define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/profile/ProfileTableLayoutView_tmpl", "collection/VProfileList", "utils/Utils", "utils/Messages", "utils/Globals", "moment", "utils/UrlLinks", "collection/VCommonList", "collection/VEntityList", "d3", "sparkline" ], function(require, Backbone, ProfileTableLayoutViewTmpl, VProfileList, Utils, Messages, Globals, moment, UrlLinks, VCommonList, VEntityList, d3, sparkline) { "use strict"; var ProfileTableLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "ProfileTableLayoutView", template: ProfileTableLayoutViewTmpl, regions: { RProfileTableLayoutView: "#r_profileTableLayoutView" }, ui: {}, events: function() { var events = {}; return events["click " + this.ui.addTag] = "checkedValue", events; }, initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "profileData", "guid", "entityDetail")); this.profileCollection = new VCommonList([], { comparator: function(item) { return item.get("position") || 999; } }), this.bindEvents(); }, onRender: function() { this.fetchEntity(); }, fetchEntity: function(argument) { var that = this; this.collection = new VEntityList([], {}), this.collection.url = UrlLinks.entitiesApiUrl({ guid: this.guid, minExtInfo: !1 }), this.collection.fetch({ success: function(response) { that.entityObject = that.collection.first().toJSON(); var collectionJSON = that.entityObject.entity; that.entityDetail = collectionJSON.attributes, Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity({ attributeObject: collectionJSON.attributes, referredEntities: that.entityObject.referredEntities }), Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity({ attributeObject: collectionJSON.relationshipAttributes, referredEntities: that.entityObject.referredEntities }); var columns = collectionJSON.relationshipAttributes.columns || collectionJSON.attributes.columns, db = collectionJSON.relationshipAttributes.db || collectionJSON.attributes.db; if (that.renderTableLayoutView(), that.entityDetail) { that.guid && && that.$(".table_name .graphval").html('' + + ""), db && that.$(".db_name .graphval").html('' + Utils.getName(db) + ""); var profileData = that.entityDetail.profileData; profileData && profileData.attributes && profileData.attributes.rowCount && that.$(".rowValue .graphval").html("" + d3.format("2s")(profileData.attributes.rowCount).replace("G", "B") + ""), that.$(".table_created .graphval").html("" + (that.entityDetail.createTime ? moment(that.entityDetail.createTime).format("LL") : "--") + ""); } _.each(columns, function(obj) { if (obj.attributes && obj.attributes.profileData) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(obj.attributes.profileData.attributes, !0), changeValueObj = {}; profileObj && profileObj.type && ("numeric" === profileObj.type && (changeValueObj.averageLength = 0, changeValueObj.maxLength = 0), "string" === profileObj.type && (changeValueObj.minValue = 0, changeValueObj.maxValue = 0, changeValueObj.meanValue = 0, changeValueObj.medianValue = 0), "date" === profileObj.type && (changeValueObj.averageLength = 0, changeValueObj.maxLength = 0, changeValueObj.minValue = 0, changeValueObj.maxValue = 0, changeValueObj.meanValue = 0, changeValueObj.medianValue = 0)), that.profileCollection.fullCollection.add(_.extend({}, obj.attributes, obj.attributes.profileData.attributes, changeValueObj, { guid: obj.guid, position: obj.attributes ? obj.attributes.position : null })); } }); }, reset: !1 }); }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.profileCollection, "backgrid:refresh", function(model, checked) { this.renderGraphs(); }, this); }, renderTableLayoutView: function() { var that = this; require([ "utils/TableLayout" ], function(TableLayout) { var cols = new Backgrid.Columns(that.getAuditTableColumns()); TableLayout(_.extend({}, { columns: cols, collection: that.profileCollection, includeFilter: !1, includePagination: !0, includePageSize: !1, includeFooterRecords: !0, gridOpts: { className: "table table-hover backgrid table-quickMenu", emptyText: "没有找到记录!" } }))), that.renderGraphs(); }); }, renderGraphs: function() { this.$(".sparklines").sparkline("html", { enableTagOptions: !0 }), this.$(".sparklines").bind("sparklineClick", function(ev) { var id = $(; Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/detailPage/" + id, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !0, urlParams: { tabActive: "profile" } }); }); }, getAuditTableColumns: function() { return this.profileCollection.constructor.getTableCols({ name: { label: "Name", cell: "Html", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", direction: "ascending", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { return '
' + rawValue + "
"; } }) }, type: { label: "Type", cell: "String", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle" }, nonNullData: { label: "% NonNull", cell: "Html", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", width: "180", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { if (rawValue < 50) var barClass = rawValue > 30 && rawValue <= 50 ? "progress-bar-warning" : "progress-bar-danger"; else var barClass = "progress-bar-success"; return '
' + rawValue + "%
"; } }) }, distributionDecile: { label: "Distribution", cell: "Html", editable: !1, sortable: !1, formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var sparkarray = [], distibutionObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON()); return distibutionObj && _.each(distibutionObj.actualObj, function(obj) { sparkarray.push(obj.count); }), ''; } }) }, cardinality: { label: "Cardinality", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle" }, minValue: { label: "Min", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "numeric" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) }, maxValue: { label: "Max", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "numeric" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) }, averageLength: { label: "Average Length", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "string" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) }, maxLength: { label: "Max Length", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "string" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) }, meanValue: { label: "Mean", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "numeric" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) }, medianValue: { label: "Median", cell: "Number", editable: !1, sortable: !0, sortType: "toggle", formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, { fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) { var profileObj = Utils.getProfileTabType(model.toJSON(), !0); return profileObj && "numeric" === profileObj.type ? rawValue : "-"; } }) } }, this.profileCollection); } }); return ProfileTableLayoutView; });