define([ "require", "hbs!tmpl/site/SideNavLayoutView_tmpl", "utils/Utils", "utils/Globals", "utils/UrlLinks" ], function(require, tmpl, Utils, Globals, UrlLinks) { "use strict"; var SideNavLayoutView = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ template: tmpl, regions: { RTagLayoutView: "#r_tagLayoutView", RSearchLayoutView: "#r_searchLayoutView", RGlossaryLayoutView: "#r_glossaryLayoutView" }, ui: { tabs: ".tabs li a" }, templateHelpers: function() { return { apiBaseUrl: UrlLinks.apiBaseUrl }; }, events: function() { var events = {}; return events["click " + this.ui.tabs] = function(e) { var urlString = "", elementName = $(e.currentTarget).data(), tabStateUrls = Globals.saveApplicationState.tabState, urlStateObj = Utils.getUrlState, hashUrl = Utils.getUrlState.getQueryUrl().hash; urlStateObj.isTagTab() ? hashUrl != tabStateUrls.tagUrl && (Globals.saveApplicationState.tabState.tagUrl = hashUrl) : urlStateObj.isSearchTab() && hashUrl != tabStateUrls.searchUrl && (Globals.saveApplicationState.tabState.searchUrl = hashUrl), "tab-classification" == ? urlString = tabStateUrls.tagUrl : "tab-search" == ? urlString = tabStateUrls.searchUrl : "tab-glossary" == && (urlString = tabStateUrls.glossaryUrl), Utils.setUrl({ url: urlString, mergeBrowserUrl: !1, trigger: !0, updateTabState: !0 }); }, events; }, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options; }, onRender: function() { this.renderTagLayoutView(), this.renderSearchLayoutView(), this.renderGlossaryLayoutView(), this.selectTab(); }, renderTagLayoutView: function() { var that = this; require([ "views/tag/TagLayoutView" ], function(TagLayoutView) { TagLayoutView(_.extend(that.options, { collection: that.options.classificationDefCollection }))); }); }, renderSearchLayoutView: function() { var that = this; require([ "views/search/SearchLayoutView" ], function(SearchLayoutView) { SearchLayoutView(that.options)); }); }, renderGlossaryLayoutView: function() { var that = this; require([ "views/glossary/GlossaryLayoutView" ], function(GlossaryLayoutView) { GlossaryLayoutView(that.options)); }); }, selectTab: function() { var that = this, activeTab = function(options) { var view = options.view; that.$(".tabs").find('li a[aria-controls="tab-' + view + '"]').parents("li").addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"), that.$(".tab-content").find("div#tab-" + view).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); }; if (Utils.getUrlState.isSearchTab() || Utils.getUrlState.isInitial()) activeTab({ view: "search" }); else if (Utils.getUrlState.isTagTab()) activeTab({ view: "classification" }); else if (Utils.getUrlState.isGlossaryTab()) activeTab({ view: "glossary" }); else if (Utils.getUrlState.isDetailPage()) { var queryParams = Utils.getUrlState.getQueryParams(), view = "search"; queryParams && queryParams.from && ("classification" == queryParams.from ? view = "tag" : "glossary" == queryParams.from && (view = "glossary")), activeTab({ view: view }); } } }); return SideNavLayoutView; });