@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+ <v-scale-screen width="2200" height="1080">
+ <div class="main_screen_cotainer">
+ <div class="task_header">当前态势</div>
+ <div class="tag" @click="jumpToHistory">
+ 历史态势
+ </div>
+ <div class="content_cotainer">
+ <div class="center_chart_cotainer_task" id="taskItem">
+ <div class="task_detail_cotainer_task" style="width:100%;">
+<!-- <div v-if="false" class="header_line_style">-->
+<!-- <div class="headerTitle"></div>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <div v-if="false" class="task_name_header">「{{ currentTaskName }}」任务态势大屏</div>-->
+<!-- 任务屏幕-->
+<!-- <div class="task_item_header">-->
+<!-- <el-select-->
+<!-- v-model="wholeOutTaskId"-->
+<!-- placeholder="「切换任务」"-->
+<!-- style="width:270px;"-->
+<!-- @change="changeTask"-->
+<!-- filterable-->
+<!-- >-->
+<!-- <el-option-->
+<!-- v-for="item in taskOPtion"-->
+<!-- :key="item.value"-->
+<!-- :label="item.label"-->
+<!-- :value="item.value"-->
+<!-- >-->
+<!-- </el-option>-->
+<!-- </el-select>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+ <div class="task_item_body" >
+ <el-row class="task_item_body1" >
+ <el-col :span="24" >
+ <el-table ref="teacher" :data="pagedData" size="mini"
+ @sort-change="pagedData.onSortChange"
+ header-cell-class-name="table-header-gray" class="task_item_body_bak" >
+<!-- <el-table ref="teacher" :data="renwuliebiao.data" size="mini"-->
+<!-- @sort-change="renwuliebiao.onSortChange"-->
+<!-- header-cell-class-name="table-header-gray">-->
+<!-- <el-table-column label="序号" header-align="center" align="center" type="index" width="55px" :index="renwuliebiao.getTableIndex" />-->
+ <el-table-column label="序号" header-align="center" align="center" type="index" width="55px" :index="getTableIndex" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务实际开始时间" prop="0" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务关联ID" prop="1" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务描述" prop="2" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务状态" prop="3" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务代码" prop="4" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务ID" prop="5" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务名称" prop="6" />
+ <el-table-column label="任务阶段" prop="7" />
+ <el-table-column label="操作" align="center">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-button class="table-btn primary" size="mini" type="text" @click="onTiaozhuan(scope.row)">跳转</el-button>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ <el-row type="flex" justify="end" style="margin-top: 10px;">
+ <el-pagination
+ :total="renwuliebiao.data.length"
+ :current-page="renwuliebiao.currentPage"
+ :page-size="renwuliebiao.pageSize"
+ :page-sizes="[5,10, 20, 50, 100]"
+ layout="total, prev, pager, next, sizes"
+ @current-change="onCurrentPageChange"
+ @size-change="onPageSizeChange">
+ </el-pagination>
+ </el-row>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <operation-space v-if="showOperationSpace" :flow-instance="currentFlowInstance" @close="onOperationSpaceClose"></operation-space>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </v-scale-screen>
+import myFlylineChartEnhanced from '../components/my-flyline-chart-enhanced/index'
+import myscrollBoard from '../components/myscroll-board/src/main'
+import sacleBox from '../components/sacle-box/index'
+import { request } from '../utils/request';
+var uploadedDataURL = require('../../public/json/taiyuan.json')
+import './mainScreen.css'
+import Videojs from "video.js"; // 引入Videojs
+import FormTaskProcessViewer from '../components/workflow/formTaskProcessViewer.vue';
+import hkv from '../components/hk/hkv.vue'
+import hkCamara from '../components/hk/hkCamara.vue'
+import {Message} from "element-ui";
+export default {
+ components:{
+ myFlylineChartEnhanced,
+ sacleBox,
+ myscrollBoard,
+ hkv,
+ hkCamara,
+ FormTaskProcessViewer,
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ showOperationSpace: false,
+ currentFlowInstance: undefined,
+ // formAllInstanceWidget: new TableWidget(this.loadAllTaskData, this.loadAllTaskVerify, true, false),
+ isInit: false,
+ HKCardShow: false,
+ HKCamaraShow: false,
+ systemFinshedValue:'',
+ unitFinshedValue:'',
+ wholeOutTaskId:'',
+ systemSubjectId:'',
+ unitSubjectValue:'',
+ subjectItem:{},
+ processDefinitionId: "",
+ processInstanceId:"",
+ moreFlag:true,
+ dialogVisible:false,
+ taskList:[],
+ websocket: null, //建立的连接
+ websocketOrder: null, //建立的连接
+ websocketBpmn: null, //建立的连接
+ updatekey:'1',
+ renwuliebiao:{
+ header: ['1', '2', '3','4', '5', '6','7', '8'],
+ waitTime:1500,
+ data: [],
+ columnWidth: [80],
+ oddRowBGC:'#072347',
+ evenRowBGC:'#021736',
+ actualStartTime:'',
+ bk:'',
+ description:'',
+ status: '',
+ taskCode:'',
+ taskId: '',
+ taskName: '',
+ taskStage:'',
+ currentPage:1,
+ pageSize:10,
+ paged:true,
+ },
+ scrollTableConfig:{
+ header: ['课目名称', '指令名称', '特情注入', '指令内容', '模训系统', '时间'],
+ waitTime:1500,
+ data: [],
+ columnWidth: [80],
+ oddRowBGC:'#072347',
+ evenRowBGC:'#021736'
+ },
+ dialogType:1,
+ subjectDatas:[],
+ subjectMap:{
+ '待执行':require('../assets/img/waite.png'),
+ '执行中':require('../assets/img/doing.png'),
+ '已完成':require('../assets/img/finshed.png') ,
+ },
+ instructList: [],
+ renwuList: [],
+ unitOption: [],
+ systemOption: [],
+ taskOPtion: [],
+ isReady: false,
+ currentTaskName: "",
+ currentTaskGrade: "",
+ unitSubGradeValue: "",
+ gridData: [],
+ camaraSrc: ["", "", "", "", ""],
+ completionRate: false,
+ playerList: [],
+ camaraName: ["监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称"],
+ videoList: [
+ "videoPlayerTask",
+ "videoPlayer_first",
+ "videoPlayer_second",
+ "videoPlayer_third",
+ "videoPlayer_fourth"
+ ],
+ mainVideoData: {},
+ currentSubject: '',
+ camaraData:[],
+ cardData:[],
+ cardName:[],
+ cardSrc:[]
+ };
+ },
+ computed:{
+ pagedData() { // 动态计算当前页的数据
+ const start = (this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize
+ const end = start + this.renwuliebiao.pageSize
+ // console.log("hhhh1: ",start+"---"+end )
+ // console.log("hhhh2: ",this.renwuliebiao.data.slice(start, end) )
+ return this.renwuliebiao.data.slice(start, end)
+ }
+ },
+ methods:{
+ /**
+ * 表格分页变化
+ * @param {Integer} newCurrentPage 变化后的显示页面
+ */
+ onCurrentPageChange (newCurrentPage) {
+ console.log("1: ",newCurrentPage )
+ console.log("2: ",this.renwuliebiao.pageSize )
+ console.log("3: ",this.oldPage)
+ this.loadTableDataImpl(newCurrentPage, this.renwuliebiao.pageSize).then(() => {//数据加载成功
+ this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = newCurrentPage;
+ this.oldPage = this.renwuliebiao.currentPage-1
+ console.log("4: ",newCurrentPage)
+ console.log("5: ",this.renwuliebiao.currentPage)
+ console.log("6: ",this.oldPage)
+ if(this.renwuliebiao.data.length <= newCurrentPage*this.renwuliebiao.pageSize ){
+ this.renwuliebiao.paged=true
+ }else{
+ this.renwuliebiao.paged=false
+ }
+ }).catch(() => {//数据加载失败
+ this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = this.oldPage;
+ console.log("7: ",this.oldPage)
+ console.log("8: ",this.renwuliebiao.currentPage)
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * 表格分页每页显示数量变化
+ * @param {Integer} newPageSize 变化后的每页显示数量
+ */
+ onPageSizeChange (newPageSize) {
+ console.log("hhhh2: ",newPageSize )
+ this.renwuliebiao.pageSize = newPageSize;
+ this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = 1
+ this.loadTableDataImpl(1, newPageSize).then(() => {
+ this.oldPage = this.renwuliebiao.currentPage;
+ this.oldPageSize = this.renwuliebiao.pageSize;
+ }).catch(e => {
+ this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = this.oldPage;
+ this.renwuliebiao.pageSize = this.oldPageSize;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * 表格排序字段变化
+ * @param {String} prop 排序字段的字段名
+ * @param {String} order 正序还是倒序
+ */
+ onSortChange ({ prop, order }) {
+ this.orderInfo.fieldName = prop;
+ this.orderInfo.asc = (order === 'ascending');
+ this.refreshTable();
+ },
+ /**
+ * 获取表格数据
+ * @param {Integer} pageNum 当前分页
+ * @param {Integer} pageSize 每页数量
+ * @param {Boolean} reload 是否重新获取数据
+ */
+ loadTableDataImpl (pageNum, pageSize, reload = false) {
+ console.log("11: ",pageNum+"---"+pageSize+"---"+reload)
+ // const start = (pageNum - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize
+ // const end = start + this.renwuliebiao.pageSize
+ // // console.log("hhhh1: ",start+"---"+end )
+ // // console.log("hhhh2: ",this.renwuliebiao.data.slice(start, end) )
+ // return this.renwuliebiao.data.slice(start, end)
+// 判断是否需要重新加载数据
+ if (reload || !this.renwuliebiao.data || this.renwuliebiao.data.length === 0) {
+ // 调用后端接口或其他数据来源获取数据
+ // 这里省略具体实现
+ // 模拟一个返回结果的 Promise 对象
+ const mockData = new Promise(resolve => {
+ const data = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i <= pageSize; i++) {
+ data.push({
+ id: pageNum * pageSize + i,
+ name: `任务${pageNum * pageSize + i}`,
+ status: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)
+ });
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ // 返回 Promise 对象,以便分页组件可以在数据加载完成后进行下一步处理。
+ return mockData.then(data => {
+ // 更新任务列表数据
+ this.renwuliebiao.data = data;
+ // 返回新的任务列表数据
+ return this.renwuliebiao.data.slice((pageNum - 1) * pageSize, pageNum * pageSize);
+ });
+ } else {
+ // 直接返回已有的任务列表数据
+ return Promise.resolve(this.renwuliebiao.data.slice((pageNum - 1) * pageSize, pageNum * pageSize));
+ }
+ // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ // console.log("12: ",this.loadTableData)
+ //
+ // if (typeof this.loadTableData !== 'function') {
+ // reject();
+ // } else {// 如果pageSize和pageNum没有变化,并且不强制刷新
+ // console.log("13: ",pageNum+"---"+pageSize+"---"+reload)
+ // if (this.paged && !reload && this.oldPage === pageNum && this.oldPageSize === pageSize) {
+ // resolve();
+ // } else {
+ // let params = {};
+ // if (this.orderInfo.fieldName != null) params.orderParam = [this.orderInfo];
+ // if (this.paged) {
+ // params.pageParam = {
+ // pageNum,
+ // pageSize
+ // }
+ // }
+ // this.loading = true;
+ // this.loadTableData(params).then(tableData => {
+ // this.dataList = tableData.dataList;
+ // this.totalCount = tableData.totalCount;
+ // this.loading = false;
+ // resolve();
+ // }).catch(e => {
+ // this.loading = false;
+ // reject(e);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
+ // });
+ },
+ /**
+ * 刷新表格数据
+ * @param {Boolean} research 是否按照新的查询条件重新查询(调用verify函数)
+ * @param {Integer} pageNum 当前页面
+ */
+ refreshTable (research = false, pageNum = undefined, showMsg = false) {
+ let reload = false;
+ if (research) {
+ if (typeof this.searchVerify === 'function' && !this.searchVerify()) return;
+ reload = true;
+ }
+ if (Number.isInteger(pageNum) && pageNum !== this.renwuliebiao.currentPage) {
+ this.loadTableDataImpl(pageNum, this.renwuliebiaopageSize, reload).then(res => {
+ this.oldPage = this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = pageNum;
+ if (research && showMsg) Message.success('查询成功');
+ }).catch(e => {
+ this.renwuliebiao.currentPage = this.oldPage;
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.loadTableDataImpl(this.renwuliebiao.currentPage, this.renwuliebiao.pageSize, true).catch(e => {});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * 获取每一行的index信息
+ * @param {Integer} index 表格在本页位置
+ */
+ getTableIndex (index) {
+ // console.log("页码1: "+index)
+ // console.log(".....1 "+index)
+ // console.log("页码2: "+this.renwuliebiao.paged ? ((this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize + (index + 1)) : (index + 1))
+ // console.log(".....2 "+this.renwuliebiao.paged)
+ let a
+ // let a=this.renwuliebiao.paged ? ((this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize + (index + 1)) : (index + 1);
+ // console.log(".....a "+a)
+ // return this.renwuliebiao.paged ? ((this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize + (index + 1)) : (index + 1);
+ console.log("参数: "+this.renwuliebiao.paged+" "+this.renwuliebiao.pageSize+" "+index)
+ // if(this.renwuliebiao.paged){
+ // console.log("a1")
+ // a=((this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize + (index + 1))
+ // }else{
+ // console.log("a2")
+ // a=(index + 1)
+ // }
+ a=((this.renwuliebiao.currentPage - 1) * this.renwuliebiao.pageSize + (index + 1))
+ console.log(".....a "+a)
+ return a;
+ },
+ onTiaozhuan (a) {
+ console.log("111",a[5])
+ // this.$router.push({name: 'testParams',params: {testParams:'testParams'}});
+ // location.reload()
+ this.$router.push({
+ path:"/taskScreen",
+ query:{
+ key1:a[5],
+ key2:a[6],
+ }
+ });
+ // location.reload()
+ },
+ refreshFormAllInstance (reloadData = false) {
+ if (reloadData) {
+ this.renwuliebiao.refreshTable(true, 1);
+ } else {
+ this.renwuliebiao.refreshTable();
+ }
+ if (!this.isInit) {
+ // 初始化下拉数据
+ }
+ this.isInit = true;
+ },
+ onOperationSpaceClose () {
+ this.showOperationSpace = false;
+ this.currentFlowInstance = null;
+ this.refreshFormAllInstance()
+ },
+ HKCardInit(){
+ this.HKCardShow = true;
+ },
+ jumpToHistory() {
+ // this.$refs.hk.$destroy();
+ // this.HKshow = false;
+ this.$router.push("/situationScreen")
+ },
+ // 表格样式修改
+ changeHeaderCellStyle(row,column, rowIndex, columnIndex){
+ if(row.columnIndex === 0){
+ return 'background: #004279 ; color:#fff;'; // 修改的样式
+ }else {
+ return 'background: #004279 ;color:#fff; ';
+ }
+ },
+ changeCellStyle(row,column, rowIndex, columnIndex){
+ if(row.columnIndex === 0){
+ return 'background: #0A427C ; color:#fff;'; // 修改的样式
+ }else {
+ return 'background: #0A427C ; color:#fff;';
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取全部系统
+ async getAllSystems(){
+ let params={}
+ const res = await request('/dt_screen/rest/v1/screen/listSystem/', 'get', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ console.log('获取全部系统', data);
+ this.systemOption = data.map((item)=>{
+ return {
+ label:item.systemName,
+ value: item.systemId
+ }
+ })
+ this.systemFinshedValue=this.systemOption[0].value
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取全部单位
+ async getAllUnits (){
+ let params={}
+ const res = await request('/dt_screen/rest/v1/screen/listUnit/', 'get', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ console.log('获取全部单位', data);
+ // 获取任务数据
+ this.getTaskList()
+ this.unitOption = data.map((item)=>{
+ return {
+ label:item.unitName,
+ value: item.unitId
+ }
+ })
+ this.unitFinshedValue=this.unitOption[0].value
+ this.unitSubGradeValue=this.unitOption[0].value
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * 获取所有任务实例
+ */
+ loadAllTaskData (params) {
+ if (params == null) params = {};
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ processDefinitionName: this.formFilterCopy.processDefinitionName,
+ startUser: this.formFilterCopy.startUser,
+ processName: this.formFilterCopy.processName,
+ processStatus: this.formFilterCopy.processStatus,
+ taskCode: this.formFilterCopy.taskCode,
+ taskStage: this.formFilterCopy.taskStage,
+ beginDate: this.formFilterCopy.createDate[0],
+ endDate: this.formFilterCopy.createDate[1]
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ FlowOperationController.listAllHistoricProcessInstanceWithTask(this, params).then(res => {
+ console.log('res :>> ', res);
+ resolve({
+ dataList: res.data.dataList,
+ totalCount: res.data.totalCount
+ });
+ }).catch(e => {
+ reject(e);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取任务列表
+ async getTaskList() {
+ let params = {};
+ // const res = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/task/listCurrentTask/", "post", params, false);
+ const res = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/task/listRunningTasks/", "post", params, false);
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success, data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ console.log("获取任务列表", data);
+ this.renwuList=data
+ let tempData=[]
+ data.forEach((item)=>{
+ console.log("1: ", item);
+ tempData.push([item.actualStartTime, item.bk, item.description,item.status,item.taskCode,item.taskId ,item.taskName, item.taskStage])
+ })
+ this.renwuliebiao.data=tempData
+ //
+ // this.instructList=data
+ // let tempData=[]
+ // data.forEach((item)=>{
+ // tempData.push([item.subjectName, item.name, item.situation, item.content, item.system,item.time])
+ // })
+ // this.scrollTableConfig.data=tempData
+ // console.log("🚀 data >> ", this.scrollTableConfig.data);
+ // this.updatekey=new Date().getTime()
+ this.taskList = data;
+ this.wholeOutTaskId = data[0].taskId;
+ this.processInstanceId = this.wholeOutTaskId;
+ this.taskOPtion = data.map((item) => {
+ return {
+ label: item.taskName,
+ value: item.taskId
+ };
+ });
+ let param = {taskId: this.processInstanceId};
+ const res1 = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/task/getDefId/", "post", param, false);
+ this.processDefinitionId = res1.data;
+ this.initWebsoketBpmn();
+ this.isReady = true;
+ this.currentTaskName = data[0].taskName;
+ this.currentTaskGrade = data[0].syntheticTaskScore;
+ // 获取地图的信息
+ if (data.length) {
+ // 获取任务的课目信息
+ this.getSubjectList(data[0].taskId);
+ // 获取任务的指令信息
+ this.getinstructList(data[0].taskId);
+ // 建立指令websocket 链接
+ this.initInstructWebsoket();
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage);
+ }
+ },
+ // 切换任务
+ async changeTask() {
+ this.camaraData = []
+ this.cardData = []
+ this.systemSubjectId = "";
+ this.unitSubjectValue = "";
+ this.isReady = false;
+ this.currentTaskName = this.taskOPtion.find((item) => item.value == this.wholeOutTaskId).label;
+ this.currentTaskGrade = this.taskList.find((item) => item.taskId == this.wholeOutTaskId).syntheticTaskScore;
+ // 获取任务的课目信息
+ this.processInstanceId = this.wholeOutTaskId;
+ let param = {taskId: this.processInstanceId};
+ const res2 = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/task/getDefId/", "post", param, false);
+ console.log('res2 :>> ', res2.data);
+ this.processDefinitionId = res2.data;
+ this.isReady = true;
+ this.getSubjectList(this.wholeOutTaskId);
+ // 获取任务的指令信息
+ this.getinstructList(this.wholeOutTaskId);
+ // 建立指令websocket 链接
+ this.initInstructWebsoket();
+ this.initWebsoketBpmn();
+ },
+ changeTaskAndUnit() {
+ this.systemSubjectId=''
+ if(this.unitSubjectValue){
+ this.getUnitSubjectList(this.wholeOutTaskId, this.unitSubjectValue)
+ }else {
+ this.getSubjectList(this.wholeOutTaskId)
+ }
+ },
+ changeTaskAndSystem() {
+ this.unitSubjectValue=''
+ if(this.systemSubjectId){
+ this.getSystemSubjectList(this.wholeOutTaskId, this.systemSubjectId)
+ }else {
+ this.getSubjectList(this.wholeOutTaskId)
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取任务的课目信息
+ async getSubjectList(taskId){
+ let params={}
+ const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v2/subject/list/${taskId}`, 'get', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ console.log('获取任务的课目信息', data);
+ this.subjectDatas=data
+ this.initUrl(this.subjectDatas[0].subjectName)
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取任务的指令
+ async getinstructList (taskId) {
+ let params={}
+ const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v2/order/list/${taskId}`, 'get', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ console.log('获取任务的指令', data);
+ this.instructList=data
+ let tempData=[]
+ data.forEach((item)=>{
+ tempData.push([item.subjectName, item.name, item.situation, item.content, item.system,item.time])
+ })
+ this.scrollTableConfig.data=tempData
+ console.log("🚀 data >> ", this.scrollTableConfig.data);
+ this.updatekey=new Date().getTime()
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ // 切换单位再结合任务id 获取课目课目列表
+ async getUnitSubjectList(taskId,unitId){
+ let params={}
+ params["taskId"] = taskId
+ params["unitId"] = unitId
+ // const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v1/subject/list/task/${taskId}/unit/${unitId}`, 'get', params, false)
+ const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v2/subject/listByCondition`, 'post', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ this.subjectDatas=data
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ // 切换系统再结合任务id 获取课目课目列表
+ async getSystemSubjectList(taskId,systemId){
+ let params={}
+ params["taskId"] = taskId
+ params["systemId"] = systemId
+ // const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v1/subject/list/task/${taskId}/system/${systemId}`, 'get', params, false)
+ const res = await request(`/dt_screen/rest/v2/subject/listByCondition`, 'post', params, false)
+ const { errorCode, errorMessage, success,data } = res.data;
+ if (success) {
+ this.subjectDatas=data
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(errorMessage)
+ }
+ },
+ // 建立websocket 链接 任务
+ initWebsoket(){
+ this.websocket = new WebSocket(`ws://${this.$store.state.webSocketIp}:${this.$store.state.webSocketPort}/websocket/task`);//这里将http替换成ws
+ switch (this.websocket.readyState) {
+ case 0:
+ console.log("正在连接");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ console.log("已经链接并且可以通讯");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ console.log("连接正在关闭");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ console.log("连接已关闭或者没有链接成功");
+ break;
+ };
+ this.websocket.onopen = this.websocketsend;//websoket连接成功
+ this.websocket.onmessage =this. websocketonmessage;//websoket收到信息
+ this.websocket.onclose = this.websocketclose;//websoket连接关闭
+ },
+ websocketsend(){
+ console.log('ws 连接成功');
+ },
+ websocketonmessage(msg){
+ // 获取全部单位
+ this.getAllUnits()
+ // 获取全部系统
+ this.getAllSystems()
+ console.log('收到任务信息',msg);
+ },
+ websocketclose(){
+ console.log('ws 连接关闭');
+ this.initWebsoket();//重新建立连接
+ },
+ // 建立websocket 链接 任务
+ initWebsoketBpmn(){
+ this.websocketBpmn = new WebSocket(`ws://${this.$store.state.webSocketIp}:${this.$store.state.webSocketPort}/websocket/bpmn`);//这里将http替换成ws
+ switch (this.websocketBpmn.readyState) {
+ case 0:
+ console.log("正在连接");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ console.log("已经链接并且可以通讯");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ console.log("连接正在关闭");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ console.log("连接已关闭或者没有链接成功");
+ break;
+ };
+ this.websocketBpmn.onopen = this.bpmnWebsocketsend;//websoket连接成功
+ this.websocketBpmn.onmessage =this.bpmnWebsocketonmessage;//websoket收到信息
+ this.websocketBpmn.onclose = this.bpmnWebsocketclose;//websoket连接关闭
+ },
+ bpmnWebsocketsend(){
+ console.log('ws 连接成功');
+ },
+ bpmnWebsocketonmessage(msg){
+ // 更新流程图
+ this.$refs.FormTaskProcessViewer.getTaskHighlightData();
+ this.$refs.FormTaskProcessViewer.getTaskProcessXml();
+ console.log('收到指令信息',msg);
+ },
+ bpmnWebsocketclose(){
+ console.log('ws 连接关闭');
+ this.initWebsoketBpmn();//重新建立连接
+ },
+ initInstructWebsoket(){
+ // 指令的ws
+ this.websocketOrder = new WebSocket(`ws://${this.$store.state.webSocketIp}:${this.$store.state.webSocketPort}/websocket/order/${this.wholeOutTaskId}`);//这里将http替换成ws
+ switch (this.websocketOrder.readyState) {
+ case 0:
+ console.log("正在连接");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ console.log("已经链接并且可以通讯");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ console.log("连接正在关闭");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ console.log("连接已关闭或者没有链接成功");
+ break;
+ };
+ this.websocketOrder.onopen = this.orderWebsocketsend;//websoket连接成功
+ this.websocketOrder.onmessage =this. orderWebsocketonmessage;//websoket收到信息
+ this.websocketOrder.onclose = this.orderWebsocketclose;//websoket连接关闭
+ },
+ orderWebsocketsend(){
+ console.log('ws 连接成功');
+ },
+ orderWebsocketonmessage(msg){
+ // 获取任务的指令信息
+ this.getinstructList(this.wholeOutTaskId)
+ console.log('收到指令信息',msg);
+ },
+ orderWebsocketclose(){
+ console.log('ws 连接关闭');
+ this.initInstructWebsoket();//重新建立连接
+ },
+ // 查看成绩表格
+ viewManData(item){
+ this.dialogType=2
+ this.dialogVisible=true
+ console.log('item',item);
+ const { subjectScore } = item
+ this.gridData=subjectScore
+ },
+ // 全屏事件
+ showFull(id){
+ console.log('this.camaraData :>> ', this.camaraData);
+ console.log('ckx debug 监控大屏' )
+ this.$router.push(
+ {
+ path: './monitorScreen',
+ query: {
+ camaraData: JSON.stringify(this.camaraData)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ showFull1(id){
+ console.log('this.camaraData :>> ', this.cardData);
+ console.log('ckx debug 监控大屏' )
+ this.$router.push(
+ {
+ path: './monitorScreen',
+ query: {
+ camaraData: JSON.stringify(this.cardData)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ // 退出全屏
+ exitFull(){
+ let exitFullScreen =
+ document.exitFullScreen ||
+ document.mozCancelFullScreen ||
+ document.webkitExitFullscreen ||
+ document.msExitFullscreen;
+ if (exitFullScreen) {
+ exitFullScreen.call(document);
+ }
+ this.updatekey=new Date().getTime()
+ },
+ // 展开全屏
+ requestFullScreen(elem){
+ console.log('ckx debug ', )
+ // #兼容不同的浏览器
+ var requestMethod =
+ elem.requestFullScreen ||
+ elem.webkitRequestFullScreen ||
+ elem.mozRequestFullScreen ||
+ elem.msRequestFullScreen;
+ if (requestMethod) {
+ requestMethod.call(elem);
+ } else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined") {
+ // #模拟F11 实现全屏
+ var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
+ if (wscript !== null) {
+ wscript.SendKeys("{F11}");
+ }
+ }
+ let that =this
+ window.addEventListener('resize',function () {//执行
+ let isFull = document.mozFullScreen ||
+ document.fullScreen ||
+ //谷歌浏览器及Webkit内核浏览器
+ document.webkitIsFullScreen ||
+ document.webkitRequestFullScreen ||
+ document.mozRequestFullScreen ||
+ document.msFullscreenEnabled
+ if (isFull === undefined) {
+ that.exitFull()
+ }else {
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ checkFull() {
+ //判断浏览器是否处于全屏状态 (需要考虑兼容问题)
+ //火狐浏览器
+ let isFull = document.mozFullScreen ||
+ document.fullScreen ||
+ //谷歌浏览器及Webkit内核浏览器
+ document.webkitIsFullScreen ||
+ document.webkitRequestFullScreen ||
+ document.mozRequestFullScreen ||
+ document.msFullscreenEnabled
+ if (isFull === undefined) {
+ isFull = false
+ }
+ return isFull;
+ },
+ showMoreInfo(type){
+ if(type=='more'){
+ this.$router.push('/situationScreen')
+ }else {
+ this.$router.push('/taskScreen')
+ }
+ },
+ // 初始化视频
+ initVideo(nowPlayVideoUrl,id) {
+ let that =this
+ // 这些options属性也可直接设置在video标签上,见 muted
+ let options = {
+ autoplay: true, // 设置自动播放
+ controls: true, // 显示播放的控件
+ sources: [
+ // 注意,如果是以option方式设置的src,是不能实现 换台的 (即使监听了nowPlayVideoUrl也没实现)
+ {
+ src: nowPlayVideoUrl,
+ type: "application/x-mpegURL" // 告诉videojs,这是一个hls流
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ // videojs的第一个参数表示的是,文档中video的id
+ const myPlyer= Videojs(id, options, function onPlayerReady() {
+ console.log("onPlayerReady 中的this指的是:", this); // 这里的this是指Player,是由Videojs创建出来的实例
+ console.log(myPlyer === this); // 这里返回的是true
+ });
+ this.playerList.push(myPlyer)
+ },
+ async initUrl(subjectName) {
+ if (subjectName == '')
+ return;
+ let params = {
+ subjectName: subjectName,
+ taskId: this.wholeOutTaskId
+ };
+ this.currentSubject = subjectName;
+ this.camaraData = [];
+ this.cardData = [];
+ const res = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/video/videos/getSubjectUrls", "post", params, false);
+ let index = 0;
+ this.camaraSrc = ["", "", "", "", ""];
+ this.camaraName = ["监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称"];
+ for (let item in res.data.data) {
+ // this.camaraSrc[index] = res.data.data[item].url;
+ // this.camaraName[index++] = res.data.data[item].name;
+ let data = {
+ ip: res.data.data[item].ip,
+ Port: res.data.data[item].port,
+ Username: res.data.data[item].username,
+ Password: res.data.data[item].password,
+ channelName: res.data.data[item].channelName
+ };
+ this.camaraData.push(data);
+ }
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.HKCamaraShow = true;
+ }, 800);
+ let params1 = {
+ subjectName: subjectName,
+ taskId: this.wholeOutTaskId
+ };
+ this.currentSubject = subjectName;
+ const res1 = await request("/dt_screen/rest/v2/video/videos/getSubjectCardUrls", "post", params1, false);
+ console.log('res1 :>> ', res1);
+ let index1 = 0;
+ this.cardSrc = ["", "", "", "", ""];
+ this.cardName = ["监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称", "监控名称"];
+ for (let item in res1.data.data) {
+ // this.cardSrc[index1] = res1.data.data[item].url;
+ // this.cardName[index1++] = res1.data.data[item].name;
+ let data = {
+ ip: res1.data.data[item].ip,
+ Port: res1.data.data[item].port,
+ Username: res1.data.data[item].username,
+ Password: res1.data.data[item].password,
+ channelName: res1.data.data[item].channelName
+ };
+ this.cardData.push(data);
+ }
+ console.log('cardData :>> ', this.cardData);
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // for(let index = 0; index < this.cardSrc.length;index++)
+ // {
+ // this.cardData.push(this.resolveUrl(this.cardSrc[index]))
+ // }
+ // }, 1000);
+ },
+ resolveUrl(url){
+ if(url ==''){
+ return;
+ }
+ let data = {};
+ url = url.split("/");
+ url = url[2];
+ url = url.split(":");
+ data.Username = url[0];
+ data.Port = 80;
+ url = url[1];
+ url = url.split("@");
+ data.ip = url[1];
+ data.Password = url[0];
+ data.channelName = "test1";
+ return data;
+ },
+ changeVideo(subjectName) {
+ if (subjectName == '')
+ return;
+ if(subjectName != this.currentSubject) {
+ this.currentSubject = subjectName;
+ // this.$refs.hkv.stopAll();
+ // this.$refs.hkCard.stopAll();
+ this.camaraData = []
+ this.cardData = []
+ this.initUrl(subjectName);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ // 获取全部单位
+ this.getAllUnits();
+ // 获取全部系统
+ this.getAllSystems();
+ // 建立任务的weksocket链接
+ this.initWebsoket();
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // this.initUrl('步坦协同课目');
+ // }, 1000);
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // console.log('this.camaraSrc :>> ', this.camaraSrc);
+ // for(let index = 0; index < this.camaraSrc.length;index++)
+ // {
+ // this.camaraData.push(this.resolveUrl(this.camaraSrc[index]))
+ // }
+ // console.log('this.camaraData :>> ', this.camaraData);
+ // }, 1000);
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // this.HKshow = true;
+ // }, 800);
+ // this.currentSubject = "步坦协同课目";
+ //
+ // // // 过14秒调用
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // for (let index = 0; index < this.camaraSrc.length; index++) {
+ // console.log('object :>> ',this.camaraSrc[index]);
+ // this.initVideo(this.camaraSrc[index], this.videoList[index]);
+ // }
+ // }, 5000);
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ this.HKshow = false;
+ if (this.playerList.length) {
+ this.playerList.forEach((item) => {
+ item.dispose();
+ });
+ }
+ let params ={}
+ const res = request("/dt_screen/video/videos/videoClose", "get", params, false);
+ }
+<style scoped>
+#videoPlayerTask {
+ width: 906px;
+ height: 350px;
+#videoPlayer_first {
+ width: 278px;
+ height: 164px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+#videoPlayer_second {
+ width: 278px;
+ height: 164px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+#videoPlayer_third {
+ width: 278px;
+ height: 164px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+#videoPlayer_fourth {
+ width: 278px;
+ height: 164px;
+.video_flex_style {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ padding: 10px 0;
+ box-sizing: border-box;