@@ -11,6 +11,43 @@
<div id="3DcesiumContainer" class="map" @click="onMapClick"></div>
+ <el-tabs type="border-card" v-model="activeName" tab-position="left" class="menu" :stretch="true"
+ @tab-click="legendClick">
+ <!-- <el-tab-pane name="first">
+ <el-tooltip placement="right" effect="light" slot="label">
+ <span slot="content" class="item">标绘</span>
+ <span><i class="el-icon-wind-power"></i></span>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </el-tab-pane> -->
+ <!-- <el-tab-pane name="second">
+ <el-tooltip placement="right" effect="light" slot="label">
+ <span slot="content" class="item">模型</span>
+ <span><i class="el-icon-receiving"></i></span>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ <Model @selectModel="selectModel" :isShow="isShow"></Model>
+ </el-tab-pane> -->
+ <!-- <el-tab-pane name="third">
+ <el-tooltip placement="right" effect="light" slot="label">
+ <span slot="content" class="item">测量</span>
+ <span><i class="el-icon-discount"></i></span>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </el-tab-pane> -->
+ <el-tab-pane name="fouth">
+ <el-tooltip placement="right" effect="light" slot="label">
+ <span slot="content" class="item">想定</span>
+ <span><i class="el-icon-house"></i></span>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ <el-table :data="situation">
+ <el-table-column label="名称" prop="xdname" width="150px"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column label="操作" align="center">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="getJson(scope.row)">导入</el-button>
+ <!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="saveJson()">保存</el-button> -->
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ </el-tabs>
<div class="buttons">
<el-button icon="el-icon-full-screen" circle @click="ismax()"></el-button>
<el-button icon="el-icon-house" circle @click="home()"></el-button>
@@ -28,7 +65,12 @@ import { getToken } from "@/utils";
import axios from "axios";
import satelliteModel from '@/assets/model/satelite.glb';
import TimeLine from '@/components/TimeLine/index.vue';
+import missileModel from '@/assets/model/basic_missle.glb';
+import thaadModel from '@/assets/model/anti-aircraft_gun_fire_control_radar_vehicle.glb';
+import centerModel from '@/assets/model/the_white_house.glb';
+import radarModel from '@/assets/model/radar.glb'
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
components: {
@@ -92,7 +134,7 @@ export default {
mounted() {
- this.pointMove();
+ // this.pointMove();
beforeDestroy() {
@@ -171,6 +213,191 @@ export default {
changeItemPosition(data) {
+ },
+ async getJson(row) {
+ let redunit = [];
+ let blueunit = [];
+ let satellite = [];
+ let center = [];
+ // let fileInfoStr = row.blueunit;
+ // let fileInfoArr = JSON.parse(fileInfoStr);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < fileInfoArr.length; i++) {
+ // await axios
+ // .get("http://localhost:8084/admin/online/onlineOperation/downloadDatasource/main", {
+ // params: {
+ // datasourceId: "1656243335922192384",
+ // fieldName: "blueunit",
+ // asImage: false,
+ // dataId: row.id,
+ // filename: fileInfoArr[i].filename,
+ // Authorization: getToken(),
+ // MenuId: "1656244747347431424"
+ // }
+ // })
+ // .then((response) => {
+ // // 处理成功的响应
+ // blueunit.push(response.data);
+ // })
+ // .catch((error) => {
+ // // 处理错误
+ // console.error(error);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // fileInfoStr = row.redunit;
+ // fileInfoArr = JSON.parse(fileInfoStr);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < fileInfoArr.length; i++) {
+ // await axios
+ // .get("http://localhost:8084/admin/online/onlineOperation/downloadDatasource/main", {
+ // params: {
+ // datasourceId: "1656243335922192384",
+ // fieldName: "redunit",
+ // asImage: false,
+ // dataId: row.id,
+ // filename: fileInfoArr[i].filename,
+ // Authorization: getToken(),
+ // MenuId: "1656244747347431424"
+ // }
+ // })
+ // .then((response) => {
+ // // 处理成功的响应
+ // redunit.push(response.data);
+ // })
+ // .catch((error) => {
+ // // 处理错误
+ // console.error(error);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // fileInfoStr = row.center;
+ // fileInfoArr = JSON.parse(fileInfoStr);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < fileInfoArr.length; i++) {
+ // await axios
+ // .get("http://localhost:8084/admin/online/onlineOperation/downloadDatasource/main", {
+ // params: {
+ // datasourceId: "1656243335922192384",
+ // fieldName: "center",
+ // asImage: false,
+ // dataId: row.id,
+ // filename: fileInfoArr[i].filename,
+ // Authorization: getToken(),
+ // MenuId: "1656244747347431424"
+ // }
+ // })
+ // .then((response) => {
+ // // 处理成功的响应
+ // center.push(response.data);
+ // })
+ // .catch((error) => {
+ // // 处理错误
+ // console.error(error);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // fileInfoStr = row.satellite;
+ // fileInfoArr = JSON.parse(fileInfoStr);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < fileInfoArr.length; i++) {
+ // await axios
+ // .get("http://localhost:8084/admin/online/onlineOperation/downloadDatasource/main", {
+ // params: {
+ // datasourceId: "1656243335922192384",
+ // fieldName: "satellite",
+ // asImage: false,
+ // dataId: row.id,
+ // filename: fileInfoArr[i].filename,
+ // Authorization: getToken(),
+ // MenuId: "1656244747347431424"
+ // }
+ // })
+ // .then((response) => {
+ // // 处理成功的响应
+ // satellite.push(response.data);
+ // })
+ // .catch((error) => {
+ // // 处理错误
+ // console.error(error);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // const jsonData = {}
+ // id: row.id,
+ // xdname: row.xdname,
+ // type: row.type,
+ // creator: row.creator,
+ // createtime: row.createtime,
+ // bluecnt: row.bluecnt,
+ // target: row.target,
+ // starttime: row.starttime,
+ // steptime: row.steptime,
+ // blueunit: blueunit,
+ // redunit: redunit,
+ // satellite: satellite,
+ // center: center
+ // };
+ let fileInfoStr = row.xdfile;
+ let fileInfoArr = JSON.parse(fileInfoStr);
+ await axios
+ .get("http://localhost:8084/admin/online/onlineOperation/downloadDatasource/main", {
+ params: {
+ datasourceId: "1656243335922192384",
+ fieldName: "xdfile",
+ asImage: false,
+ dataId: row.id,
+ filename: fileInfoArr[0].filename,
+ Authorization: getToken(),
+ MenuId: "1656244747347431424"
+ }
+ })
+ .then((response) => {
+ console.log('response.data :>> ', response.data);
+ // // 处理成功的响应
+ // jsonData = response.data
+ blueunit = response.data.blueunit
+ redunit = response.data.redunit
+ satellite = response.data.satellite
+ center = response.data.center
+ this.save = true
+ this.jsonData = {
+ id: row.id,
+ xdname: row.xdname,
+ type: row.type,
+ creator: row.creator,
+ createtime: row.createtime,
+ bluecnt: row.bluecnt,
+ target: row.target,
+ starttime: row.starttime,
+ steptime: row.steptime,
+ blueunit: blueunit,
+ redunit: redunit,
+ satellite: satellite,
+ center: center
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ // 处理错误
+ console.error(error);
+ });
+ for(let i =0;i<blueunit.length;i++){
+ this.markLocationbyJson(parseFloat(blueunit[i].pos.lat),parseFloat(blueunit[i].pos.lon),parseFloat(blueunit[i].pos.height),blueunit[i].name,"blue")
+ }
+ for(let i = 0;i<center.length;i++){
+ let item = center[i]
+ this.markLocationbyJson(parseFloat(item[center[i].name].properties.lat),parseFloat(item[center[i].name].properties.lon),parseFloat(item[center[i].name].properties.h),item.name,"center")
+ }
+ for(let i = 0;i<redunit.length;i++){
+ this.markLocationbyJson(parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_lat),parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_lon),parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_h),redunit[i].name,"red")
+ let point1 = {
+ longitude : parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_lon),
+ latitude : parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_lat),
+ height :parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.launch_h)
+ }
+ let point2 = {
+ longitude : parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.target_lon),
+ latitude : parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.target_lat),
+ height : parseFloat(redunit[i].component_movementjson.properties.target_h)
+ }
+ this.markLine(point1,point2,"red")
+ }
getData() {
@@ -538,24 +765,32 @@ export default {
- markLocationbyJson(latitude, longitude,name,type) {
- const position = this.Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude);
+ markLocationbyJson(latitude, longitude,height,name,type) {
+ const position = this.Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude,height);
+ console.log('position :>> ', position);
let color = ''
+ let modelUrl = ''
color = 'Red'
+ modelUrl= missileModel
- else{
+ else if(type=='blue'){
color = 'Blue'
+ modelUrl = radarModel
+ }
+ else if(type=='center'){
+ color = 'Blue'
+ modelUrl = centerModel
id: this.id,
position: position,
- // point: {
- // pixelSize: 12, // 调整点的大小,可以增大点的像素大小
- // color: this.Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color)
- // },
+ point: {
+ pixelSize: 12, // 调整点的大小,可以增大点的像素大小
+ color: this.Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color)
+ },
model: {
- uri: satelliteModel, // 替换为你的3D模型文件路径
+ uri: modelUrl, // 替换为你的3D模型文件路径
scale: 1.0, // 调整3D模型的缩放大小
minimumPixelSize: 64 // 设置3D模型的最小像素大小,确保在视图中可见
@@ -574,7 +809,7 @@ export default {
color: this.Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color)
model: {
- uri: satelliteModel, // 替换为你的3D模型文件路径
+ uri: modelUrl, // 替换为你的3D模型文件路径
scale: 1.0, // 调整3D模型的缩放大小
minimumPixelSize: 64 // 设置3D模型的最小像素大小,确保在视图中可见
@@ -639,195 +874,195 @@ export default {
// 鼠标点击的事件监听
- pointMove() {
- // 监听鼠标左键点击事件
- this.handler2D.setInputAction((event) => {
- if (!this.selectedMarker && !this.modeltooltip) {
- const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.position.x, event.position.y);
- const pickedEntity = this.viewer2D.scene.pick(screenPosition);
- if (this.Cesium.defined(pickedEntity)) {
- for (const entity of this.viewer2D.entities.values) {
- if (pickedEntity.id.id === entity.id) {
- this.selectedMarker = entity;
- this.oldPosition = pickedEntity.id.position;
- // 显示提示
- this.selectModel("pointer", null, "右键取消");
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- // const material = new this.Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty(this.selectedMarker.point.color);
- console.log('this.viewer2D.entities.values :>> ', this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value);
- let position = this.convertWorldToCartographic(this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value)
+// pointMove() {
+// // 监听鼠标左键点击事件
+// this.handler2D.setInputAction((event) => {
+// if (!this.selectedMarker && !this.modeltooltip) {
+// const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.position.x, event.position.y);
+// const pickedEntity = this.viewer2D.scene.pick(screenPosition);
+// if (this.Cesium.defined(pickedEntity)) {
+// for (const entity of this.viewer2D.entities.values) {
+// if (pickedEntity.id.id === entity.id) {
+// this.selectedMarker = entity;
+// this.oldPosition = pickedEntity.id.position;
+// // 显示提示
+// this.selectModel("pointer", null, "右键取消");
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// } else if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// // const material = new this.Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty(this.selectedMarker.point.color);
+// console.log('this.viewer2D.entities.values :>> ', this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value);
+// let position = this.convertWorldToCartographic(this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value)
- let name = ''
- for(let i = 0;i<this.nameIdList.length;i++){
+// let name = ''
+// for(let i = 0;i<this.nameIdList.length;i++){
- if(this.nameIdList[i].id == this.selectedMarker.id){
- name = this.nameIdList[i].name
- }
- }
- for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.blueunit.length;i++){
- if(name == this.jsonData.blueunit[i].name){
- this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.h = position.height.toFixed(2)
- }
- }
- for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.redunit.length;i++){
- if(name == this.jsonData.redunit.name){
- this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_h = position.height.toFixed(2)
- }
- }
- for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.center.length;i++){
- if(name == this.jsonData.center[i].name){
- this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.h = position.height.toFixed(2)
- for(let j = 0;j<this.jsonData.redunit.length;j++){
- this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
- this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_h = position.height.toFixed(2)
- }
-// 新的终点坐标
-const newEndPoint = this.Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(position.longitude, position.latitude, position.height);
-// 遍历所有的entity对象
-this.viewer2D.entities.values.forEach(entity => {
- // 检查entity是否为Polyline类型
- if (entity instanceof this.Cesium.Entity && entity.polyline) {
- // 获取原始的Polyline坐标数组
- const positions = entity.polyline.positions.getValue(); // 得到一个Cartesian3数组
- // 修改终点坐标为新的坐标
- positions[positions.length - 1] = newEndPoint;
- // 更新entity的Polyline坐标
- entity.polyline.positions = new this.Cesium.CallbackProperty(time => positions, false);
- }
-this.viewer3D.entities.values.forEach(entity => {
- // 检查entity是否为Polyline类型
- if (entity instanceof this.Cesium.Entity && entity.polyline) {
- // 获取原始的Polyline坐标数组
- const positions = entity.polyline.positions.getValue(); // 得到一个Cartesian3数组
- // 修改终点坐标为新的坐标
- positions[positions.length - 1] = newEndPoint;
- // 更新entity的Polyline坐标
- entity.polyline.positions = new this.Cesium.CallbackProperty(time => positions, false);
- }
- }
+// if(this.nameIdList[i].id == this.selectedMarker.id){
+// name = this.nameIdList[i].name
+// }
+// }
+// for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.blueunit.length;i++){
+// if(name == this.jsonData.blueunit[i].name){
+// this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.blueunit[i].pos.h = position.height.toFixed(2)
+// }
+// }
+// for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.redunit.length;i++){
+// if(name == this.jsonData.redunit.name){
+// this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.redunit.component_movementjson.properties.launch_h = position.height.toFixed(2)
+// }
+// }
+// for(let i = 0;i<this.jsonData.center.length;i++){
+// if(name == this.jsonData.center[i].name){
+// this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.center[i][name].properties.h = position.height.toFixed(2)
+// for(let j = 0;j<this.jsonData.redunit.length;j++){
+// this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_lon = position.longitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_lat = position.latitude.toFixed(6)
+// this.jsonData.redunit[j].component_movementjson.properties.target_h = position.height.toFixed(2)
+// }
+// // 新的终点坐标
+// const newEndPoint = this.Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(position.longitude, position.latitude, position.height);
+// // 遍历所有的entity对象
+// this.viewer2D.entities.values.forEach(entity => {
+// // 检查entity是否为Polyline类型
+// if (entity instanceof this.Cesium.Entity && entity.polyline) {
+// // 获取原始的Polyline坐标数组
+// const positions = entity.polyline.positions.getValue(); // 得到一个Cartesian3数组
+// // 修改终点坐标为新的坐标
+// positions[positions.length - 1] = newEndPoint;
+// // 更新entity的Polyline坐标
+// entity.polyline.positions = new this.Cesium.CallbackProperty(time => positions, false);
+// }
+// });
+// this.viewer3D.entities.values.forEach(entity => {
+// // 检查entity是否为Polyline类型
+// if (entity instanceof this.Cesium.Entity && entity.polyline) {
+// // 获取原始的Polyline坐标数组
+// const positions = entity.polyline.positions.getValue(); // 得到一个Cartesian3数组
+// // 修改终点坐标为新的坐标
+// positions[positions.length - 1] = newEndPoint;
+// // 更新entity的Polyline坐标
+// entity.polyline.positions = new this.Cesium.CallbackProperty(time => positions, false);
+// }
+// });
+// }
- }
- // this.viewer2D.entities.add({
- // polyline: {
- // positions: [
- // this.oldPosition._value,
- // this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
- // ],
- // width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
- // material: material,
- // followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
- // }
- // });
- // this.viewer3D.entities.add({
- // polyline: {
- // positions: [
- // this.oldPosition._value,
- // this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
- // ],
- // width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
- // material: material,
- // followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
- // }
- // });
- console.log('this.jsonData :>> ', this.jsonData);
- this.selectedMarker = null;
- this.selectModel();
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);
- // 监听鼠标移动事件,用于移动标记点
- this.handler2D.setInputAction((event) => {
- if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.endPosition.x, event.endPosition.y);
- const position = this.viewer2D.scene.camera.pickEllipsoid(screenPosition);
- this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
- this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);
- // 监听右键
- this.handler2D.setInputAction(() => {
- if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = this.oldPosition;
- this.selectedMarker = null;
- this.selectModel();
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK);
- this.handler3D.setInputAction((event) => {
- if (!this.selectedMarker && !this.modeltooltip) {
- const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.position.x, event.position.y);
- const pickedEntity = this.viewer3D.scene.pick(screenPosition);
- if (this.Cesium.defined(pickedEntity)) {
- for (const entity of this.viewer3D.entities.values) {
- if (pickedEntity.id.id === entity.id) {
- this.selectedMarker = entity;
- this.oldPosition = pickedEntity.id.position;
- // 显示提示
- this.selectModel("pointer", null, "右键取消");
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- const material = new this.Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty(this.selectedMarker.point.color);
- this.viewer2D.entities.add({
- polyline: {
- positions: [
- this.oldPosition._value,
- this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
- ],
- width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
- material: material,
- followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
- }
- });
- this.viewer3D.entities.add({
- polyline: {
- positions: [
- this.oldPosition._value,
- this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
- ],
- width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
- material: material,
- followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
- }
- });
- this.selectedMarker = null;
- this.selectModel();
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);
- // 监听鼠标移动事件,用于移动标记点
- this.handler3D.setInputAction((event) => {
- if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.endPosition.x, event.endPosition.y);
- const position = this.viewer3D.scene.camera.pickEllipsoid(screenPosition);
- this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
- this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);
- // 监听右键
- this.handler3D.setInputAction(() => {
- if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
- this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = this.oldPosition;
- this.selectedMarker = null;
- this.selectModel();
- }
- }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK);
- }
+// }
+// // this.viewer2D.entities.add({
+// // polyline: {
+// // positions: [
+// // this.oldPosition._value,
+// // this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
+// // ],
+// // width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
+// // material: material,
+// // followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
+// // }
+// // });
+// // this.viewer3D.entities.add({
+// // polyline: {
+// // positions: [
+// // this.oldPosition._value,
+// // this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
+// // ],
+// // width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
+// // material: material,
+// // followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
+// // }
+// // });
+// console.log('this.jsonData :>> ', this.jsonData);
+// this.selectedMarker = null;
+// this.selectModel();
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);
+// // 监听鼠标移动事件,用于移动标记点
+// this.handler2D.setInputAction((event) => {
+// if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.endPosition.x, event.endPosition.y);
+// const position = this.viewer2D.scene.camera.pickEllipsoid(screenPosition);
+// this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
+// this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);
+// // 监听右键
+// this.handler2D.setInputAction(() => {
+// if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = this.oldPosition;
+// this.selectedMarker = null;
+// this.selectModel();
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK);
+// this.handler3D.setInputAction((event) => {
+// if (!this.selectedMarker && !this.modeltooltip) {
+// const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.position.x, event.position.y);
+// const pickedEntity = this.viewer3D.scene.pick(screenPosition);
+// if (this.Cesium.defined(pickedEntity)) {
+// for (const entity of this.viewer3D.entities.values) {
+// if (pickedEntity.id.id === entity.id) {
+// this.selectedMarker = entity;
+// this.oldPosition = pickedEntity.id.position;
+// // 显示提示
+// this.selectModel("pointer", null, "右键取消");
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// } else if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// const material = new this.Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty(this.selectedMarker.point.color);
+// this.viewer2D.entities.add({
+// polyline: {
+// positions: [
+// this.oldPosition._value,
+// this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
+// ],
+// width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
+// material: material,
+// followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
+// }
+// });
+// this.viewer3D.entities.add({
+// polyline: {
+// positions: [
+// this.oldPosition._value,
+// this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position._value
+// ],
+// width: 5, // 设置线的宽度
+// material: material,
+// followSurface: false // 设置为false,使连线保持在固定的高度,不会贴地显示
+// }
+// });
+// this.selectedMarker = null;
+// this.selectModel();
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);
+// // 监听鼠标移动事件,用于移动标记点
+// this.handler3D.setInputAction((event) => {
+// if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// const screenPosition = new this.Cesium.Cartesian2(event.endPosition.x, event.endPosition.y);
+// const position = this.viewer3D.scene.camera.pickEllipsoid(screenPosition);
+// this.viewer2D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
+// this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = position;
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);
+// // 监听右键
+// this.handler3D.setInputAction(() => {
+// if (this.selectedMarker && this.modeltooltip === "右键取消") {
+// this.viewer3D.entities.getById(this.selectedMarker.id).position = this.oldPosition;
+// this.selectedMarker = null;
+// this.selectModel();
+// }
+// }, this.Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK);
+// }