123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178 |
- define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/glossary/AssignTermLayoutView_tmpl", "utils/Utils", "utils/Enums", "utils/Messages", "utils/UrlLinks", "modules/Modal", "jquery-steps" ], function(require, Backbone, AssignTermLayoutViewTmpl, Utils, Enums, Messages, UrlLinks, Modal) {
- var AssignTermLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
- _viewName: "AssignTermLayoutView",
- template: AssignTermLayoutViewTmpl,
- templateHelpers: function() {
- return {
- isAttributeRelationView: this.isAttributeRelationView,
- selectedTermAttributeList: Enums.termRelationAttributeList[this.selectedTermAttribute]
- };
- },
- regions: {
- RGlossaryTree: "#r_glossaryTree"
- },
- ui: {
- wizard: '[data-id="wizard"]'
- },
- events: function() {
- var events = {};
- return events;
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "glossaryCollection", "guid", "callback", "hideLoader", "isCategoryView", "categoryData", "isTermView", "termData", "isAttributeRelationView", "selectedTermAttribute", "associatedTerms", "multiple"));
- var that = this;
- this.options = options, this.isCategoryView || this.isTermView || this.isAttributeRelationView || (this.isEntityView = !0),
- this.glossary = {
- selectedItem: {}
- };
- var title = "";
- title = this.isCategoryView || this.isEntityView ? "指定术语给 " + (this.isCategoryView ? "Category" : "entity") : this.isAttributeRelationView ? "指定术语给 " + this.selectedTermAttribute : "指定类别给术语",
- this.modal = new Modal({
- title: title,
- content: this,
- cancelText: "Cancel",
- okText: "Assign",
- allowCancel: !0,
- showFooter: !this.isAttributeRelationView,
- mainClass: "wizard-modal",
- okCloses: !1
- }), this.modal.open(), this.modal.$el.find("button.ok").attr("disabled", !0), this.modal.on("closeModal", function() {
- that.modal.trigger("cancel"), that.assignTermError && that.hideLoader && that.hideLoader(),
- options.onModalClose && options.onModalClose();
- }), this.modal.on("ok", function() {
- that.assignTerm();
- }), this.bindEvents();
- },
- bindEvents: function() {
- this.listenTo(this.glossaryCollection, "node_selected", function(skip) {
- this.modal.$el.find("button.ok").attr("disabled", !1);
- }, this);
- },
- onRender: function() {
- this.renderGlossaryTree();
- var that = this;
- this.isAttributeRelationView && this.ui.wizard.steps({
- headerTag: "h3",
- bodyTag: "section",
- transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
- autoFocus: !0,
- enableCancelButton: !0,
- transitionEffect: $.fn.steps.transitionEffect.none,
- transitionEffectSpeed: 200,
- labels: {
- cancel: "取消",
- finish: "Assign",
- next: "下一步",
- previous: "上一步",
- loading: "Loading ..."
- },
- onStepChanging: function(event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
- var isMatch = "GlossaryTerm" == that.glossary.selectedItem.type;
- return isMatch || Utils.notifyWarn({
- content: "Please select Term for association"
- }), isMatch;
- },
- onFinished: function(event, currentIndex) {
- var $assignBtn = $(this).find('a[href="#finish"]');
- $assignBtn.attr("disabled") || ($assignBtn.attr("disabled", !0).showButtonLoader(),
- $assignBtn.parent().attr("aria-disabled", "true").addClass("disabled"), that.assignTerm());
- },
- onCanceled: function(event) {
- that.modal.trigger("cancel");
- }
- });
- },
- assignTerm: function() {
- this.assignTermError = !1;
- var that = this, data = [], termAttributeFormData = [], selectedItem = this.glossary.selectedItem, selectedGuid = selectedItem.guid, termName = selectedItem.text, ajaxOptions = {
- success: function(rModel, response) {
- Utils.notifySuccess({
- content: (that.isCategoryView || that.isEntityView || that.isAttributeRelationView ? "Term" : "Category") + " is associated successfully "
- }), that.modal.trigger("closeModal"), that.callback && that.callback();
- },
- cust_error: function() {
- var $assignBtn = that.$el.find('a[href="#finish"]');
- $assignBtn.removeAttr("disabled").hideButtonLoader(), $assignBtn.parent().attr("aria-disabled", "false").removeClass("disabled"),
- that.assignTermError = !0;
- }
- }, model = new this.glossaryCollection.model();
- if (this.isCategoryView) data = $.extend(!0, {}, this.categoryData), data.terms ? data.terms.push({
- termGuid: selectedGuid
- }) : data.terms = [ {
- termGuid: selectedGuid
- } ], model.assignTermToCategory(_.extend(ajaxOptions, {
- data: JSON.stringify(data),
- guid: data.guid
- })); else if (this.isTermView) data = $.extend(!0, {}, this.termData), data.categories ? data.categories.push({
- categoryGuid: selectedGuid
- }) : data.categories = [ {
- categoryGuid: selectedGuid
- } ], model.assignCategoryToTerm(_.extend(ajaxOptions, {
- data: JSON.stringify(data),
- guid: data.guid
- })); else if (this.isAttributeRelationView) termAttributeFormData = this.$('[data-id="termAttributeForm"]').serializeArray().reduce(function(obj, item) {
- return obj[item.name] = item.value, obj;
- }, {}), data = $.extend(!0, {}, this.termData), data[this.selectedTermAttribute] ? data[this.selectedTermAttribute].push(_.extend({
- termGuid: selectedGuid
- }, termAttributeFormData)) : data[this.selectedTermAttribute] = [ _.extend({
- termGuid: selectedGuid
- }, termAttributeFormData) ], model.assignTermToAttributes(_.extend(ajaxOptions, {
- data: JSON.stringify(data),
- guid: data.guid
- })); else {
- var deletedEntity = [], skipEntity = [];
- if (this.multiple ? (_.each(that.multiple, function(entity, i) {
- var name = Utils.getName(entity.model);
- Enums.entityStateReadOnly[entity.model.status] ? deletedEntity.push(name) : _.indexOf(entity.model.meaningNames || _.pluck(entity.model.meanings, "displayText"), termName) === -1 ? data.push({
- guid: entity.model.guid
- }) : skipEntity.push(name);
- }), deletedEntity.length && Utils.notifyError({
- html: !0,
- content: "<b>" + deletedEntity.join(", ") + "</b> " + (1 === deletedEntity.length ? "entity " : "entities ") + Messages.assignTermDeletedEntity
- })) : data.push({
- guid: that.guid
- }), skipEntity.length) {
- var text = "<b>" + skipEntity.length + " of " + that.multiple.length + "</b> entities selected have already been associated with <b>" + termName + "</b> term, Do you want to associate the term with other entities ?", removeCancelButton = !1;
- skipEntity.length + deletedEntity.length === that.multiple.length && (text = (skipEntity.length > 1 ? "All selected" : "Selected") + " entities have already been associated with <b>" + termName + "</b> term",
- removeCancelButton = !0);
- var notifyObj = {
- text: text,
- modal: !0,
- ok: function(argument) {
- data.length && model.assignTermToEntity(selectedGuid, _.extend(ajaxOptions, {
- data: JSON.stringify(data)
- }));
- },
- cancel: function(argument) {}
- };
- removeCancelButton && (notifyObj.confirm = {
- confirm: !0,
- buttons: [ {
- text: "Ok",
- addClass: "btn-atlas btn-md",
- click: function(notice) {
- notice.remove();
- }
- }, null ]
- }), Utils.notifyConfirm(notifyObj);
- } else data.length && model.assignTermToEntity(selectedGuid, _.extend(ajaxOptions, {
- data: JSON.stringify(data)
- }));
- }
- },
- renderGlossaryTree: function() {
- var that = this;
- require([ "views/glossary/GlossaryLayoutView" ], function(GlossaryLayoutView) {
- that.RGlossaryTree.show(new GlossaryLayoutView(_.extend({
- isAssignTermView: that.isCategoryView,
- isAssignCategoryView: that.isTermView,
- isAssignEntityView: that.isEntityView,
- isAssignAttributeRelationView: that.isAttributeRelationView,
- glossary: that.glossary,
- associatedTerms: that.associatedTerms
- }, that.options)));
- });
- }
- });
- return AssignTermLayoutView;
- });