define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/schema/SchemaTableLayoutView_tmpl", "collection/VSchemaList", "utils/Utils", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "utils/Messages", "utils/Globals", "utils/Enums", "utils/UrlLinks" ], function(require, Backbone, SchemaTableLayoutViewTmpl, VSchemaList, Utils, CommonViewFunction, Messages, Globals, Enums, UrlLinks) { "use strict"; var SchemaTableLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "SchemaTableLayoutView", template: SchemaTableLayoutViewTmpl, regions: { RSchemaTableLayoutView: "#r_schemaTableLayoutView" }, ui: { tagClick: '[data-id="tagClick"]', addTag: "[data-id='addTag']", addAssignTag: "[data-id='addAssignTag']", checkDeletedEntity: "[data-id='checkDeletedEntity']" }, events: function() { var events = {}; return events["click " + this.ui.addTag] = "checkedValue", events["click " + this.ui.addAssignTag] = "checkedValue", events["click " + this.ui.tagClick] = function(e) { if ("i" == this.onClickTagCross(e); else { var value = e.currentTarget.text; Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/tag/tagAttribute/" + value, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !0 }); } }, events["click " + this.ui.checkDeletedEntity] = "onCheckDeletedEntity", events; }, initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "guid", "classificationDefCollection", "entityDefCollection", "attribute", "fetchCollection", "enumDefCollection")), this.schemaCollection = new VSchemaList([], {}), this.commonTableOptions = { collection: this.schemaCollection, includeFilter: !1, includePagination: !0, includePageSize: !0, includeGotoPage: !0, includeFooterRecords: !0, includeOrderAbleColumns: !1, includeAtlasTableSorting: !0, gridOpts: { className: "table table-hover backgrid table-quickMenu", emptyText: "没有找到记录!" }, filterOpts: {}, paginatorOpts: {} }, this.bindEvents(), this.bradCrumbList = []; }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.listenTo(this.schemaCollection, "backgrid:selected", function(model, checked) { this.arr = [], checked === !0 ? model.set("isEnable", !0) : model.set("isEnable", !1), this.schemaCollection.find(function(item) { var obj = item.toJSON(); item.get("isEnable") && that.arr.push({ id: obj.guid, model: obj }); }), this.arr.length > 0 ? this.$(".multiSelectTag").show() : this.$(".multiSelectTag").hide(); }); }, onRender: function() { this.generateTableData(); }, generateTableData: function(checkedDelete) { var that = this; if (this.activeObj = [], this.deleteObj = [], this.schemaTableAttribute = null, this.attribute && this.attribute[0]) { var firstColumn = this.attribute[0], defObj = that.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: firstColumn.typeName }); if (defObj && defObj.get("options") && defObj.get("options").schemaAttributes && firstColumn) try { var mapObj = JSON.parse(defObj.get("options").schemaAttributes); that.schemaTableAttribute = _.pick(firstColumn.attributes, mapObj); } catch (e) {} } _.each(this.attribute, function(obj) { Enums.entityStateReadOnly[obj.status] ? Enums.entityStateReadOnly[obj.status] && that.deleteObj.push(obj) : (that.activeObj.push(obj), that.schemaCollection.push(obj)); }), 0 === this.schemaCollection.length && this.deleteObj.length && (this.ui.checkDeletedEntity.find("input").prop("checked", !0), this.schemaCollection.fullCollection.reset(this.deleteObj)), 0 === this.activeObj.length && 0 === this.deleteObj.length && this.ui.checkDeletedEntity.hide(), this.renderTableLayoutView(); }, showLoader: function() { this.$(".fontLoader").show(), this.$(".tableOverlay").show(); }, hideLoader: function(argument) { this.$(".fontLoader").hide(), this.$(".tableOverlay").hide(); }, renderTableLayoutView: function() { var that = this; require([ "utils/TableLayout" ], function(TableLayout) { var columnCollection = Backgrid.Columns.extend({}), columns = new columnCollection(that.getSchemaTableColumns()); TableLayout(_.extend({}, that.commonTableOptions, { columns: columns }))), that.$(".multiSelectTag").hide(), Utils.generatePopover({ el: that.$('[data-id="showMoreLess"]'), contentClass: "popover-tag-term", viewFixedPopover: !0, popoverOptions: { container: null, content: function() { return $(this).find(".popup-tag-term").children().clone(); } } }); }); }, getSchemaTableColumns: function() { var col = { Check: { name: "selected", label: "", cell: "select-row", headerCell: "select-all" } }; if (this.schemaTableAttribute) return _.each(_.keys(this.schemaTableAttribute), function(key) { "position" !== key && (col[key] = { label: key.capitalize(), cell: "html", editable: !1, className: "searchTableName", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var value = _.escape(model.get("attributes")[key]); if ("name" === key && model.get("guid")) { var nameHtml = '' + value + ""; return model.get("status") && Enums.entityStateReadOnly[model.get("status")] ? (nameHtml += '', '") : nameHtml; } return value; } }) }); }), col.tag = { label: "Classifications", cell: "Html", editable: !1, sortable: !1, className: "searchTag", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var obj = model.toJSON(); return obj.status && Enums.entityStateReadOnly[obj.status] ? '
' + CommonViewFunction.tagForTable(obj) : CommonViewFunction.tagForTable(obj); } }) }, this.schemaCollection.constructor.getTableCols(col, this.schemaCollection); }, checkedValue: function(e) { e && e.stopPropagation(); var guid = "", that = this, isTagMultiSelect = $(e.currentTarget).hasClass("multiSelectTag"); isTagMultiSelect && this.arr && this.arr.length ? that.addTagModalView(guid, this.arr) : (guid = that.$(e.currentTarget).data("guid"), that.addTagModalView(guid)); }, addTagModalView: function(guid, multiple) { var that = this, tagList = that.schemaCollection.find({ guid: guid }); require([ "views/tag/AddTagModalView" ], function(AddTagModalView) { new AddTagModalView({ guid: guid, multiple: multiple, tagList: ? tagList.get("classifications") : [], function(obj) { return obj.typeName; }), callback: function() { that.fetchCollection(), that.arr = []; }, hideLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), showLoader: that.showLoader.bind(that), collection: that.classificationDefCollection, enumDefCollection: that.enumDefCollection }); }); }, onClickTagCross: function(e) { var that = this, tagName = $("name"), guid = $("guid"), assetName = $("assetname"); CommonViewFunction.deleteTag({ tagName: tagName, guid: guid, msg: "
确认删除" + _.escape(tagName) + "" + _.escape(assetName) + "的关联?
", titleMessage: Messages.removeTag, okText: "Remove", showLoader: that.showLoader.bind(that), hideLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), callback: function() { that.fetchCollection(); } }); }, onCheckDeletedEntity: function(e) { ? this.deleteObj.length && this.schemaCollection.fullCollection.reset(this.activeObj.concat(this.deleteObj)) : this.schemaCollection.fullCollection.reset(this.activeObj); } }); return SchemaTableLayoutView; });