123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355 |
- define([ "require", "hbs!tmpl/search/tree/EntityTreeLayoutView_tmpl", "utils/Utils", "utils/Globals", "utils/UrlLinks", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "collection/VSearchList", "collection/VGlossaryList", "utils/Enums", "jstree" ], function(require, EntityLayoutViewTmpl, Utils, Globals, UrlLinks, CommonViewFunction, VSearchList, VGlossaryList, Enums) {
- "use strict";
- var EntityTreeLayoutview = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
- template: EntityLayoutViewTmpl,
- regions: {},
- ui: {
- refreshTree: '[data-id="refreshTree"]',
- groupOrFlatTree: '[data-id="groupOrFlatTreeView"]',
- entitySearchTree: '[data-id="entitySearchTree"]',
- showEmptyServiceType: '[data-id="showEmptyServiceType"]',
- entityTreeLoader: '[data-id="entityTreeLoader"]',
- importBusinessMetadata: "[data-id='importBusinessMetadata']",
- downloadBusinessMetadata: "[data-id='downloadBusinessMetadata']"
- },
- templateHelpers: function() {
- return {
- apiBaseUrl: UrlLinks.apiBaseUrl,
- importTmplUrl: UrlLinks.businessMetadataImportTempUrl()
- };
- },
- events: function() {
- var events = {}, that = this;
- return events["click " + this.ui.refreshTree] = function(e) {
- that.changeLoaderState(!0), this.ui.refreshTree.attr("disabled", !0).tooltip("hide");
- var type = $(e.currentTarget).data("type");
- e.stopPropagation(), that.ui[type + "SearchTree"].jstree(!0).destroy(), that.refresh({
- type: type
- });
- }, events["click " + this.ui.showEmptyServiceType] = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation(), this.isEmptyServicetype = !this.isEmptyServicetype, this.entitySwitchBtnUpdate();
- }, events["click " + this.ui.groupOrFlatTree] = function(e) {
- var type = $(e.currentTarget).data("type");
- e.stopPropagation(), this.isGroupView = !this.isGroupView, this.ui.groupOrFlatTree.tooltip("hide"),
- this.ui.groupOrFlatTree.find("i").toggleClass("fa-sitemap fa-list-ul"), this.ui.groupOrFlatTree.find("span").html(this.isGroupView ? "Show flat tree" : "Show group tree"),
- that.ui[type + "SearchTree"].jstree(!0).destroy(), that.renderEntityTree();
- }, events["click " + this.ui.importBusinessMetadata] = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation(), that.onClickImportBusinessMetadata();
- }, events["click " + this.ui.downloadBusinessMetadata] = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }, events;
- },
- bindEvents: function() {
- var that = this;
- $("body").on("click", ".entityPopoverOptions li", function(e) {
- that.$(".entityPopover").popover("hide"), that[$(this).find("a").data("fn") + "Entity"](e);
- }), this.searchVent.on("Entity:Count:Update", function(options) {
- that.changeLoaderState(!0);
- var opt = options || {};
- opt && !opt.metricData ? that.metricCollection.fetch({
- complete: function() {
- that.entityCountObj = _.first(that.metricCollection.toJSON()), that.fromManualRender = !0,
- that.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).refresh(), that.changeLoaderState(!1);
- }
- }) : (that.entityCountObj = opt.metricData, that.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).refresh(),
- that.changeLoaderState(!1));
- }), this.classificationAndMetricEvent.on("metricCollection:Update", function(options) {
- that.changeLoaderState(!0), that.ui.refreshTree.attr("disabled", !0).tooltip("hide"),
- that.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).destroy(), that.refresh({
- type: "entity",
- apiCount: 0
- });
- });
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- this.options = options, _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "typeHeaders", "searchVent", "entityDefCollection", "enumDefCollection", "classificationDefCollection", "searchTableColumns", "searchTableFilters", "metricCollection", "classificationAndMetricEvent")),
- this.bindEvents(), this.entityCountObj = _.first(this.metricCollection.toJSON()) || {
- entity: {
- entityActive: {},
- entityDeleted: {}
- },
- tag: {
- tagEntities: {}
- }
- }, this.isEmptyServicetype = !0, this.entityTreeData = {}, this.typeId = null, this.isGroupView = !0;
- },
- onRender: function() {
- this.changeLoaderState(!0), this.renderEntityTree(), this.createEntityAction(),
- this.changeLoaderState(!1);
- },
- changeLoaderState: function(showLoader) {
- showLoader ? (this.ui.entitySearchTree.hide(), this.ui.entityTreeLoader.show()) : (this.ui.entitySearchTree.show(),
- this.ui.entityTreeLoader.hide());
- },
- createEntityAction: function() {
- Utils.generatePopover({
- el: this.$el,
- contentClass: "entityPopoverOptions",
- popoverOptions: {
- selector: ".entityPopover",
- content: function() {
- var liString = ($(this).data("detail"), "<li><i class='fa fa-search'></i><a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='onSelectedSearch'>Search</a></li>");
- return "<ul>" + liString + "</ul>";
- }
- }
- });
- },
- renderEntityTree: function() {
- var that = this;
- this.generateSearchTree({
- $el: that.ui.entitySearchTree
- });
- },
- onSearchEntityNode: function(showEmptyType) {
- this.isEmptyServicetype = showEmptyType, this.entitySwitchBtnUpdate();
- },
- entitySwitchBtnUpdate: function() {
- this.ui.showEmptyServiceType.attr("data-original-title", (this.isEmptyServicetype ? "Show" : "Hide") + " empty service types"),
- this.ui.showEmptyServiceType.tooltip("hide"), this.ui.showEmptyServiceType.find("i").toggleClass("fa-toggle-on fa-toggle-off"),
- this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).refresh();
- },
- manualRender: function(options) {
- var that = this;
- if (_.extend(this.options, options), void 0 === this.options.value && (this.options.value = {}),
- this.options.value.type) {
- if ("_ALL_ENTITY_TYPES" === that.options.value.type && "_ALL_ENTITY_TYPES" !== this.typeId) this.fromManualRender = !0,
- this.typeId && this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).deselect_node(this.typeId), this.typeId = Globals[that.options.value.type].guid,
- this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).select_node(this.typeId); else if ("_ALL_ENTITY_TYPES" !== this.typeId && that.options.value.type !== this.typeId) {
- var dataFound = this.typeHeaders.fullCollection.find(function(obj) {
- return obj.get("name") === that.options.value.type;
- });
- dataFound && (this.typeId && this.typeId !== dataFound.get("guid") || null === this.typeId) && (this.typeId && this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).deselect_node(this.typeId),
- this.fromManualRender = !0, this.typeId = dataFound.get("guid"), this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).select_node(dataFound.get("guid")));
- }
- } else this.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).deselect_all(), this.typeId = null;
- },
- onNodeSelect: function(options) {
- var that = this, name = options.node.original.name, selectedNodeId = options.node.id, typeValue = null, params = {
- searchType: "basic",
- dslChecked: !1
- };
- this.options.value && (this.options.value.type && (params.type = this.options.value.type),
- this.options.value.isCF && (this.options.value.isCF = null), this.options.value.entityFilters && (params.entityFilters = null));
- var getUrl = Utils.getUrlState.isSearchTab();
- if (getUrl || (that.typeId = null), that.typeId != selectedNodeId) that.typeId = selectedNodeId,
- typeValue = name, params.type = typeValue; else if (that.typeId = params.type = null,
- that.ui.entitySearchTree.jstree(!0).deselect_all(!0), !(that.options.value.type || that.options.value.tag || that.options.value.term || that.options.value.query || this.options.value.udKeys || this.options.value.ugLabels)) return void that.showDefaultPage();
- var searchParam = _.extend({}, this.options.value, params);
- this.triggerSearch(searchParam);
- },
- showDefaultPage: function() {
- Utils.setUrl({
- url: "!/search",
- mergeBrowserUrl: !1,
- trigger: !0,
- updateTabState: !0
- });
- },
- triggerSearch: function(params, url) {
- var serachUrl = url ? url : "#!/search/searchResult";
- Utils.setUrl({
- url: serachUrl,
- urlParams: params,
- mergeBrowserUrl: !1,
- trigger: !0,
- updateTabState: !0
- });
- },
- onSelectedSearchEntity: function() {
- var params = {
- searchType: "basic",
- dslChecked: !1,
- type: this.options.value.type
- };
- this.triggerSearch(params);
- },
- getEntityTree: function() {
- var that = this, serviceTypeArr = [], serviceTypeWithEmptyEntity = [], type = "ENTITY", generateTreeData = (this.ui.entitytreeStructure,
- function(data) {
- that.typeHeaders.fullCollection.each(function(model) {
- var serviceType = model.toJSON().serviceType, isSelected = !1, categoryType = model.toJSON().category, generateServiceTypeArr = function(entityCountArr, serviceType, children, entityCount) {
- that.isGroupView ? entityCountArr[serviceType] ? (entityCountArr[serviceType].children.push(children),
- entityCountArr[serviceType].totalCounter = +entityCountArr[serviceType].totalCounter + entityCount) : (entityCountArr[serviceType] = [],
- entityCountArr[serviceType].name = serviceType, entityCountArr[serviceType].children = [],
- entityCountArr[serviceType].children.push(children), entityCountArr[serviceType].totalCounter = entityCount) : entityCountArr.push(children);
- };
- if (serviceType || (serviceType = "other_types"), "ENTITY" == categoryType) {
- var entityCount = that.entityCountObj ? (that.entityCountObj.entity.entityActive[model.get("name")] || 0) + (that.entityCountObj.entity.entityDeleted[model.get("name")] || 0) : 0, modelname = entityCount ? model.get("name") + " (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(entityCount) + ")" : model.get("name");
- that.options.value && (isSelected = !!that.options.value.type && that.options.value.type == model.get("name"),
- that.typeId || (that.typeId = isSelected ? model.get("guid") : null));
- var children = {
- text: _.escape(modelname),
- name: model.get("name"),
- type: model.get("category"),
- gType: "Entity",
- guid: model.get("guid"),
- id: model.get("guid"),
- model: model,
- parent: "#",
- icon: "fa fa-file-o",
- state: {
- disabled: !1,
- selected: isSelected
- }
- };
- entityCount = _.isNaN(entityCount) ? 0 : entityCount, generateServiceTypeArr(serviceTypeArr, serviceType, children, entityCount),
- entityCount && generateServiceTypeArr(serviceTypeWithEmptyEntity, serviceType, children, entityCount);
- }
- });
- var serviceTypeData = that.isEmptyServicetype ? serviceTypeWithEmptyEntity : serviceTypeArr;
- if (that.isGroupView) {
- var serviceDataWithRootEntity = pushRootEntityToJstree.call(that, "group", serviceTypeData);
- return getParentsData.call(that, serviceDataWithRootEntity);
- }
- return pushRootEntityToJstree.call(that, null, serviceTypeData);
- }), pushRootEntityToJstree = function(type, data) {
- var rootEntity = Globals[Enums.addOnEntities[0]], isSelected = !(!this.options.value || !this.options.value.type) && this.options.value.type == rootEntity.name, rootEntityNode = {
- text: _.escape(rootEntity.name),
- name: rootEntity.name,
- type: rootEntity.category,
- gType: "Entity",
- guid: rootEntity.guid,
- id: rootEntity.guid,
- model: rootEntity,
- parent: "#",
- icon: "fa fa-file-o",
- state: {
- selected: isSelected
- }
- };
- return "group" === type ? (void 0 === data.other_types && (data.other_types = {
- name: "other_types",
- children: []
- }), data.other_types.children.push(rootEntityNode)) : data.push(rootEntityNode),
- data;
- }, getParentsData = function(data) {
- for (var parents = Object.keys(data), treeData = [], withoutEmptyServiceType = [], treeCoreData = null, openEntityNodesState = function(treeDate) {
- 1 == treeDate.length && _.each(treeDate, function(model) {
- model.state = {
- opened: !0
- };
- });
- }, generateNode = function(children) {
- var nodeStructure = {
- text: "Service Types",
- children: children,
- icon: "fa fa-folder-o",
- type: "ENTITY",
- state: {
- opened: !0
- },
- parent: "#"
- };
- return nodeStructure;
- }, i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
- var checkEmptyServiceType = !1, getParrent = data[parents[i]], totalCounter = getParrent.totalCounter, textName = getParrent.totalCounter ? parents[i] + " (" + _.numberFormatWithComma(totalCounter) + ")" : parents[i], parent = {
- icon: "fa fa-folder-o",
- type: type,
- gType: "ServiceType",
- children: getParrent.children,
- text: _.escape(textName),
- name: data[parents[i]].name,
- id: i,
- state: {
- opened: !0
- }
- };
- that.isEmptyServicetype && 0 == data[parents[i]].totalCounter && (checkEmptyServiceType = !0),
- treeData.push(parent), checkEmptyServiceType || withoutEmptyServiceType.push(parent);
- }
- return that.entityTreeData = {
- withoutEmptyServiceTypeEntity: generateNode(withoutEmptyServiceType),
- withEmptyServiceTypeEntity: generateNode(treeData)
- }, treeCoreData = that.isEmptyServicetype ? withoutEmptyServiceType : treeData,
- openEntityNodesState(treeCoreData), treeCoreData;
- };
- return generateTreeData();
- },
- generateSearchTree: function(options) {
- var $el = options && options.$el, that = (options && options.data, options && options.type,
- this), getEntityTreeConfig = function(opt) {
- return {
- plugins: [ "search", "core", "sort", "conditionalselect", "changed", "wholerow", "node_customize" ],
- conditionalselect: function(node) {
- var type = node.original.type;
- return "ENTITY" != type && "GLOSSARY" != type || !node.children.length && "GLOSSARY" != type;
- },
- state: {
- opened: !0
- },
- search: {
- show_only_matches: !0,
- case_sensitive: !1
- },
- node_customize: {
- default: function(el) {
- var aType = $(el).find(">a.jstree-anchor");
- aType.append("<span class='tree-tooltip'>" + aType.text() + "</span>"), 0 === $(el).find(".fa-ellipsis-h").length && $(el).append('<div class="tools"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h entityPopover" rel="popover"></i></div>');
- }
- },
- core: {
- multiple: !1,
- data: function(node, cb) {
- "#" === node.id && cb(that.getEntityTree());
- }
- }
- };
- };
- $el.jstree(getEntityTreeConfig({
- type: ""
- })).on("open_node.jstree", function(e, data) {
- that.isTreeOpen = !0;
- }).on("select_node.jstree", function(e, data) {
- that.fromManualRender ? that.fromManualRender = !1 : that.onNodeSelect(data);
- }).on("search.jstree", function(nodes, str, res) {
- 0 === str.nodes.length ? ($el.jstree(!0).hide_all(), $el.parents(".panel").addClass("hide")) : $el.parents(".panel").removeClass("hide");
- }).on("hover_node.jstree", function(nodes, str, res) {
- var aType = that.$("#" + str.node.a_attr.id), typeOffset = aType.find(">.jstree-icon").offset();
- that.$(".tree-tooltip").removeClass("show"), setTimeout(function() {
- aType.hasClass("jstree-hovered") && typeOffset.top && typeOffset.left && aType.find(">span.tree-tooltip").css({
- top: "calc(" + typeOffset.top + "px - 45px)",
- left: "24px"
- }).addClass("show");
- }, 1200);
- }).on("dehover_node.jstree", function(nodes, str, res) {
- that.$(".tree-tooltip").removeClass("show");
- });
- },
- refresh: function(options) {
- var that = this, apiCount = options && 0 == options.apiCount ? options.apiCount : 3, renderTree = function() {
- 0 === apiCount && (that.renderEntityTree(), that.changeLoaderState(!1), that.ui.refreshTree.attr("disabled", !1));
- };
- 0 == apiCount ? (that.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.sort({
- silent: !0
- }), that.entityCountObj = _.first(that.metricCollection.toJSON()), that.typeHeaders.fullCollection.sort({
- silent: !0
- }), renderTree()) : (this.entityDefCollection.fetch({
- complete: function() {
- that.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.comparator = function(model) {
- return model.get("name").toLowerCase();
- }, that.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.sort({
- silent: !0
- }), --apiCount, renderTree();
- }
- }), this.metricCollection.fetch({
- complete: function() {
- --apiCount, that.entityCountObj = _.first(that.metricCollection.toJSON()), renderTree();
- }
- }), this.typeHeaders.fetch({
- complete: function() {
- that.typeHeaders.fullCollection.comparator = function(model) {
- return model.get("name").toLowerCase();
- }, that.typeHeaders.fullCollection.sort({
- silent: !0
- }), --apiCount, renderTree();
- }
- }));
- },
- onClickImportBusinessMetadata: function() {
- require([ "views/import/ImportLayoutView" ], function(ImportLayoutView) {
- new ImportLayoutView({});
- });
- }
- });
- return EntityTreeLayoutview;
- });