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    '); if (!this.options.options.getFilterBox) throw "In order to render the filter options adapter needed getFilterBox function"; var $Filter = $(''); return this.$Filter = $Filter, this.$Filter.append(this.options.options.getFilterBox()), this.$Filter.hide(), this.$searchContainer = $search, $Filter.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length ? $search.find("button.filter").addClass("active") : $search.find("button.filter").removeClass("active"), this.$search = $search.find("input"), $rendered.prepend($search), $rendered.append($Filter), $rendered; }; var oldDropdownWithSearchBindRef = dropdownWithSearch.prototype.bind; dropdownWithSearch.prototype.bind = function(container, $container) { var self = this;, container, $container); var self = this; this.$Filter.on("click", "li", function() { var itemCallback = self.options.options.onFilterItemSelect; itemCallback && itemCallback(this); }), this.$searchContainer.find("button.filter").click(function() { container.$dropdown.find(".select2-search").hide(150), container.$dropdown.find(".select2-results").hide(150), self.$Filter.html(self.options.options.getFilterBox()), self.$; }), this.$Filter.on("click", "button.filterDone", function() { container.$dropdown.find(".select2-search").show(150), container.$dropdown.find(".select2-results").show(150), self.$Filter.hide(); var filterSubmitCallback = self.options.options.onFilterSubmit; filterSubmitCallback && filterSubmitCallback({ filterVal:$Filter.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked'), function(item) { return $(item).data("value"); }) }); }), container.$element.on("hideFilter", function() { container.$dropdown.find(".select2-search").show(), container.$dropdown.find(".select2-results").show(), self.$Filter.hide(); }); }; var adapter = Utils.Decorate(dropdownWithSearch, AttachContainer); return adapter = Utils.Decorate(adapter, AttachBody); })), $.widget("custom.atlasAutoComplete", $.ui.autocomplete, { _create: function() { this._super(), this.widget().menu("option", "items", "> :not(.ui-autocomplete-category,.empty)"); }, _renderMenu: function(ul, items) { var that = this, currentCategory = ""; items = _.sortBy(items, "order"), $.each(items, function(index, item) { item.category != currentCategory && (ul.append("
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