define([ "require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/import/ImportLayoutView_tmpl", "modules/Modal", "utils/CommonViewFunction", "utils/Utils", "utils/UrlLinks", "dropzone" ], function(require, Backbone, ImportLayoutViewTmpl, Modal, CommonViewFunction, Utils, UrlLinks, dropzone) { var ImportLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ _viewName: "ImportLayoutView", template: ImportLayoutViewTmpl, regions: {}, ui: { errorContainer: "[data-id='errorContainer']", importGlossary: "[data-id='importGlossary']", errorDetails: "[data-id='errorDetails']" }, events: function() { var events = {}; return events; }, initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "callback", "isGlossary")); var that = this; this.modal = new Modal({ title: this.isGlossary ? "Import Glossary Term" : "Import Business Metadata", content: this, cancelText: "Cancel", okText: "Upload", allowCancel: !0, okCloses: !1, mainClass: "dropzone-modal" }).open(), this.modal.$el.find("button.ok").attr("disabled", !0), this.modal.on("ok", function(e) { that.dropzone.processQueue(); }), this.modal.on("closeModal", function() { that.modal.trigger("cancel"); }), this.bindEvents(); }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; $("body").on("click", ".importBackBtn", function() { var modalTitle = that.isGlossary ? "Import Glossary Term" : "Import Business Metadata"; that.toggleErrorAndDropZoneView({ title: modalTitle, isErrorView: !1 }); }); }, onRender: function() { var that = this; this.dropzone = null; var updateButton = function(files) { var buttonEl = that.modal.$el.find("button.ok"); 0 === files.length ? buttonEl.attr("disabled", !0) : buttonEl.attr("disabled", !1); }, headers = {}; headers[CommonViewFunction.restCsrfCustomHeader] = CommonViewFunction.restCsrfValue || '""', this.ui.importGlossary.dropzone({ url: that.isGlossary ? UrlLinks.glossaryImportUrl() : UrlLinks.businessMetadataImportUrl(), clickable: !0, acceptedFiles: ".csv,.xls,.xlsx", autoProcessQueue: !1, maxFiles: 1, addRemoveLinks: !0, timeout: 0, init: function() { that.dropzone = this, this.on("addedfile", function(file) { updateButton(this.files); }), this.on("removedfile", function(file) { updateButton(this.files); }); }, maxfilesexceeded: function(file) { this.removeAllFiles(), this.addFile(file); }, success: function(file, response, responseObj) { var success = !0; if (response.failedImportInfoList && response.failedImportInfoList.length) { var errorStr = ""; if (success = !1, that.ui.errorDetails.empty(), Utils.defaultErrorHandler(null, file.xhr, { defaultErrorMessage: response.failedImportInfoList[0].remarks }), response.failedImportInfoList.length > 1) { var modalTitle = '