queryParam: queryParam,
- success: function(data) {
- if (!that.isDestroyed) {
- data.legends = !options || options.legends;
- var relationsReverse = data.relations ? data.relations.reverse() : null, lineageMaxRelationCount = 9e3;
- relationsReverse.length > lineageMaxRelationCount && (data.relations = relationsReverse.splice(relationsReverse.length - lineageMaxRelationCount, relationsReverse.length - 1),
- Utils.notifyInfo({
- content: "Lineage exceeds display parameters and hence only upto 9000 relationships from this lineage can be displayed"
- })), that.lineageRelationshipLength = data.relations.length, that.createGraph(data),
- that.renderLineageTypeSearch(data);
- }
- },
- cust_error: function(model, response) {
- that.noLineage();
- },
- complete: function() {
- that.$(".fontLoader").hide(), that.$("svg>g").show();
- }
- });
- },
- createGraph: function(data) {
- var that = this;
- $(".resizeGraph").css("height", this.$(".svg").height() + "px"), this.LineageHelperRef = new LineageHelper.default({
- entityDefCollection: this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.toJSON(),
- data: data,
- el: this.$(".svg")[0],
- legendsEl: this.$(".legends")[0],
- legends: data.legends,
- getFilterObj: function() {
- return {
- isProcessHideCheck: that.filterObj.isProcessHideCheck,
- isDeletedEntityHideCheck: that.filterObj.isDeletedEntityHideCheck
- };
- },
- isShowHoverPath: function() {
- return that.ui.showOnlyHoverPath.prop("checked");
- },
- isShowTooltip: function() {
- return that.ui.showTooltip.prop("checked");
- },
- onPathClick: function(d) {
- if (console.log("Path Clicked"), d.pathRelationObj) {
- var relationshipId = d.pathRelationObj.relationshipId;
- require([ "views/graph/PropagationPropertyModal" ], function(PropagationPropertyModal) {
- new PropagationPropertyModal({
- edgeInfo: d.pathRelationObj,
- relationshipId: relationshipId,
- lineageData: data,
- apiGuid: that.apiGuid,
- detailPageFetchCollection: that.fetchCollection
- });
- });
- }
- },
- onNodeClick: function(d) {
- that.onClickNodeToggler(), that.updateRelationshipDetails({
- guid: d.clickedData
- }), that.calculateLineageDetailPanelHeight();
- },
- onLabelClick: function(d) {
- var guid = d.clickedData;
- that.guid == guid ? Utils.notifyInfo({
- html: !0,
- content: "You are already on <b>" + that.entityName + "</b> detail page."
- }) : Utils.setUrl({
- url: "#!/detailPage/" + guid + "?tabActive=lineage",
- mergeBrowserUrl: !1,
- trigger: !0
- });
- },
- beforeRender: function() {
- that.$(".fontLoader").show(), that.toggleDisableState({
- el: that.$graphButtonsEl,
- disabled: !0
- });
- },
- afterRender: function() {
- that.$(".fontLoader").hide(), data.relations.length && that.toggleDisableState({
- el: that.$graphButtonsEl,
- disabled: !1
- });
- }
- });
- },
- noLineage: function() {
- this.$(".fontLoader").hide(), this.$(".depth-container").hide(), this.$("svg").html('<text x="50%" y="50%" alignment-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">No lineage data found</text>'),
- this.actionCallBack && this.actionCallBack();
- },
- hideCheckForProcess: function() {
- this.$(".hideProcessContainer").hide();
- },
- renderLineageTypeSearch: function(data) {
- var that = this;
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- try {
- var typeStr = "<option></option>";
- _.isEmpty(data) || _.each(data.guidEntityMap, function(obj, index) {
- var nodeData = that.LineageHelperRef.getNode(obj.guid);
- (that.filterObj.isProcessHideCheck || that.filterObj.isDeletedEntityHideCheck) && nodeData && (nodeData.isProcess || nodeData.isDeleted) || (typeStr += '<option value="' + obj.guid + '">' + obj.displayText + "</option>");
- }), that.ui.lineageTypeSearch.html(typeStr), that.initilizelineageTypeSearch(),
- resolve();
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e), reject(e);
- }
- });
- },
- initilizelineageTypeSearch: function() {
- var that = this;
- this.ui.lineageTypeSearch.select2({
- closeOnSelect: !0,
- placeholder: "Select Node"
- }).on("change.select2", function(e) {
- if (e.stopPropagation(), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), that.ui.lineageTypeSearch.data("refresh")) that.ui.lineageTypeSearch.data("refresh", !1); else {
- var selectedNode = $('[data-id="typeSearch"]').val();
- that.searchNodeObj.selectedNode = selectedNode, that.LineageHelperRef.searchNode({
- guid: selectedNode
- });
- }
- }), this.searchNodeObj.selectedNode && (this.ui.lineageTypeSearch.val(this.searchNodeObj.selectedNode),
- this.ui.lineageTypeSearch.trigger("change.select2"));
- },
- updateRelationshipDetails: function(options) {
- var that = this, guid = options.guid, initialData = that.LineageHelperRef.getNode(guid);
- if (void 0 !== initialData) {
- var typeName = initialData.typeName || guid, attributeDefs = initialData && initialData.entityDef ? initialData.entityDef.attributeDefs : null;
- this.$("[data-id='typeName']").text(typeName), this.entityModel = new VEntity({});
- var config = {
- guid: "guid",
- typeName: "typeName",
- name: "name",
- qualifiedName: "qualifiedName",
- owner: "owner",
- createTime: "createTime",
- status: "status",
- classificationNames: "classifications",
- meanings: "term"
- }, data = {};
- _.each(config, function(valKey, key) {
- var val = initialData[key];
- _.isUndefined(val) && initialData.attributes && initialData.attributes[key] && (val = initialData.attributes[key]),
- val && (data[valKey] = val);
- }), this.ui.nodeDetailTable.html(CommonViewFunction.propertyTable({
- scope: this,
- valueObject: data,
- attributeDefs: attributeDefs,
- sortBy: !1
- }));
- }
- },
- calculateLineageDetailPanelHeight: function() {
- var $parentContainer = $("#tab-lineage .resizeGraph"), $panel = $parentContainer.find(".fix-box"), $parentHeight = $parentContainer.find(".fix-box, tbody").removeAttr("style").height() - 48, $tBody = $panel.find("tbody"), panelHeight = $tBody.height() + 100;
- $parentHeight < panelHeight && (panelHeight = $parentHeight), $panel.css("height", panelHeight + "px"),
- $tBody.css("height", "100%");
- }
- });
- return LineageLayoutView;
- });