define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/common/TableLayout_tmpl", "utils/Messages", "utils/Utils", "utils/Globals", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "backgrid-filter", "backgrid-paginator", "backgrid-sizeable", "backgrid-orderable", "backgrid-select-all", "backgrid-columnmanager" ], function(require, Backbone, FSTablelayoutTmpl, Messages, Utils, Globals, CommonViewFunction) { "use strict"; var FSTableLayout = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "FSTableLayout", template: FSTablelayoutTmpl, templateHelpers: function() { return this.options; }, regions: { rTableList: 'div[data-id="r_tableList"]', rTableSpinner: 'div[data-id="r_tableSpinner"]', rPagination: 'div[data-id="r_pagination"]', rFooterRecords: 'div[data-id="r_footerRecords"]' }, ui: { selectPageSize: 'select[data-id="pageSize"]', paginationDiv: '[data-id="paginationDiv"]', previousData: "[data-id='previousData']", nextData: "[data-id='nextData']", pageRecordText: "[data-id='pageRecordText']", showPage: "[data-id='showPage']", gotoPage: "[data-id='gotoPage']", gotoPagebtn: "[data-id='gotoPagebtn']", activePage: "[data-id='activePage']" }, gridOpts: { className: "table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed backgrid", emptyText: "No Records found!" }, filterOpts: { placeholder: "plcHldr.searchByResourcePath", wait: 150 }, paginatorOpts: { windowSize: 5, slideScale: .5, goBackFirstOnSort: !1 }, controlOpts: { rewind: null, back: { label: "", title: "Previous" }, forward: { label: "", title: "Next" }, fastForward: null }, columnOpts: { opts: { initialColumnsVisible: 4, saveState: !1, loadStateOnInit: !0 }, visibilityControlOpts: {}, el: null }, includePagination: !0, includeAtlasPagination: !1, includeAtlasPageSize: !1, includeFilter: !1, includeHeaderSearch: !1, includePageSize: !1, includeGotoPage: !1, includeFooterRecords: !0, includeColumnManager: !1, includeSizeAbleColumns: !1, includeOrderAbleColumns: !1, includeTableLoader: !0, includeAtlasTableSorting: !1, showDefaultTableSorted: !1, updateFullCollectionManually: !1, sortOpts: { sortColumn: "name", sortDirection: "ascending" }, events: function() { var events = {}, that = this; return events["change " + this.ui.selectPageSize] = "onPageSizeChange", events["change " + this.ui.showPage] = "changePageLimit", events["click " + this.ui.nextData] = "onClicknextData", events["click " + this.ui.previousData] = "onClickpreviousData", events["click " + this.ui.gotoPagebtn] = "gotoPagebtn", events["keyup " + this.ui.gotoPage] = function(e) { var code = e.which; parseInt(e.currentTarget.value); e.currentTarget.value ? that.ui.gotoPagebtn.attr("disabled", !1) : that.ui.gotoPagebtn.attr("disabled", !0), 13 == code && e.currentTarget.value && that.gotoPagebtn(); }, events; }, initialize: function(options) { if (this.limit = 25, this.offset = 0, _.extend(this, _.omit(options, "gridOpts", "sortOpts", "atlasPaginationOpts")), _.extend(this, options.atlasPaginationOpts), _.extend(this.gridOpts, options.gridOpts, { collection: this.collection, columns: this.columns }), _.extend(this.sortOpts, options.sortOpts), this.isApiSorting && 0 === this.offset && (this.limit = this.count || this.limit), this.includeAtlasTableSorting) { var oldSortingRef = this.collection.setSorting; this.collection.setSorting = function() { this.state.pageSize = this.length; var val = oldSortingRef.apply(this, arguments); return val.fullCollection.sort(), this.comparator = function(next, previous, data) { var getValue = function(options) { var next =, previous = options.previous, order = options.order; return next === previous ? null : order === -1 ? next < previous ? -1 : 1 : next < previous ? 1 : -1; }, getKeyVal = function(model, key) { var value = null; return model && key && (value = model[key], value || _.each(model, function(modalValue) { "object" == typeof modalValue && (value || (value = getKeyVal(modalValue, key))); })), Number(value) || value; }; if (val.state && !_.isNull(val.state.sortKey)) { var nextValue, previousValue; return next && next.get("attributes") && next.get("attributes")[val.state.sortKey] || previous && previous.get("attributes") && previous.get("attributes")[val.state.sortKey] ? (nextValue = next.get("attributes")[val.state.sortKey], previousValue = previous.get("attributes")[val.state.sortKey]) : (nextValue = getKeyVal(next.attributes, val.state.sortKey), previousValue = getKeyVal(previous.attributes, val.state.sortKey)), nextValue = "string" == typeof nextValue ? nextValue.toLowerCase() : nextValue, previousValue = "string" == typeof previousValue ? previousValue.toLowerCase() : previousValue, getValue({ next: nextValue || "", previous: previousValue || "", order: val.state.order }); } }, val; }; } this.bindEvents(); }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.collection, "request", function() { this.$('div[data-id="r_tableSpinner"]').addClass("show"); }, this), this.listenTo(this.collection, "sync error", function() { this.$('div[data-id="r_tableSpinner"]').removeClass("show"); }, this), this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", function(collection, options) { this.$('div[data-id="r_tableSpinner"]').removeClass("show"), this.ui.gotoPage.val(""), this.ui.gotoPage.parent().removeClass("has-error"), this.ui.gotoPagebtn.prop("disabled", !0), this.includePagination && this.renderPagination(), this.includeFooterRecords && this.renderFooterRecords(this.collection.state), this.includeAtlasPagination && this.renderAtlasPagination(options); }, this), this.listenTo(this.collection, "backgrid:sorted", function(column, direction, collection) { this.isApiSorting ? column.set("direction", direction) : (this.collection.fullCollection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection), this.includeAtlasTableSorting && this.updateFullCollectionManually && this.collection.fullCollection.reset(collection.toJSON(), { silent: !0 })); }, this), this.listenTo(this, "grid:refresh", function() { this.grid && this.grid.trigger("backgrid:refresh"); }), this.listenTo(this, "grid:refresh:update", function() { this.grid && (this.grid.trigger("backgrid:refresh"), this.grid.collection && this.grid.collection.trigger("backgrid:colgroup:updated")); }), this.listenTo(this.collection, "backgrid:refresh", function() {}, this); }, onRender: function() { this.renderTable(), this.includePagination && this.renderPagination(), this.includeAtlasPagination && this.renderAtlasPagination(), this.includeFilter && this.renderFilter(), this.includeFooterRecords && this.renderFooterRecords(this.collection.state), this.includeColumnManager && this.renderColumnManager(); var pageSizeEl = null; if (this.includePageSize ? pageSizeEl = this.ui.selectPageSize : this.includeAtlasPageSize && (pageSizeEl = this.ui.showPage), pageSizeEl) { pageSizeEl.select2({ data: _.sortBy(_.union([ 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 ], [ this.collection.state.pageSize ])), tags: !0, dropdownCssClass: "number-input", multiple: !1 }); var val = this.collection.state.pageSize; this.value && this.value.pageLimit && (val = this.limit), pageSizeEl.val(val).trigger("change", { skipViewChange: !0 }); } }, renderTable: function() { var that = this; this.grid = new Backgrid.Grid(this.gridOpts).on("backgrid:rendered", function() { that.trigger("backgrid:manual:rendered", this); }), this.showDefaultTableSorted ? (this.grid.render(), (this.collection.fullCollection.length > 1 || this.isApiSorting) && this.grid.sort(this.sortOpts.sortColumn, this.sortOpts.sortDirection), :; }, onShow: function() { this.includeSizeAbleColumns && this.renderSizeAbleColumns(), this.includeOrderAbleColumns && this.renderOrderAbleColumns(); }, renderPagination: function() { var options = _.extend({ collection: this.collection, controls: this.controlOpts }, this.paginatorOpts); this.rPagination ? Backgrid.Extension.Paginator(options)) : this.regions.rPagination && (this.$('div[data-id="r_pagination"]').show(new Backgrid.Extension.Paginator(options)), this.showHideGoToPage()); }, renderAtlasPagination: function(options) { var isFirstPage = 0 === this.offset, dataLength = this.collection.length, goToPage = this.ui.gotoPage.val(); if (dataLength < this.limit ? this.ui.nextData.attr("disabled", !0) : this.ui.nextData.attr("disabled", !1), isFirstPage && (!dataLength || dataLength < this.limit) ? this.ui.paginationDiv.hide() :, isFirstPage ? (this.ui.previousData.attr("disabled", !0), this.pageFrom = 1, this.pageTo = this.limit) : this.ui.previousData.attr("disabled", !1), options && ? (this.pageTo = this.offset + this.limit, this.pageFrom = this.offset + 1) : !isFirstPage && options && options.previous && (this.pageTo = this.pageTo - this.limit, this.pageFrom = this.pageTo - this.limit + 1), !this.isApiSorting || this.pageTo || this.pageFrom || (this.limit = this.count, this.pageTo = this.offset + this.limit, this.pageFrom = this.offset + 1), this.ui.pageRecordText.html("显示 " + this.collection.length + " 条记录 从 " + this.pageFrom + " - " + this.pageTo), this.activePage = Math.round(this.pageTo / this.limit), this.ui.activePage.attr("title", "Page " + this.activePage), this.ui.activePage.text(this.activePage), this.ui.showPage.val(this.limit).trigger("change", { skipViewChange: !0 }), !dataLength && this.offset >= this.limit && (options && || goToPage) && options && !options.fromUrl) { var pageNumber = this.activePage; return goToPage ? (pageNumber = goToPage, this.offset = (this.activePage - 1) * this.limit) : this.ui.nextData.attr("disabled", !0), this.value && (this.value.pageOffset = this.offset, this.triggerUrl && this.triggerUrl()), void Utils.notifyInfo({ html: !0, content: + "" + Utils.getNumberSuffix({ number: pageNumber, sup: !0 }) + " 页" }); } }, showHidePager: function() { this.includePagination && (this.collection.state && this.collection.state.totalRecords > this.collection.state.pageSize ? this.$('div[data-id="r_pagination"]').show() : this.$('div[data-id="r_pagination"]').hide()); }, showHideGoToPage: function() { this.collection.state.pageSize > this.collection.fullCollection.length ? this.ui.paginationDiv.hide() :; }, renderFilter: function() { Backgrid.Extension.ServerSideFilter({ collection: this.collection, name: [ "name" ], placeholder: "plcHldr.searchByResourcePath", wait: 150 })), setTimeout(function() { that.$("table").colResizable({ liveDrag: !0 }); }, 0); }, renderFooterRecords: function(collectionState) { var collState = collectionState, totalRecords = collState.totalRecords || 0, pageStartIndex = totalRecords ? collState.currentPage * collState.pageSize : 0, pageEndIndex = pageStartIndex + this.collection.length; return this.$('[data-id="r_footerRecords"]').html("
Showing " + (totalRecords ? pageStartIndex + 1 : 0 === this.collection.length ? 0 : 1) + " - " + pageEndIndex + "
"), this; }, renderColumnManager: function() { if (this.columns) { var that = this, $el = this.columnOpts.el || this.$("[data-id='control']"), colManager = new Backgrid.Extension.ColumnManager(this.columns, this.columnOpts.opts), colVisibilityControl = new Backgrid.Extension.ColumnManagerVisibilityControl(_.extend({ columnManager: colManager }, this.columnOpts.visibilityControlOpts)); $el.jquery || ($el = $($el)), this.columnOpts.el ? $el.html(colVisibilityControl.render().el) : $el.append(colVisibilityControl.render().el), colManager.on("state-changed", function(state) { that.collection.trigger("state-changed", state); }), colManager.on("state-saved", function() { that.collection.trigger("state-changed"); }); } }, renderSizeAbleColumns: function() { var sizeAbleCol = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns({ collection: this.collection, columns: this.columns, grid: this.getGridObj() }); this.$("thead").before(sizeAbleCol.render().el); var sizeHandler = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumnsHandlers({ sizeAbleColumns: sizeAbleCol, saveModelWidth: !0 }); this.$("thead").before(sizeHandler.render().el), this.columns.on("resize", function(columnModel, newWidth, oldWidth) { console.log("Resize event on column; name, model, new and old width: ", columnModel.get("name"), columnModel, newWidth, oldWidth); }); }, renderOrderAbleColumns: function() { var sizeAbleCol = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns({ collection: this.collection, grid: this.getGridObj(), columns: this.columns }); this.$("thead").before(sizeAbleCol.render().el); var orderHandler = new Backgrid.Extension.OrderableColumns({ grid: this.getGridObj(), sizeAbleColumns: sizeAbleCol }); this.$("thead").before(orderHandler.render().el); }, onClose: function() {}, getGridObj: function() { return this.rTableList.currentView ? this.rTableList.currentView : null; }, onPageSizeChange: function(e, options) { if (!options || !options.skipViewChange) { var pagesize = $(e.currentTarget).val(); if (0 == pagesize) return void"select2").$container.addClass("has-error");"select2").$container.removeClass("has-error"), this.collection.state.pageSize = parseInt(pagesize, 10), this.collection.state.currentPage = this.collection.state.firstPage, this.showHideGoToPage(), "client" == this.collection.mode ? this.collection.fullCollection.reset(this.collection.fullCollection.toJSON()) : this.collection.fetch({ sort: !1, reset: !0, cache: !1 }); } }, onClicknextData: function() { this.offset = this.offset + this.limit, _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, { offset: this.offset }), this.value && (this.value.pageOffset = this.offset, this.triggerUrl && this.triggerUrl()), this.fetchCollection && this.fetchCollection({ next: !0 }); }, onClickpreviousData: function() { this.offset = this.offset - this.limit, this.offset <= -1 && (this.offset = 0), _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, { offset: this.offset }), this.value && (this.value.pageOffset = this.offset, this.triggerUrl && this.triggerUrl()), this.fetchCollection && this.fetchCollection({ previous: !0 }); }, changePageLimit: function(e, obj) { if (!obj || obj && !obj.skipViewChange) { var limit = parseInt(this.ui.showPage.val()); if (0 == limit) return void"select2").$container.addClass("has-error");"select2").$container.removeClass("has-error"), this.limit = limit, this.offset = 0, this.value && (this.value.pageLimit = this.limit, this.value.pageOffset = this.offset, this.triggerUrl && this.triggerUrl()), _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, { limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset }), this.fetchCollection(); } }, gotoPagebtn: function(e) { var that = this, goToPage = parseInt(this.ui.gotoPage.val()); if (!_.isNaN(goToPage) && (0 == goToPage || this.collection.state.totalPages < goToPage)) return Utils.notifyInfo({ content: + "页 " + goToPage }), this.ui.gotoPage.val(""), void that.ui.gotoPagebtn.attr("disabled", !0); if (!(_.isNaN(goToPage) || goToPage <= -1)) { if ("client" == this.collection.mode) return this.collection.getPage(goToPage - 1, { reset: !0 }); this.offset = (goToPage - 1) * this.limit, this.offset <= -1 && (this.offset = 0), _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, { limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset }), this.offset == this.pageFrom - 1 ? Utils.notifyInfo({ content: }) : (this.value && (this.value.pageOffset = this.offset, this.triggerUrl && this.triggerUrl()), this.fetchCollection && this.fetchCollection({ next: !0 })); } } }); return FSTableLayout; });