@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ <div class="video-player">
+ <div id="divPlugin" class="divPlugin" ></div>
+ <!-- <div id="divPlugin" class="divPlugin" ref="divPlugin" v-if="plugin">
+ </div> -->
+ <!-- <div class="down" v-else>
+ <a href="http://jbfsys.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/download/VideoWebPlugin-1564128302790.exe">下载</a>
+ </div> -->
+ </div>
+export default {
+name: 'videoPlayer',
+props: {
+ //从父组件传来的数据,IP、用户名、密码、端口号
+ companyVideoData:{
+ type:Object
+ },
+ //分屏
+ videoType:Number
+ data(){
+ return {
+ plugin:true ,
+ iWidth: "100%",
+ iHeight: "100%",
+ webVideo: {},
+ iStreamType: 1,
+ iProtocol: 1,
+ bZeroChannel: false,
+ xmlDocData:{},
+ g_iWndIndex:0, //可以不用设置这个变量,有窗口参数的接口中,不用传值,开发包会默认使用当前选择窗口
+ videoNum:''
+ };
+ },
+ created(){
+ },
+ mounted(){
+ this.videoInitPlugin();
+ },
+ destroyed(){
+ },
+ methods: {
+ videoInitPlugin(){
+ var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginInstall();
+ if (iRet === -1) {
+ alert("您还未安装过插件,请安装WebComponentsKit.exe插件!");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.initPlugin()
+ },
+ //插件初始化
+ initPlugin () {
+ var that = this;
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_InitPlugin(this.iWidth, this.iHeight, {
+ bWndFull: true,//是否支持单窗口双击全屏,默I_CheckPluginInstall
+ iWndowType: 2,
+ bDebugMode:true,
+ cbSelWnd: function (xmlDoc) {
+ },
+ });
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_InsertOBJECTPlugin("divPlugin");
+ // 检查插件是否最新
+ // if (-1 == WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginVersion()) {
+ // alert("检测到新的插件版本,请双击WebComponents.exe插件,进行升级!");
+ // // return;
+ // }
+ this.clickLogin(this.companyVideoData)
+ },
+ clickLogin(data) {
+ var that = this;
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(data.IP, 1, data.Port, data.Username, data.Password, {
+ success: function (xmlDoc) {
+ console.log("开始预览");//不能删除
+ that.getChannelInfo();
+ },
+ error: function () {
+ console.log("login error");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //获取通道
+ getChannelInfo(){
+ var that = this;
+ // 模拟通道
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(this.szIP, {
+ async: false,
+ success: function (xmlDoc) {
+ var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("VideoInputChannel");
+ nAnalogChannel = oChannels.length;
+ // console.log("获取模拟通道成功!")
+ },
+ error: function () {
+ // console.log("获取模拟通道失败!"+WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError())
+ }
+ });
+ // 数字通道
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDigitalChannelInfo(that.companyVideoData.IP, {
+ async: false,
+ success: function (xmlDoc) {
+ var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("InputProxyChannelStatus");
+ that.initPlay()
+ that.$emit('func',oChannels)//获取数字通道传给父组件
+ },
+ error: function () {
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError()
+ // console.log("获取数字通道失败!"+WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError())
+ }
+ });
+ // 零通道
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_GetZeroChannelInfo(this.szIP, {
+ async: false,
+ success: function (xmlDoc) {
+ var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("ZeroVideoChannel");
+ },
+ error: function () {
+ // console.log("获取零通道失败!"+WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError())
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //初始化视频,为了让用户进来就可以看到视频播放
+ initPlay(){
+ let szIP = this.companyVideoData.IP;//ip地址
+ var iStreamType = 1;
+ //循环16次是因为插件分屏最大为4x4(可以根据情况而定)
+ for(let i = 0;i<16;i++){
+ var iChannelID = parseInt(i+1, 10);
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szIP, {
+ iStreamType: iStreamType,
+ iChannelID: iChannelID,
+ iWndIndex:i
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // 点击查看具体哪个监控
+ startRealPlay(oChannels) {
+ let that = this;
+ let szIP = this.companyVideoData.IP;//ip地址
+ let iChannelID = oChannels;//播放通道号
+ var iStreamType = 1;
+ var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(that.g_iWndIndex);
+ if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已经在播放了,先停止
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop();
+ }
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szIP, {
+ iStreamType: iStreamType,
+ iChannelID: iChannelID,
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ //因为项目中需求,总公司要查看所有子公司的监控,所以做了个监听来切换查看各个子公司的监控
+ watch:{
+ companyVideoData:{
+ handler(val,oldval) {
+ if(oldval){
+ for(let i = 0;i<16;i++){
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop(i);//停止正在播放的页面
+ }
+ this.$emit('func',"")
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_Logout(oldval.IP)
+ this.clickLogin(this.companyVideoData)
+ }
+ },
+ immediate:true,//关键
+ deep:true
+ },
+ videoType:{
+ handler(val,oldval) {
+ if(oldval){
+ WebVideoCtrl.I_ChangeWndNum(this.videoType);//分屏
+ this.initPlay()
+ }
+ },
+ immediate:true,//关键
+ deep:true
+ }
+ }
+<style scoped>
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ color:red;
+ /* display: flex; */
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ }
+ .down{
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ color:red;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ }
+ .down a{
+ color:red;
+ }