define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/glossary/GlossaryLayoutView_tmpl", "utils/Utils", "utils/Messages", "utils/Globals", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "jstree" ], function(require, Backbone, GlossaryLayoutViewTmpl, Utils, Messages, Globals, CommonViewFunction) { "use strict"; var GlossaryLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "GlossaryLayoutView", template: GlossaryLayoutViewTmpl, regions: {}, templateHelpers: function() { return { isAssignView: this.isAssignView, isAssignAttributeRelationView: this.isAssignAttributeRelationView }; }, ui: { createGlossary: "[data-id='createGlossary']", refreshGlossary: "[data-id='refreshGlossary']", searchTerm: "[data-id='searchTerm']", searchCategory: "[data-id='searchCategory']", glossaryView: 'input[name="glossaryView"]', termTree: "[data-id='termTree']", categoryTree: "[data-id='categoryTree']" }, events: function() { var events = {}; return events["change " + this.ui.glossaryView] = "glossaryViewToggle", events["click " + this.ui.createGlossary] = function(e) { var that = this; e && $(e.currentTarget).attr("disabled", "true"), CommonViewFunction.createEditGlossaryCategoryTerm({ isGlossaryView: !0, collection: this.glossaryCollection, callback: function() { that.ui.createGlossary.removeAttr("disabled"), that.getGlossary(); }, onModalClose: function() { that.ui.createGlossary.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); }, events["click " + this.ui.refreshGlossary] = "getGlossary", events["keyup " + this.ui.searchTerm] = function() { this.ui.termTree.jstree("search", this.ui.searchTerm.val()); }, events["keyup " + this.ui.searchCategory] = function() { this.ui.categoryTree.jstree("search", this.ui.searchCategory.val()); }, events; }, initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "associatedTerms", "guid", "value", "glossaryCollection", "glossary", "isAssignTermView", "isAssignCategoryView", "isAssignEntityView", "isAssignAttributeRelationView")), this.viewType = "term", this.isAssignView = this.isAssignTermView || this.isAssignCategoryView || this.isAssignEntityView || this.isAssignAttributeRelationView, this.bindEvents(), this.query = { term: {}, category: {} }, Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab() && this.value && this.value.viewType && (this.viewType = this.value.viewType, this.query[this.viewType] = _.extend({}, this.value, { guid: this.guid })); }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.listenTo(this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection, "reset add change", function(skip) { this.generateTree(), this.setValues(); }, this), this.listenTo(this.glossaryCollection, "update:details", function(options) { var isGlossaryUpdate = options.isGlossaryUpdate; if (isGlossaryUpdate) this.ui.termTree.jstree(!0).refresh && this.ui.termTree.jstree(!0).refresh(), this.ui.categoryTree.jstree(!0).refresh && this.ui.categoryTree.jstree(!0).refresh(); else { var $tree = this.ui["term" == this.viewType ? "termTree" : "categoryTree"]; $tree.jstree(!0).refresh && ($tree.jstree(!0).refresh(), this.setValues({ trigger: !1 })); } }, this), this.isAssignView || $("body").on("click", ".termPopoverOptions li, .categoryPopoverOptions li", function(e) { that.$(".termPopover,.categoryPopover").popover("hide"), that[$(this).find("a").data("fn")](e); }); }, onRender: function() { this.isAssignCategoryView && (this.$(".category-view").show(), this.$(".term-view").hide()), this.isAssignView && this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.length ? (this.generateTree(), this.disableNodesList = this.getDisableNodes()) : this.getGlossary(); }, setValues: function(options) { "category" == this.viewType ? this.ui.glossaryView.prop("checked") || this.ui.glossaryView.prop("checked", !0).trigger("change", options) : this.ui.glossaryView.prop("checked") && this.ui.glossaryView.prop("checked", !1).trigger("change", options); }, glossaryViewToggle: function(e, options) { var that = this; e.currentTarget.checked ? (this.$(".category-view").show(), this.$(".term-view").hide(), this.viewType = "category") : (this.$(".term-view").show(), this.$(".category-view").hide(), this.viewType = "term"); var setDefaultSelector = function() { if (that.value) { var model = null; model = that.value.gId ? that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(that.value.gId) : that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.first(), model = model.toJSON ? model.toJSON() : model, that.glossary.selectedItem = { type: "Glossary", guid: model.guid, id: model.guid, model: model, text:, gType: "glossary" }; } }; if (Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab()) { var obj = this.query[this.viewType], $tree = this.ui["term" == this.viewType ? "termTree" : "categoryTree"]; if (obj.guid) { var node = $tree.jstree(!0).get_node(obj.guid); node && (this.glossary.selectedItem = node.original, $tree.jstree("activate_node", obj.guid)); } else setDefaultSelector(), $tree.jstree("activate_node", that.glossary.selectedItem.guid); this.query[this.viewType] = _.extend(obj, _.pick(this.glossary.selectedItem, "model", "guid", "gType", "type"), { viewType: this.viewType, isNodeNotFoundAtLoad: this.query[this.viewType].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad }); var url = _.isEmpty(this.glossary.selectedItem) ? "#!/glossary" : "#!/glossary/" + this.glossary.selectedItem.guid; Utils.setUrl({ url: url, urlParams: _.extend({}, _.omit(obj, "guid", "model", "type", "isNodeNotFoundAtLoad")), mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !(options && !_.isUndefined(options.trigger)) || options.trigger, updateTabState: !0 }); } }, getGlossary: function() { this.glossaryCollection.fetch({ reset: !0 }); }, generateCategoryData: function(options) { return, function(obj) { return { text: _.escape(obj.displayText), icon: "fa fa-files-o", guid: obj.categoryGuid, id: obj.categoryGuid, glossaryId: options.node.glossaryId, glossaryName: options.node.glossaryName, model: obj, type: "GlossaryCategory", gType: "category", children: !0 }; }); }, getCategory: function(options) { var that = this; this.glossaryCollection.getCategory({ guid: options.node.guid, related: !0, ajaxOptions: { success: function(data) { data && data.children ? options.callback(that.generateCategoryData(_.extend({}, { data: data.children }, options))) : options.callback([]); }, cust_error: function() { options.callback([]); } } }); }, generateData: function(opt) { var that = this, associatedTerms = (that.guid, that.associatedTerms), type = opt.type; opt.type == this.viewType && (this.query[opt.type].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad = !0); var getSelectedState = function(options) { var objGuid = options.objGuid, node = options.node, index = options.index; if (that.isAssignView) return { opened: !0 }; if (that.guid) { if (that.guid == objGuid) return that.query[that.viewType].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad = !1, that.glossary.selectedItem = node, that.query[that.viewType].model = node.model, that.query[that.viewType].type = node.type, { opened: !0, selected: !0 }; } else { that.query[that.viewType].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad = !1; var selectedItem = { type: "Glossary", gType: "glossary", model: that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.first().toJSON() }; if (selectedItem.text =, selectedItem.guid = selectedItem.model.guid, 0 == index && selectedItem.guid == objGuid) return that.glossary.selectedItem = selectedItem, that.query[that.viewType].model = selectedItem.model, that.query[that.viewType].type = selectedItem.type, { opened: !0, selected: !0 }; } }; return, i) { var obj = model.toJSON(), parent = { text: _.escape(, icon: "fa fa-folder-o", guid: obj.guid, id: obj.guid, model: obj, type: obj.typeName ? obj.typeName : "Glossary", gType: "glossary", children: [] }; return parent.state = getSelectedState({ index: i, node: parent, objGuid: obj.guid }), "category" == type && obj.categories && _.each(obj.categories, function(category) { if (!category.parentCategoryGuid) { var typeName = category.typeName || "GlossaryCategory", guid = category.categoryGuid, categoryObj = { text: _.escape(category.displayText), type: typeName, gType: "category", guid: guid, id: guid, parent: obj, glossaryId: obj.guid, glossaryName:, model: category, children: !0, icon: "fa fa-files-o" }; categoryObj.state = getSelectedState({ index: i, node: categoryObj, objGuid: guid }), parent.children.push(categoryObj); } }), "term" == type && obj.terms && _.each(obj.terms, function(term) { if (associatedTerms) { var associatedTermFound = _.find(associatedTerms, function(obj, index) { if ((obj.termGuid ? obj.termGuid : obj.guid) == term.termGuid) return obj; }); if (associatedTermFound) return; } var typeName = term.typeName || "GlossaryTerm", guid = term.termGuid, termObj = { text: _.escape(term.displayText), type: typeName, gType: "term", guid: guid, id: guid, parent: obj, glossaryName:, glossaryId: obj.guid, model: term, icon: "fa fa-file-o" }; termObj.state = getSelectedState({ index: i, node: termObj, objGuid: guid }), parent.children.push(termObj); }), parent; }); }, manualRender: function(options) { if (_.extend(this, _.omit(options, "isTrigger")), this.value && this.value.viewType && (this.viewType = this.value.viewType), this.guid && this.value && (this.value.fromView && this.value.fromView || this.value.updateView)) { var $tree = this.ui["term" == this.viewType ? "termTree" : "categoryTree"], node = $tree.jstree(!0).get_node(this.guid); node && ($tree.jstree("activate_node", this.guid, { skipTrigger: !0 }), delete this.value.fromView, delete this.value.updateView, this.glossary.selectedItem = node.original, this.query[this.viewType] = _.extend({}, _.pick(this.glossary.selectedItem, "model", "guid", "gType", "type"), { viewType: this.viewType }), Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/glossary/" + this.guid, urlParams: this.value, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !1, updateTabState: !0 }), this.glossaryCollection.trigger("update:details", { isGlossaryUpdate: "glossary" == this.value.gType })); } else this.setValues(); options.isTrigger && this.triggerUrl(); }, getDisableNodes: function() { var disableNodesSelection = []; if (this.options && this.options.isAssignAttributeRelationView) { var disableTerms = this.options.termData && this.options.selectedTermAttribute ? this.options.termData[this.options.selectedTermAttribute] : null; disableNodesSelection =, function(obj) { return obj.termGuid; }), disableNodesSelection.push(this.options.termData.guid); } return disableNodesSelection; }, generateTree: function() { var $termTree = this.ui.termTree, $categoryTree = this.ui.categoryTree, that = this, getTreeConfig = (that.guid, function(options) { return { plugins: [ "search", "themes", "core", "wholerow", "sort", "conditionalselect" ], conditionalselect: function(node) { var obj = node && node.original && node.original.type; if (obj) { if (that.isAssignView) { var isDisableNode = !1; return that.disableNodesList && (isDisableNode = that.disableNodesList.indexOf(node.original.guid) > -1), "Glossary" != obj && !isDisableNode; } return "NoAction" != obj; } }, search: { show_only_matches: !0 }, core: { data: function(node, cb) { "#" === ? cb(that.generateData(options)) : that.getCategory({ node: node.original, callback: cb }); }, themes: { name: that.isAssignView ? "default" : "default-dark", dots: !0 } } }; }), treeLoaded = function(options) { if (1 == that.query[options.type].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad) { var id = that.glossary.selectedItem.guid; options.$el.jstree("activate_node", id); } }, createAction = function(options) { var $el = options.el, type = options.type, popoverClassName = "term" == type ? "termPopover" : "categoryPopover"; if (!that.isAssignView) { var wholerowEl = $el.find("li[role='treeitem'] > .jstree-wholerow:not(:has(>"); wholerowEl.append('
'), "term" == type ? that.createTermAction() : "category" == type && that.createCategoryAction(); } }, initializeTree = function(options) { var $el = options.el, type = options.type; $el.jstree(getTreeConfig({ type: type })).on("load_node.jstree", function(e, data) { createAction(_.extend({}, options, data)); }).on("open_node.jstree", function(e, data) { createAction(_.extend({}, options, data)); }).on("select_node.jstree", function(e, data) { if (that.isAssignView) that.glossary.selectedItem = data.node.original, that.glossaryCollection.trigger("node_selected"); else { var popoverClassName = "term" == type ? ".termPopover" : ".categoryPopover", currentClickedPopoverEl = ""; if (data.event && (currentClickedPopoverEl = $(data.event.currentTarget).parent().hasClass("jstree-leaf") ? $(data.event.currentTarget).parent().find(popoverClassName) : $(data.event.currentTarget).parent().find(">div " + popoverClassName), $(popoverClassName).not(currentClickedPopoverEl).popover("hide")), 1 == that.query[type].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad) that.query[type].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad = !1; else if (type == that.viewType) { if (data && data.event && data.event.skipTrigger) return; that.glossary.selectedItem.guid !== data.node.original.guid && (that.glossary.selectedItem = data.node.original, that.triggerUrl()); } } }).on("search.jstree", function(e, data) { createAction(_.extend({}, options, data)); }).on("clear_search.jstree", function(e, data) { createAction(_.extend({}, options, data)); }).bind("loaded.jstree", function(e, data) { 1 == that.query[type].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad && treeLoaded({ $el: $el, type: type }); }); }, initializeTermTree = function() { $"jstree") ? ($(".termPopover").popover("destroy"), $termTree.jstree(!0).refresh()) : initializeTree({ el: $termTree, type: "term" }); }, initializeCategoryTree = function() { $"jstree") ? ($(".categoryPopover").popover("destroy"), $categoryTree.jstree(!0).refresh()) : initializeTree({ el: $categoryTree, type: "category" }); }; this.isAssignView ? this.isAssignTermView || this.isAssignEntityView || this.isAssignAttributeRelationView ? initializeTermTree() : this.isAssignCategoryView && initializeCategoryTree() : (initializeTermTree(), initializeCategoryTree()), Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab() && this.triggerUrl(), this.glossaryCollection.trigger("render:done"); }, createTermAction: function() { var that = this; Utils.generatePopover({ el: this.$(".termPopover"), contentClass: "termPopoverOptions", popoverOptions: { content: function() { var node = that.query[that.viewType], liString = ""; return liString = "Glossary" == node.type ? "
  • Create Term
  • 删除术语表
  • " : "
  • Delete Term
  • ", ""; } } }); }, createCategoryAction: function() { var that = this; Utils.generatePopover({ el: this.$(".categoryPopover"), contentClass: "categoryPopoverOptions", popoverOptions: { content: function() { var node = that.query[that.viewType], liString = ""; return liString = "Glossary" == node.type ? "
  • Create Category
  • 删除术语表
  • " : "
  • Create Sub-Category
  • Delete Category
  • ", ""; } } }); }, createSubNode: function(opt) { var that = this, type = this.glossary.selectedItem.type; "Glossary" != type && "GlossaryCategory" != type || "category" != this.viewType ? CommonViewFunction.createEditGlossaryCategoryTerm({ isTermView: !0, callback: function() { that.getGlossary(); }, collection: that.glossaryCollection, node: this.glossary.selectedItem }) : CommonViewFunction.createEditGlossaryCategoryTerm({ isCategoryView: !0, collection: that.glossaryCollection, callback: function() { "glossary" == that.value.gType ? that.getGlossary() : that.ui.categoryTree.jstree(!0).refresh(); }, node: this.glossary.selectedItem }); }, deleteNode: function(opt) { var that = this, messageType = "", type = this.glossary.selectedItem.type, guid = this.glossary.selectedItem.guid, gId = this.glossary.selectedItem.glossaryId, options = { success: function(rModel, response) { gId || (gId = guid); var glossary = that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(gId); that.value && ("term" == that.value.gType ? glossary.set("terms", _.reject(glossary.get("terms"), function(obj) { return obj.termGuid == guid; }), { silent: !0 }) : "category" == that.value.gType ? glossary.set("categories", _.reject(glossary.get("categories"), function(obj) { return obj.categoryGuid == guid; }), { silent: !0 }) : (glossary = that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.first(), gId = glossary ? glossary.get("guid") : null)), Utils.notifySuccess({ content: messageType + Messages.getAbbreviationMsg(!1, "deleteSuccessMessage") }); var url = gId ? "#!/glossary/" + gId : "#!/glossary"; null == gId && (that.glossary.selectedItem = {}, that.value = null, that.query = { term: {}, category: {} }, that.ui.categoryTree.jstree(!0).refresh(), that.ui.termTree.jstree(!0).refresh()), Utils.setUrl({ url: url, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !0, urlParams: gId ? _.extend({}, that.value, { gType: "glossary", updateView: !0, gId: null }) : null, updateTabState: !0 }); } }, notifyObj = { modal: !0, ok: function(argument) { "Glossary" == type ? that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(guid).destroy(options, { silent: !0, reset: !1 }) : "GlossaryCategory" == type ? new that.glossaryCollection.model().deleteCategory(guid, options) : "GlossaryTerm" == type && new that.glossaryCollection.model().deleteTerm(guid, options); }, cancel: function(argument) {} }; "Glossary" == type ? messageType = "Glossary" : "GlossaryCategory" == type ? messageType = "Category" : "GlossaryTerm" == type && (messageType = "Term"), notifyObj.text = "Are you sure you want to delete the " + messageType, Utils.notifyConfirm(notifyObj); }, triggerUrl: function(options) { if (!this.isAssignView) { var selectedItem = this.glossary.selectedItem; if (this.glossaryCollection.length && (_.isEmpty(selectedItem) || this.query[this.viewType].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad)) { var model = selectedItem.model; model && !_.isUndefined(model.parentCategory || model.parentCategoryGuid) && (selectedItem = { model: this.glossaryCollection.first().toJSON() }, selectedItem.guid = selectedItem.model.guid, selectedItem.type = "Glossary", selectedItem.gType = "glossary", selectedItem.text =, this.glossary.selectedItem = selectedItem, this.query[this.viewType].model = selectedItem.model, this.query[this.viewType].gType = "glossary", this.query[this.viewType].type = "Glossary", delete this.query[this.viewType].gId); } if (!_.isEmpty(selectedItem) && (Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab() || Utils.getUrlState.isDetailPage())) { var obj = {}; selectedItem.glossaryId ? obj.gId = selectedItem.glossaryId : "Glossary" == selectedItem.type && (obj.gId = selectedItem.guid), this.query[this.viewType] = _.extend(obj, _.omit(this.value, "gId"), _.pick(this.glossary.selectedItem, "model", "type", "gType", "guid"), { viewType: this.viewType, isNodeNotFoundAtLoad: this.query[this.viewType].isNodeNotFoundAtLoad }), Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/glossary/" + obj.guid, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !0, urlParams: _.omit(obj, "model", "guid", "type", "isNodeNotFoundAtLoad"), updateTabState: !0 }); } } } }); return GlossaryLayoutView; });