define([ "require", "backbone", "modules/Modal", "utils/Utils", "hbs!tmpl/search/SearchQuery_tmpl", "utils/Globals" ], function(require, Backbone, Modal, Utils, SearchQuery_Tmpl, Globals) { var SearchQueryView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "SearchQueryView", template: SearchQuery_Tmpl, regions: { RQueryBuilder: "#r_queryBuilder" }, ui: {}, events: function() { var events = {}; return events; }, initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "value", "entityDefCollection", "typeHeaders", "searchVent", "enumDefCollection", "classificationDefCollection", "tag", "searchTableFilters")), this.bindEvents(); var that = this; this.modal = new Modal({ title: "Attribute Filter", content: this, allowCancel: !0, mainClass: "modal-lg", okCloses: !1, buttons: [ { text: "Cancel", btnClass: "cancel btn-action", title: "Cancel" }, { text: "Apply", btnClass: "ok btn-atlas", title: "Apply the filters and close popup (won't perform search)" }, { text: "Search", btnClass: "ok search btn-atlas", title: "Apply the filters and do search" } ] }).open(), this.modal.on("closeModal", function() { that.modal.trigger("cancel"); }); }, onRender: function() { this.$(".fontLoader").show(); var obj = { value: this.value, searchVent: this.searchVent, entityDefCollection: this.entityDefCollection, enumDefCollection: this.enumDefCollection, classificationDefCollection: this.classificationDefCollection, searchTableFilters: this.searchTableFilters }; this.tag ? (obj.tag = !0, obj.attrObj = this.classificationDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: this.value.tag }), obj.attrObj && (obj.attrObj = Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj({ data: obj.attrObj.toJSON(), collection: this.classificationDefCollection, attrMerge: !0 })), Globals[this.value.tag] && (obj.attrObj = Globals[this.value.tag].attributeDefs)) : (obj.type = !0, obj.attrObj = this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: this.value.type }), obj.attrObj && (obj.attrObj = Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj({ data: obj.attrObj.toJSON(), collection: this.entityDefCollection, attrMerge: !0 })), Globals[this.value.type] && (obj.attrObj = Globals[this.value.type].attributeDefs)), this.renderQueryBuilder(obj); }, bindEvents: function() {}, renderQueryBuilder: function(obj) { var that = this; require([ "views/search/QueryBuilderView" ], function(QueryBuilderView) { QueryBuilderView(obj)); }); } }); return SearchQueryView; });