4.6 KB

  1. QT -= gui
  2. QT += core webchannel websockets
  3. CONFIG += c++11 console
  4. CONFIG -= app_bundle
  5. # You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
  6. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
  7. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
  8. SOURCES += \
  9. algorithms/XYZ2ELL.cpp \
  10. algorithms/blh2xyz.cpp \
  11. algorithms/colon.cpp \
  12. algorithms/eml_rand_mt19937ar.cpp \
  13. algorithms/fun10_distcal.cpp \
  14. algorithms/fun10_histcounts.cpp \
  15. algorithms/fun10_multifx.cpp \
  16. algorithms/fun10_sort.cpp \
  17. algorithms/fun10_sortIdx.cpp \
  18. algorithms/fun1_FFTImplementationCallback.cpp \
  19. algorithms/fun1_false_target_distance.cpp \
  20. algorithms/fun1_fft.cpp \
  21. algorithms/fun1_fftshift.cpp \
  22. algorithms/fun1_ifft.cpp \
  23. algorithms/fun2.cpp \
  24. algorithms/fun4_S_jam.cpp \
  25. algorithms/fun4_S_orignal.cpp \
  26. algorithms/fun5.cpp \
  27. algorithms/fun6.cpp \
  28. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF.cpp \
  29. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF_data.cpp \
  30. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF_initialize.cpp \
  31. algorithms/fun7_FFTImplementationCallback.cpp \
  32. algorithms/fun7_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.cpp \
  33. algorithms/fun7_ifft.cpp \
  34. algorithms/fun7_randn.cpp \
  35. algorithms/fun8_2_FFTImplementationCallback.cpp \
  36. algorithms/fun8_2_FMjamming_H.cpp \
  37. algorithms/fun8_2_FMjamming_H_data.cpp \
  38. algorithms/fun8_2_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.cpp \
  39. algorithms/fun8_2_ifft.cpp \
  40. algorithms/fun8_2_randn.cpp \
  41. algorithms/fun8_2_std.cpp \
  42. algorithms/fun8_3_FFTImplementationCallback.cpp \
  43. algorithms/fun8_3_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.cpp \
  44. algorithms/fun8_3_ifft.cpp \
  45. algorithms/fun8_3_jamming_H.cpp \
  46. algorithms/fun8_3_jamming_H_data.cpp \
  47. algorithms/fun8_3_randn.cpp \
  48. algorithms/fun8_AMJamming_H.cpp \
  49. algorithms/fun8_AMJamming_H_data.cpp \
  50. algorithms/fun8_FFTImplementationCallback.cpp \
  51. algorithms/fun8_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.cpp \
  52. algorithms/fun8_randn.cpp \
  53. algorithms/fun8_std.cpp \
  54. algorithms/fun9_pinv.cpp \
  55. algorithms/fun9_svd.cpp \
  56. algorithms/fun9_tdoa1.cpp \
  57. algorithms/fun9_xaxpy.cpp \
  58. algorithms/fun9_xnrm2.cpp \
  59. algorithms/fun9_xrotg.cpp \
  60. algorithms/rt_nonfinite.cpp \
  61. main.cpp \
  62. wsserver.cpp
  63. # Default rules for deployment.
  64. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
  65. else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
  66. !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
  67. HEADERS += \
  68. algorithms/XYZ2ELL.h \
  69. algorithms/blh2xyz.h \
  70. algorithms/coder_array.h \
  71. algorithms/colon.h \
  72. algorithms/eml_rand_mt19937ar.h \
  73. algorithms/fun10_distcal.h \
  74. algorithms/fun10_histcounts.h \
  75. algorithms/fun10_multifx.h \
  76. algorithms/fun10_sort.h \
  77. algorithms/fun10_sortIdx.h \
  78. algorithms/fun1_FFTImplementationCallback.h \
  79. algorithms/fun1_false_target_distance.h \
  80. algorithms/fun1_fft.h \
  81. algorithms/fun1_fftshift.h \
  82. algorithms/fun1_ifft.h \
  83. algorithms/fun2.h \
  84. algorithms/fun4_S_jam.h \
  85. algorithms/fun4_S_orignal.h \
  86. algorithms/fun5.h \
  87. algorithms/fun6.h \
  88. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF.h \
  89. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF_data.h \
  90. algorithms/fun7_DRFMRF_initialize.h \
  91. algorithms/fun7_FFTImplementationCallback.h \
  92. algorithms/fun7_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.h \
  93. algorithms/fun7_ifft.h \
  94. algorithms/fun7_randn.h \
  95. algorithms/fun8_2_FFTImplementationCallback.h \
  96. algorithms/fun8_2_FMjamming_H.h \
  97. algorithms/fun8_2_FMjamming_H_data.h \
  98. algorithms/fun8_2_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.h \
  99. algorithms/fun8_2_ifft.h \
  100. algorithms/fun8_2_randn.h \
  101. algorithms/fun8_2_std.h \
  102. algorithms/fun8_3_FFTImplementationCallback.h \
  103. algorithms/fun8_3_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.h \
  104. algorithms/fun8_3_ifft.h \
  105. algorithms/fun8_3_jamming_H.h \
  106. algorithms/fun8_3_jamming_H_data.h \
  107. algorithms/fun8_3_randn.h \
  108. algorithms/fun8_AMJamming_H.h \
  109. algorithms/fun8_AMJamming_H_data.h \
  110. algorithms/fun8_FFTImplementationCallback.h \
  111. algorithms/fun8_eml_rand_mt19937ar_stateful.h \
  112. algorithms/fun8_randn.h \
  113. algorithms/fun8_std.h \
  114. algorithms/fun9_pinv.h \
  115. algorithms/fun9_svd.h \
  116. algorithms/fun9_tdoa1.h \
  117. algorithms/fun9_xaxpy.h \
  118. algorithms/fun9_xnrm2.h \
  119. algorithms/fun9_xrotg.h \
  120. algorithms/rt_defines.h \
  121. algorithms/rt_nonfinite.h \
  122. algorithms/rtwtypes.h \
  123. algorithms/tmwtypes.h \
  124. wsserver.h