@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+//#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
+#include "wsserver.h"
+WSServer::WSServer(QObject *parent, quint16 port) : QObject(parent)
+ m_pWebSocketServer = new QWebSocketServer(QStringLiteral("Mock Server"),
+ QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode,
+ this);
+ if (m_pWebSocketServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any, port))
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Mock Server listening on port" << port;
+ connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection,
+ this, &WSServer::onNewConnection);
+ }
+ m_pWebSocketServer->close();
+ qDeleteAll(m_clients.begin(), m_clients.end());
+void WSServer::onNewConnection()
+ QWebSocket *pSocket = m_pWebSocketServer->nextPendingConnection();
+ connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processMessage);
+ connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WSServer::socketDisconnected);
+ m_clients << pSocket;
+QJsonObject WSServer::processJsonObj(QJsonObject objin)
+ QJsonObject ret;
+ QStringList Keys = objin.keys();
+ for (auto k : Keys)
+ {
+ QJsonValue v = objin.value(k);
+ if (k == "url")
+ {
+ ret.insert(k, v);
+ }
+ else if (k == "InstanceID")
+ {
+ ret.insert(k, v);
+ }
+ else if (k == "data")
+ {
+ if (v.isObject())
+ {
+ QJsonObject Props = v.toObject();
+ QStringList Propkeys = Props.keys();
+ if (Propkeys.contains("InstanceID"))
+ {
+ ret.insert("InstanceID", Props.take("InstanceID"));
+ }
+ if (Propkeys.contains("PlatformID"))
+ {
+ ret.insert("PlatformID", Props.take("PlatformID"));
+ }
+ ret.insert("data",Props);
+ }
+ }
+// if (v.isArray())
+// {
+// for (auto i : v.toArray())
+// {
+// if (i.isString())
+// {
+// objout->insert(i.toString(),QJsonValue());
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// else if (v.isObject())
+// {
+// QJsonObject Props = v.toObject();
+// QStringList Propkeys = Props.keys();
+// for (auto propkey: Propkeys)
+// {
+// objout->insert(propkey,Props.value(k));
+// }
+// }
+ // 不想打印
+// if (v.isObject())
+// {
+// processJsonObj(v.toObject(),objout);
+// }
+ // 打印调试信息
+ if (v.isDouble())
+ {
+ qDebug() << k << ": " << v.toDouble();
+ }
+ else if (v.isString())
+ {
+ qDebug() << k << ": " << v.toString();
+ }
+ else if (v.isObject())
+ {
+ qDebug() << k << "{";
+// processJsonObj(v.toObject(),objout);
+ QJsonObject objout = processJsonObj(v.toObject());
+ qDebug() << "}";
+ }
+ else if (v.isArray())
+ {
+ QJsonArray qarray = v.toArray();
+ qDebug() << k << "[";
+ for (auto i : qarray)
+ {
+ if (i.isString())
+ {
+ qDebug() << i.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << "]";
+ }
+ }
+ //qDebug() << QString(QJsonDocument(*objout).toJson());
+ return ret;
+void WSServer::processMessage(QString message)
+ // 获取客户端
+ QWebSocket *pSender = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
+ // 以Json格式解码message
+ QByteArray *ByteMessage = new QByteArray();
+ ByteMessage->append(message);
+ QJsonParseError *error = new QJsonParseError();
+ QJsonDocument IncomingJson = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*ByteMessage, error);
+ if (error->error == QJsonParseError::NoError)
+ {
+ if (IncomingJson.isObject())
+ {
+ // 解析message
+ QJsonObject IncomingObj = IncomingJson.object();
+ QJsonObject msgobj = this->processJsonObj(IncomingObj);
+ QStringList props = msgobj.keys();
+ QString url = msgobj.value("url").toString();
+// qDebug() << QString(QJsonDocument(msgobj).toJson());
+ qDebug() << "url:" << url;
+ // 判断请求
+ if (url == "getInit")
+ {
+ getInit(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getPlatformTable")
+ {
+ getPlatformTable(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getGlobalMap" || url == "getLocalMap" || url == "getRemoteMap" || url == "getCombineMap")
+ {
+ getGlobalMap(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getJammingSig")
+ {
+ getJammingSig(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 其他接口都需要带平台ID
+ if (msgobj.contains("PlatformID")==false)
+ {
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("data", QJsonValue());
+ // 要是没有平台ID,返回空数据
+ msgobj.insert("data", QJsonValue());
+ if (msgobj.contains("url") == true)
+ {
+ ret->insert("url", msgobj.value("url"));
+ }
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getRadarInstances")
+ {
+ getRadarInstances(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getRadarParams" && msgobj.contains("InstanceID"))
+ {
+ getRadarParams(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getThaadParams" && msgobj.contains("InstanceID"))
+ {
+ getRadarParams(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getJammingInstances")
+ {
+ getJammingInstances(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getJammingParams" && msgobj.contains("InstanceID"))
+ {
+ getJammingParams(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "setJammingStyle" && msgobj.contains("InstanceID"))
+ {
+ setJammingStyle(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getNavParams")
+ {
+// getNavParams(msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "setFreePost")
+ {
+// setFreePost(msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getLeadPost")
+ {
+ getLeadPost(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ else if (url == "getTaskPlan")
+ {
+ getTaskPlan(pSender, msgobj);
+ }
+ }
+// qDebug() << "return message:";
+// qDebug() << QString(QJsonDocument(*msgobj).toJson());
+// QWebSocket *pSender = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
+// pSender->sendTextMessage(QString(QJsonDocument(*msgobj).toJson()));
+// for (QWebSocket *pClient : qAsConst(m_clients)) {
+// QJsonDocument *msgdoc = new QJsonDocument(*msgobj);
+// if (pClient == pSender) //don't echo message back to sender
+// {
+// QJsonValue msg = new QJsonValue(message);
+// pClient->sendTextMessage(QString(msgdoc->toJson()));
+// }
+// qDebug() << QString(msgdoc->toJson());
+ }
+ }
+void WSServer::socketDisconnected()
+ QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket *>(sender());
+ if (pClient)
+ {
+ m_clients.removeAll(pClient);
+ pClient->deleteLater();
+ }
+void WSServer::getInit(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ qDebug() << "Build with Slot";
+ // 假接口,指针写法
+ QJsonObject *InitState = new QJsonObject();
+ InitState->insert("InitState", 100);
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("data", *InitState);
+ delete InitState;
+ // 真实接口,局部变量
+// QJsonObject InitState
+// {
+// {"InitState",100*(int)this->grman->common_inter->InitState}
+// };
+// QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject(
+// {
+// {"url", obj.value("url")},
+// {"data", InitState}
+// });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getLeadPost(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonArray *LeadPost = new QJsonArray();
+ QJsonObject *CurrentLeadPost;
+ CurrentLeadPost = new QJsonObject();
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("time", "20:20:01");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("GroupID", "编队1");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("LeaderID", "1001");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("Abstract", "发现雷达");
+ LeadPost->append(*CurrentLeadPost);
+ delete CurrentLeadPost;
+ CurrentLeadPost = new QJsonObject();
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("time", "20:20:30");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("GroupID", "编队1");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("LeaderID", "1002");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("Abstract", "请求施加干扰");
+ LeadPost->append(*CurrentLeadPost);
+ delete CurrentLeadPost;
+ CurrentLeadPost = new QJsonObject();
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("time", "20:20:40");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("GroupID", "编队1");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("LeaderID", "1002");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("Abstract", "干扰样式生成");
+ LeadPost->append(*CurrentLeadPost);
+ delete CurrentLeadPost;
+ CurrentLeadPost = new QJsonObject();
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("time", "20:21:00");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("GroupID", "编队1");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("LeaderID", "1003");
+ CurrentLeadPost->insert("Abstract", "干扰信号发射");
+ LeadPost->append(*CurrentLeadPost);
+ delete CurrentLeadPost;
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID"));
+ ret->insert("data", *LeadPost);
+ delete LeadPost;
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getTaskPlan(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonObject *TaskPlan = new QJsonObject();
+ QJsonObject *CurrentAirLine;
+ QJsonObject *CurrentTaskPlan;
+ CurrentAirLine = new QJsonObject;
+ CurrentAirLine->insert("TargetArea", 3);
+ CurrentAirLine->insert("Longitude", 123);
+ CurrentAirLine->insert("Longitude", 27);
+ CurrentAirLine->insert("Radius", 300000);
+ CurrentTaskPlan = new QJsonObject;
+ CurrentTaskPlan->insert("TargetArea", 2);
+ CurrentTaskPlan->insert("ThrowGas", 2);
+ CurrentTaskPlan->insert("ThrowBT", 2);
+ TaskPlan->insert("Airline", *CurrentAirLine);
+ TaskPlan->insert("TaskPlan", *CurrentTaskPlan);
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID"));
+ ret->insert("data", *TaskPlan);
+ delete TaskPlan;
+ delete CurrentAirLine;
+ delete CurrentTaskPlan;
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getGlobalMap(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonArray *alies = new QJsonArray();
+ QJsonArray *enemys = new QJsonArray();
+ QJsonArray *temparray;
+ QJsonObject *tempobj;
+ {
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "80xxA电子侦察船_1");
+ temparray->append(120.446), temparray->append(24.8902), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value", *temparray);
+// alies->insert("80xxA电子侦察船_1"), QJsonValue(*temparray));
+ alies->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "导弹发射架_1");
+ temparray->append(117.525), temparray->append(25.826), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value", *temparray);
+ alies->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "机场_1");
+ temparray->append(119.271), temparray->append(26.26), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value", *temparray);
+ alies->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "预警机_1");
+ temparray->append(120.288), temparray->append(25.5734), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value", *temparray);
+ alies->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "运侦8_1");
+ temparray->append(117.525), temparray->append(25.826), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value", *temparray);
+ alies->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ }
+ {
+ temparray = new QJsonArray();
+ tempobj = new QJsonObject();
+ tempobj->insert("name", "宙斯盾舰");
+ temparray->append(123.528), temparray->append(25.2951), temparray->append(100);
+ tempobj->insert("value",*temparray);
+ enemys->append(*tempobj);
+ delete temparray;
+ delete tempobj;
+ }
+ QJsonObject GlobalMap
+ {
+ {"friend", QJsonValue(*alies)},
+ {"enemy", QJsonValue(*enemys)}
+ };
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject(
+ {
+ {"url", obj.value("url")},
+ {"data", GlobalMap}
+ });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+ delete alies;
+ delete enemys;
+void WSServer::getPlatformTable(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonArray Platforms;
+ // 假接口
+ QJsonObject SinglePlatform[] {
+ {
+ {"platformID", 8013},
+ {"platformName", "干扰机_1"}
+ },
+ {
+ {"platformID", 8014},
+ {"platformName", "干扰机_2"}
+ },
+ };
+ for (auto i: SinglePlatform)
+ {
+ Platforms.append(i);
+ }
+ // 真实接口
+// for (auto i : this->grman->grtaskplats)
+// {
+// QJsonObject SinglePlatform
+// {
+// {"platformID", (int)i->PlatID},
+// {"platformName", QString::fromLocal8Bit(i->PlatName.c_str())}
+// };
+// Platforms.append(SinglePlatform);
+// }
+ // 构造返回对象
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject(
+ {
+ {"url", obj.value("url")},
+ {"data", Platforms}
+ });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getRadarInstances(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ int nowPlatform = obj.value("PlatformID").toInt();
+ QJsonArray RadarInstances;
+ if (1)
+ {
+ QJsonObject tempRadar
+ {
+ {"instanceID",20},
+ {"instanceName","雷达_1"},
+ {"instanceState","开机"}
+ };
+ RadarInstances.append(tempRadar);
+ }
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID"));
+ ret->insert("data",QJsonValue(RadarInstances));
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getRadarParams(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ int nowInstance = obj.value("InstanceID").toString().toInt();
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject({
+ {"url", obj.value("url")},
+ {"PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID")},
+ {"InstanceID", obj.value("InstanceID")},
+ {"data",QJsonValue()}
+ });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getJammingInstances(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonArray ECMInstances;
+ if (1)
+ {
+ QJsonObject tempECM
+ {
+ {"instanceID",20},
+ {"instanceName","ECM_1"},
+ {"instanceState","开机"}
+ };
+ ECMInstances.append(tempECM);
+ }
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID"));
+ ret->insert("data",QJsonValue(ECMInstances));
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getJammingParams(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonArray nowParams = {};
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject();
+ ret->insert("url", obj.value("url"));
+ ret->insert("PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID"));
+ ret->insert("InstanceID", obj.value("InstanceID"));
+ ret->insert("data",QJsonValue(nowParams));
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::setJammingStyle(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ // PlatformID和InstanceID是字符串
+ int nowPlatform = obj.value("PlatformID").toString().toInt();
+ int nowInstance = obj.value("InstanceID").toString().toInt();
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject({
+ {"url", obj.value("url")},
+ {"PlatformID", obj.value("PlatformID")},
+ {"InstanceID", obj.value("InstanceID")},
+ {"data",QJsonValue()}
+ });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+void WSServer::getJammingSig(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject obj)
+ QJsonObject dat = obj.value("data").toObject();
+ if (dat.contains("order")==false)
+ {
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject({
+ {"order", 0}
+ });
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+ }
+ else {
+ int order = dat.value("order").toInt();
+ QJsonObject *ret = new QJsonObject({
+ {"order", order}
+ });
+ if(order==1){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double N = 10000;
+ double B_n = 2e6;
+ double T_s = 100e-6;
+ double m_fe = 1;
+ double f_0 = 10e6;
+ double A = 1;
+ double f_s =100e6;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S0;
+ FMjamming_H(N,B_n,f_s,T_s,m_fe,A,f_0,S,S0);
+ ret->insert("size",S.size(1));
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for (int i=0; i<S.size(1); i++)
+ {
+ data.append(S[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("data",data);
+ }
+ else if(order==2){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double N = 10000;
+ double B_n = 2e6;
+ double m_A = 1;
+ double f_0 = 10e6;
+ double f_s = 100e6;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S;
+ AMJamming_H(N,f_s,B_n,f_0,m_A,S);
+ ret->insert("size",S.size(1));
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for (int i=0; i<S.size(1); i++)
+ {
+ data.append(S[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("data",data);
+ }
+ else if(order==3){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double N = 1024;
+ double B_n = 2e6;
+ double A = 1;
+ double f_0 = 10e6;
+ double f_s = 100e6;
+ coder::array<creal_T, 2U> S;
+ jamming_H(N,f_s,A,B_n,f_0,S);
+ double sig[1024];
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for(int i=0;i<S.size(1);i++)
+ {
+ sig[i] = S[i].re;
+ data.append(sig[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("size",1024);
+ ret->insert("data",data);
+ }
+ else if(order==4){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double fd = 200/3e2;
+ double N = 1;
+ double ts = 1/1e7;
+ double Tr = 5e-4;
+ double t_r = 2/1e4;
+ double tau = 30e-6;
+ double fo = 1e6;
+ double k = 1e12/6;
+ double A = 1;
+ double dlt_t = 25e-6;
+ double R = 30e3;
+ double fs = 1e7;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S1;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> SS;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S_disturb;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S3;
+ false_target_distance(fd,N,ts,Tr,t_r,tau,fo,k,A,dlt_t,R,fs,S,S1,SS,S_disturb,S3);
+ ret->insert("size",S3.size(1));
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for(int i=0;i<S3.size(1);i++)
+ {
+ data.append(S3[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("data", data);
+ }
+ else if(order==5){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double fd = 4;
+ double N = 1;
+ double ts = 1e-7;
+ double Tr = 5e-4;
+ double t_r = 20e-5;
+ double tau = 30e-6;
+ double fo = 1e6;
+ double k = 5e6/30e-6;
+ double V = 600;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> S;
+ false_speed(fd,fo,ts,tau,Tr,k,t_r,V,N,S);
+ ret->insert("size",S.size(1));
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for(int i=0;i<S.size(1);i++)
+ {
+ data.append(S[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("data", data);
+ }
+ else if(order==6){
+ int lines = 0;
+ double fd = 0.2;
+ double N = 1;
+ double dlt = 25e-6;
+ double S[10500];
+ S_jam(fd,dlt,N,S);
+ ret->insert("size",10500);
+ QJsonArray data;
+ for(int i=0;i<10500;i++)
+ {
+ data.append(S[i]);
+ }
+ ret->insert("data", data);
+ }
+ returnMessage(pSender, ret);
+ }
+void WSServer::returnMessage(QWebSocket *pSender, QJsonObject *obj)
+ qDebug() << "return message:";
+ qDebug() << QString(QJsonDocument(*obj).toJson());
+ pSender->sendTextMessage(QString(QJsonDocument(*obj).toJson()));
+ delete obj;